- Aris -

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"Where did you come from? and where's the girl who was in here last night?" I asked him. The boy called Aris walked towards me, he was about my height but his face was very child-like, it reminded me of Chuck and I felt a lump in my throat. He put his hand out to touch me and I flinched backwards. "Whoa. What are you doing?" I said nervously. "Oh. Uh sorry, Um there was no girl in here last night, i'm the only one here." he said shrugging his shoulders. "Is it just you here?" He asked. I kept eye contact with him, "Hey Guys!!! Get in here please!" I shouted, Aris stepped back slightly as the boys came flying in, "What's the matter greenie?" Newt said in a hurry, he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm fine..." I said and pointed to Aris.

"Oh Shuck. It's a boy! " Minho said. "Where did you come from?!" I said again stepping in front of the boys. "The maze. The buggin' maze!" He said.

I had to stop and think about what he just said. He wasn't in the maze....unless. NO. NO. NO. Unless there was another maze. The maze was tasting us right? Well we could have just been one group, who knows how many people they have tested. I decided to keep quiet until I knew more.

We walked out into the room with the beds and the boys arranged them so we could all see each other, "So kid. Talk!"Thomas said "because that plaque out there has Teresa's name on it so where is she?! And why did you say you came out of the maze" I could see Thomas getting stressed and upset. I stood in front of him and put my hands on his cheeks, "Thomas, it's okay. Calm down!"

"Hey how come you're OK with that!" Minho said pointing to me and Thomas, "Because Tommy knows when she's only being nice. You don't Shank!" Newt said poking Minho with his finger. "Aris, please just tell us what you know" I said sitting next to Thomas, Newt winked at me from across the room as if to say 'good job'. "OK, so i was sent up in this box to a maze full of girls. They were all hating me because they said i triggered all this bad stuff to happen, then we escaped a few days ago, they kept us all together until last night when they moved me in here!" We all looked at him with our mouths hanging open, he described Thomas' life in the maze, expect i don't think we ever hated him, maybe Gally did and some of the others but OK. "

"Whoa. Could you speak telepathically to a someone in there? Were there grievers and stuff?" Thomas said standing up. "WAIT WHAT?! Whose speaking telepathically?" I said standing up and looking at him. "Oh. Yeah i could speak with Teresa like that" he said, "And you're telling us this now?!" I said flailing my arms around.

"So, there was another shucking maze!" Minho shouted. "Brilliant" Newt said again. "It was obvious, we all knew the maze was a test. I guess it as more of an experiment. Why wasn't I in the other maze if it was all girls? Hey, Was there another guy in your maze?" I asked Aris, he flickered his eyes up and down, "Um nope. Just me" he said putting his hands on his knees. Why was I in this group and why wasn't there another guy in his maze? I had so many questions and i could feel my head starting to hurt again. "Um Y/N, are you OK?" Minho said standing in front of me, I felt dizzy, my muscles started to go limp, i tried to fight it but i couldn't and i collapsed to the floor and i heard the faint voices of people shouting my name and then they stopped.

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