- Magic Goop that eats People -

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I was woken up to a dripping noise, the tap was leaking. "Oh man! What time is it?" I jumped up and realised that we had to be through a 'flat trans' whatever that is, at 6am this morning! I was almost certain they wouldn't leave without me but if they couldn't get the door open, maybe they would. Either wait I looked at myself in the mirror, I had huge black bags under my eyes, I cupped water in my hands and threw it over my face, that woke me up a bit. I walked to the door and slowly opened it, I stretched as sleeping against a wall isn't the comfiest thing in the world. The door creaked a little as it opened, the room was dimly lit by one lamp on the other side of the room, I walked out into the big room where ratman was yesterday and I crossed the room, looking up to check the bodies had definitely gone. I walked in the room and saw every boy asleep, I stood there and looked around, Aris was sleeping in the bed I used. I put my hand on my wrist and felt the watch. "Oh I'm an idiot!" I whispered and raised the watch to my face, it read 1:00 am. I sighed and walked back out into the room, there was an armchair in the room and I sat on it and swung both of my legs over one of the arms.

"Why shouldn't I go.?" I said to myself "maybe going back to WICKED would be easier, I wouldn't hurt anyone, I'd be tested on yeah but I have been before it's no biggie right? I mean how much pain can it really be? I've had a griever leg in my shoulder. Maybe I shouldn't go." I said loudly. "Don't you dare say that!" A voice from behind me said. I turned around and saw Minho leaning in the door frame with his arms folded. "Hey" I said quietly, Minho walked over and sat on the floor in front of me. "You are coming with us greenie!" Minho insisted. "But he said I will get worse, I could end up hurting someone Minho!" I said stretching my arms above my head. "Hey! You won't you'll be fine. We can help you!" He said moving his hands to my leg. "Minho promise me something?" I said looking him in the eyes. "What?"
"If I get out of hand...kill me!" I said looking in his eyes for some form of agreement. "You got it greenie!" He said, but I could tell he didn't mean it, he stood up and turns away from me. I stood up and stood behind him. "Minho, Newt won't do it. I need you to promise me. Please!" I begged him, I put a hand on his back and he turned and swiftly pulled me into a hug. "Killing you is a last resort. Okay?! A last resort!!" He said loudly, he let me go and walked back into the room.

5:55am and everyone was standing around waiting, we had bags of food and bottles of water, we also packed the sheets just in case. "Ok Thomas you go last. Make sure Y/N goes before you okay?" Minho shot me a look and I rolled my eyes. Worst comes to worse I can just leave them if I get too bad. I can walk away before I hurt someone. So I decided I would go with them. "I will go first and everyone just follow okay? Don't muck around we only have 5 minutes." He said again. When our watches struck 6 a silvery rectangle appeared. "I assume this is it right?" I said examining the shape. "I'll go first" Minho said and he disappeared through the silvery metallic shape. A few seconds later a hand appeared and he made the okay sign with his hand. So the rest of us followed and went through the flat trans.

We emerged in a dark room. When I say dark I mean pitch black. "Alright Thomas? Everyone in?" Minho shouted "Yep!" Thomas shouted back. "Okay then. Everyone hold on to the person in front of you!" I put my hand on Minho and felt Newts hands on my waist. We walked together fine for a while and then we heard a scream. "OH GOD!!!" Thomas shouted, "Thomas, what's wrong?" I said and he mumbled something in panic, all I heard was boy....head...ball....metal... "Thomas slow down." I said "boy in front of me has a metal ball for a head!" When he said that we heard swooshing noises. "Ok. Be careful. Don't get your head eaten by metal."

We all walked for a while and no one else got hurt. "Ah shuck! Stairs!" Minho said. We were careful as we climbed them. All of a sudden a bright light swamped the staircase, it was so bright we had to turn away. "Argh. Don't look at the light!" Minho grunted. Another scream filled the room, Winston was on the stairs clutching at the goop on his head, it was slowly covering it, he screamed for help. I ran back down the stairs and took the sheet out of my bag, I wrapped my hand in and touched his face, the hoop stuck to the sheet, good job it wasn't my hand. "Alright Winston hang on!" And I pulled using every ounce of strength I had, and I have a lot. The goop flew off his face. I breathed and looked back up at Winston's head, his face was red and blotchy but he was ok. "Thanks Y/N" he said touching his face gently, I nodded and helped Winston on his feet.
"Brilliant. Magic goop that eats people" Newt said putting his head against the wall. Minho ran back down the steps. "DO NOT GO OUT THERE. I NEARLY COMBUSTED!" He shouted, "what?" I said pacing on one step. "It's too hot for bare skin out there greenie!" He said, I walked up the steps and the light did hurt my eyes but it was bearable. "Greenie no!" Newt said holding my arm, "I'll be okay!" I said smiling and I walked out into the bright light, the heat hit me immediately and it was overwhelming. My eyes adjusted pretty quickly and I could see faint outlines of buildingS but everywhere was just sand.

Then my hands caught on fire.

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