- FOOD! -

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We sat around on the beds talking to each other, about absolutely nothing most of the time but the silence was too much for everyone to handle. We had blocked off the door as quickly as we could to stop the foul smell from the dead bodies seeping in. I sat with Newt, he calmed me down and I didn't feel as angry when i was around him, he had his arms around me constantly, like he refused to let me go. Minho gave us death stares, but he means well. My shoulder pain had died down a little, it was an ache and lets face it, in my time i have had many aches, I've been stabbed four times! and scratched about a million. The thought made me laugh.

"Are you guys going to be like this the..." Minho began but he was cut off by a familiar sound. "Hey isn't that the sound the box made?" I said shaking off Newt's arms and standing up, I looked at the ceiling, I didn't know what that was going to accomplish. "Yeah. Bloody hell that's loud" Newt said covering his ears with his hands. Thomas walked over to the door and tried to open it, by pushing, seeing as i had broken the handle off already. "It's locked!" he said turning around "Who locked it?" We all looked at him confused, we have all be sat here, none of us could have locked it without someone seeing. "Y/N!" Thomas called out, trying to be heard over the sound. "Yeah, yeah, hang on...HOW THE BLOODY HELL IS IT LOCKED? THERE IS NO SHUCKING HANDLE!" I shouted, and I was right, there was no handle, through the gap we could see the room on the other side but it was just darkness. I pushed the door as hard as i could and it fell forward in to the black space in front of us, the ringing stopped.

"Thank bloody Jesus for that!" Newt said removing his hands from his face. "Hang on, i'll go and find the light switch, we don't want everyone bumping into dead bodies now do we!" Minho said, the darkness engulfed him and I could hear faint footsteps as he got farther away. I had a thought, I couldn't smell the bodies anymore, the foul smell had gone, or I had gotten used to it and it didn't bother me anymore. "Found it!" He shouted and he flicked the switch. "Whaaaaa?" Minho said as he looked around the now lit up room. The bodies had gone.

"Um OK, so there were bodies there right? I wasn't just seeing things earlier?" I said stepping forward into the now spotless room. "No they were definitely here!" Winston said and followed me into the room. "No way they were able to move all those bodies in time!" Newt said walking around, he was right. "The windows!" Thomas cried, he ran over to one of the bigger windows, previously there had been 'Cranks' outside of them, now there was solid red bricks. "Ok so even if they were quick with the bodies, there was no way they could brick over all these windows and and have it dry in this much time!" Newt said tapping on the brick. "Newt's right, something weird is going on here!" I said walking back to the middle of the room. I looked behind me and saw the door that led to our original dorm room, I walked in and saw the beds had been made, everything was clean and spotless and on top of each dresser was a new set of clothes and a watch. I looked at the dresser that was mine and there were clothes on it. I ran back out into the bigger room "Hey guys, new clothes in here!" I said smiling, i saw the boys faces light up and they followed me back into the room. "Um hey Aris, can i use your room for a shower? Seeing as it is a girls bathroom?" I laughed, he nodded and smiled. "Need some company?" Minho winked at me, "Um. Yeah no! Nice try shank!" I said sourly, I wanted to be alone, I didn't even want Newt with me at the moment. I locked the bathroom door and set my new clothes down in a dry spot. I turned the shower on and let the hot water hit my skin, It felt really nice, I washed all the dirt out of my hair until it felt soft and clean again. I stood there under the water for a lot longer than I thought, just staring at the tiled wall. I looked at my fingers which were now wrinkly from the duration of my shower. I got dressed and dried my hair as best as i could before putting it up into a ponytail. My new clothes were the exact same as my old ones. A black tank top with brown shorts, socks and boots. This time i had a brown jacket with multiple pockets in, but I draped that over my arm and left the room.

"Did you even change?" Minho asked smiling, "Yep, seems they liked my old outfit so much, they gave me the same bloody thing!" I said as i sat back down on my bed. Minho had a black shirt on, long cargo trousers and boots, Newt was wearing a white shirt with the same trousers as Minho but a lighter color. We all had jackets of differentiating colors. In fact all of the boys outfits were the same just different colors, like in the glade. "You OK?" Newt said sitting next to me, he took my hand and kissed my cheek. "Yeah i'm fine, just bored and hungry!" When i said the word hungry all the boys groaned in unison, we were all feeling the ache of hunger.

I walked back into the big room and noticed something. I walked back over to Aris' room and the plaque outside no longer said Teresa Agnes on it but it had changed to Aris Jones. "That definitely said Teresa's name on earlier." I shook my head and walked back into the room with everyone else.

Everyone was sat on beds, some were laying down. I walked over to Newt's bed and led next to him, he put his arm under my neck. "This is our life now huh?" I said giggling a little at the situation we were in. "Maybe" Newt said turning his face to look at me, he kissed me softly on the lips and then i moved so my head was on him and he wrapped his arms around me, once again i felt safe. Somehow we ended up falling asleep, as did the other boys.

I woke up and saw that Newt was gone, I got up and saw everyone's bed empty. "Oh no!" I said, I had a horrible vision that it was just me here now. I started to pace back and forward.

"Hey greenie! Food!" A voice said from behind me, I spun around and leaped into Minho's arms, I was relieved to see him, "Now this is what i'm talking about!" He said laughing as he hugged me tighter, I pushed away "Um i'm just happy to see you, where is everyone! and did you say food?!" I said, my mouth started watering at the word. He laughed "Come on!" And we walked into the main room again, in the middle of the room was a table full of food "What?!" I said, a bit too loudly because the boys spun around and smiled at me with mouthfuls of food. I walked over to the pile and grabbed an apple, I was quite partial to apples, i ate so many in the glade. "Ah my old friend!" I said laughing as i took a bite. "Oh and there's something else" Minho said pointing behind me, I turned around trying to guess what glorious thing this was.

A man was sat at a desk, in a white coat reading a book. Fear came over me and I could not work out why. I stepped back and bumped into Minho, "Whoa, greenie what's the matter?" He said looking into my eyes, "You're scared, why?" he asked. "Him. I don't know but it set something off. We should be afraid of him Minho!" I said, Minho pushed me gently behind him and looked at the man. "What's wrong?" Newt said wiping his mouth. "Greenie is frightened of him. She doesn't know why but she says we should be too!" He said putting an arm out in front of me.

The man slowly turned his head, he pushed his glasses back up to sit properly on his noes. His slim mouth curved into a smile, his eyes directly met mine and another wave of panic washed over me. he looked like he was about to say something, but instead he turned back around and flipped the page in his book, continuing to read. "This guy is on creepy ass bitch" Minho said looking at me and then Newt.

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