- End of Phase Two -

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The white coats marched into the berg and surrounded each of us. Except Brenda and Jorge. Two people took an arm each and another two stood behind me. "What's going on?" I demanded, I turned my head and saw Brenda shaking hands with one of the people in white coats. A tinge of pain hit me in the chest. She is one of them. She works for WICKED. "Shucking slinthead" I mumbled, I think the woman stood behind me thought I was talking to her because she hit me on the back of the head with something. It hurt.
I heard Newt shouting my name but eventually he gave up. We were all going to the same place.

They sat us down in a room and I noticed Teresa wasn't there either. I immediately ran to Newt as soon as the doors shut and hugged him, he hugged me back even tighter. The room was white metal, the floor was the same, it was cold and there was one strip light on the ceiling. "What do you suppose is going to happen to us now?" Harriet said leaning against the wall. "I don't know, I don't really want to find out either." I replied sliding down the wall and pulling my knees to my chest.

"Man, I'm hungry!" Minho broke the silence and I couldn't help but laugh a little. 

"Subject A7" a man said as he opened the door. Everyone looked around and the Minho stood up. I looked closely at the man and knew exactly who it was. It was Janson, the slinthead who wanted to kill me. He lead Minho out of the room.

Every 5 minutes he came back and escorted another person out of the room. There were three of us left, me, Newt and Thomas. "Where do you think they are taking them?" I said, I was shaking because of the cold. Newt held me tighter as the door opened. "Subject A5" Newt sighed and stood up. I stood up with him, he kissed me passionately. "I love you greenie! I'll see you soon ok?" He kissed my forehead and reluctantly let go of my hand as he walked out of the door.

Thomas and I sat in silence for what seemed like hours. I'm pretty sure it was hours before the door opened again. "Now then. Thomas come with me." Janson said in his slimy voice. Thomas hugged me quickly and left. Then I was alone.

I paced back and forwards in the room. I was starting to panic. I hate small spaces. The walls felt like they were closing in on me. My breathing go heavier and my palms were sweating. I pressed them against the cool metal walls so hard I left a dent.

The door opened and a woman and Janson walked in a closed the door behind them. "Y/N! Good to see you survived the scorch!" Janson said crossing his arms. "Do you remember me?" The lady said, I did remember her. Dr Ava Paige. I nodded.
"Good. Ok this is your room for the next two weeks" my eyes widened. They expected me to stay here for two weeks?!

The door opened again and big men with guns walked in followed by Brenda. "You?! What the he do you want traitor!" I shouted. Her head was hanging and she looked sad. The bigger men held me as I struggled. "I'm so sorry Y/N" she said and I felt a sharp pain in my neck. It was a needle. Before i could fight back I flopped to the floor, I wasn't unconscious, I was just numb everywhere. I couldn't move or talk or blink. "She's going to get her memories back right?" Brenda said sadly. I wanted to scream, fight. But I couldn't. I didn't want my memories back. I don't want to know to what happened to me. "Yes. The others will have a choice in two weeks time. But Y/N will get gets back today. She has to." Ava said. She looked down at me and whispered I'm sorry. I wanted to reach up and punch her in the face but I couldn't. No matter how hard I willed myself to move I just couldn't. I blacked out.

I woke up led on a bed, in the same room I blacked out in. Except all I could think about was the excruciating headache. I sat up horrified. I put both hands on my head and realised that I remembered everything. All I could do was scream.

I had my memories back.

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