- Daylight Storm -

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We looked in horror at the moving lightning bolts. They were coming towards us fast. "run!" I said, I started running "RUN!" And the boys followed me, we aimed for the first building we saw but we weren't quick enough. A bolt of lightning stuck a foot away from me and the shock knocked me over, Thomas picked me up, nodded and then we carried on running. I heard a cry and looked behind me and saw Winston on the ground. "No." I ran back towards the storm "greenie wait!" Newt shouted, he ran after me, I knelt next to Winston as more bolts crashed around me, a branch off of one hit my arm, it stung but I could bare it, I had been shocked before.
"Y/N come on!" Newt said "he's already dead!" Newt said sadly pulling my arm, I looked at him and the light in his eyes had gone. A tear dropped from my face onto his hand. I stood up and ran, the others were ahead of us by this point, but the storm moved quicker than even I could run.


Another bolt hit someone. I heard a tell and a boy flew in the air. It was Minho. He slammed back on the ground, I screamed and ran over to him. He was led on the floor, his body was shaking, he had lots bits of hair and skin from his head and other parts of his body looked like my hands. His eyes were looking straight up, I put two fingers on his neck "please let there be a pulse. Please tell me he's alive" I said under my breath. Then I felt it. I sighed and he looked at me. "Don't you dare leave me here!" He crackled "I'm still alive shanks!" I laughed as a tear fell down my cheek, ever the hero, Minho.

I lifted him up and we ran to the next building, it was the same as the one Teresa was in. I sat Minho against the wall and gave him some water. Everyone sat down and listened to the crashing bolts of electricity hit the ground. My mind flashed to Winston. He was my closest friend but he was in the maze from the beginning and I considered him family. I leant in the door frame watching the bright bolts his the sand. The sky was getting dark and I could feel the temperature dropping. Thank goodness. "We sleep here. Then tomorrow we'll go further in and see if we can find some supplies" Minho said through a tired voice, he didn't move just sat there propped up, he was in a lot of pain. "It had to be me!" Minho moaned, I laughed and so did everyone else "look shank. Winston is dead. You should feel lucky. You could've been dead too!" Newt said prodding Minho, he flinched and punched Newt in the shoulder, I smiled but rolled my eyes. I left the door and shut it and sat down next to Newt. "How are your hands?" He asked, I held them up and unwrapped the sheets. "They don't hurt anymore" I said analysing the still burnt skin, it would heal eventually.

The storm finally stopped after about an hour, we had managed a fire in the room. Most of the boys were asleep except Thomas. "Get some sleep Tommy" I said standing up and pacing around the room, I couldn't sit still. "What about you?" He said laying down on his bag "I'll be fine! I'll wake Minho up to watch in a minute!" I giggled and Thomas closed his eyes.

I stood and stared out of one of the broken windows. I could no longer see the buildings in the distance because of the dark sky. I looked up and I saw stars, for the first time. The little white dots filling the black sky comforted me, we were in the real world now. Not some artificial one. They were pretty, if I had a camera i would've taken a picture.

"Hey greenie!" Newt said wrapping his arms around me, I sighed because it felt nice. "Hey" I said turning around, I rested my head on his chest and he squeezed me tightly. "Do you think we'll make it?" I asked taking some of Newts shirt in my hand. "Yes. I have no doubt" he said kissing the top of my head. I smiled and nodded, "come on you get some sleep I'll watch" he said, I nodded as I could feel my eyes drooping. "Yah know Minho isn't going to shut up moaning now right?" Newt said laughing quietly "yeah, he will think he's some form of hero now! It'll be 'oh but I survived being struck by lightning!' Card' I laughed and sat down, "no come here" Newt said smiling and he pulled me into his lap and gently rocked, I know it's a child thing but it felt nice and o soon drifted of to sleep, I still had hold of Newts shirt.

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