- Ratman -

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I stood behind Minho, he was a lot broader and taller than i was so when I was stood behind him you couldn't see me. Newt walked forward with Thomas. The other boys stood in a group, me and Minho stayed back. "Um who are you?" Thomas asked walking towards the man. He bumped into something that wasn't there but his hands were flat against something. "There's a barrier here" Thomas said looking behind him to look at the group of guys. The man who im my opinion literally looked like a rat. He had a long nose and and a thin face.

"Thomas, give up" ratman said. His voice was deep and slimy. "I work for WICKED. You are very special. However the outside world has been ravaged by a brain-infecting disease called the flare. It eats at your brain and turns you into a monster"

"Um so what are you telling us this for?" Newt said walking forward.

"Ah, Newt. Well you see you have all been exposed to it. The disease I mean." Ratman looked at Newt in a way that scared me. I flinched and Minho reached his hand behind him and took my hand, I was glad he was there.

"So what are you here to tell us we are going to die or something?" Thomas said folding his arms.

"Well you will if you don't do exactly as i say" The man says.

"We're listening" Minho piped up, a few of the boys turned around to look at him, Minho didn't let go of my hand.

"Minho, my boy! OK, Tomorrow morning at 6 am a flat trans will appear, it will appear for 5 minutes. No more no less. When you do this the Scorch Trials will have begun. You will then have 2 weeks to go 100 miles north and reach the haven. Then and only then will you be cured of the flare. Fail to make it to the haven in time and you will be stuck in the scorch and will die eventually. Now do you understand? The maze was phase one, this is phase two and things are about to get difficult!" He said smiling. I thought hard about everything he said and tried to remember it.

"Y/N. Stop hiding behind Minho, I'd like to talk to you" Ratman said, I stayed behind Minho for a while, he turned around "You OK?" He asked, I gulped and nodded as i walked from behind him and up to the barrier. "Oh Y/N. You've grown up haven't you! Last time i saw you like this you were 15!" He says smiling and putting his book down on his desk.

"Now your scared of me. Why?"

"I don't know, I feel like I know you."

"Well you do, I looked after you for half of your life!"


"You know you were a WICKED experiment, don't play stupid. You aren't stupid, your IQ is the highest recorded, ever!"

"What?" I was getting a little bit annoyed. "Just tell me what you want"

"Very well. You are not like the rest of your group"

"Obviously" I said sourly.

"I am telling you now. Do. Not. Go. Into. The Scorch."

"What? Why?"

"You aren't ready to see the outside world yet. Your strength and anger will only get worse out there. Do not go with your friends."

"I'm sorry? What should I do then?"

"Come back to WICKED with me. I'll give your memory back and we can carry on with the testing."

"What? NO! I don't want my memory back"

"You already have some of it back though don't you? You remember what we did to you. You remember that it was either the maze or death"

I nodded.

"greenie, why didn't you tell me?" Newt said putting an arm around my waist.

"Oh i did enjoy watching you two in the maze. So cute. Shame really"

"Why is it a shame?"

"You'll find out, after phase two. Now remember flat trans at 6 am. Y/N I suggest you don't go. But if you do then good luck to you. 2 weeks, reach haven. 100 miles north" The barrier went foggy and then cleared a few seconds later and the man inside it was gone.

I pushed through the boys and went back into Aris' bathroom which i had now claimed. I locked the door and just sat on the white tiles, they were cool against my legs. There were knocks and boys asking if i was okay, I just ignored them and I actually fell asleep.

Girl In The Scorch (Newt X Reader Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now