chapter 1

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Raven Nakiri was around 3-4 years old when her love for horses and equestrian sport began and it was around this time but closer to 4 years the same age as her sister Erina Nakiri did their own personal hell began.

For Erina it was 10 years of life in the limelight being love and fawned over by chefs from around the world all trying to to please the god tongue and the world's perfect palate. All the while suffering unseen psychological and emotional torture from her father.
But for Raven at the tender age 4 began 10 years of being completely forgotten by all her family even though her of learning and caring for her horses would help go on to win first place ribbons, medals, plaques and trophies. And thousands in prize money. But her love for equestrian sports was a dangerous passion leading her suffer some very painful and even life threatening injuries all of which when unnoticed, never celebrated and never cared about.

 Raven's passion begins 
It was Raven and Erina's third birthday a huge party was thrown at Nakiri mansion nothing was left out music, games, and of course their grandfather's amazing cooking and even horse rides.
Erina was absolutely in love with all the games and music she was playing with Alice and Hisako when the three of them heard that grandfather Senzaemon was going to start a cooking demonstration they all went to watch.
Their mother and father watch with joy as their little Erina's face lit up with wonder and fascination as she watched her grandfather go on with his demonstration. But upon tasting the dish both Azami and Senzaemon saw a slight drop in Erina's face and started to grow both intrigued and worried.
Erina didn't want to hurt or be rude to her grandfather by her telling him his dishes tasted awful even though she didn't know why it tasted so wrong to her. So she smiled sweetly and thanked him for everything he done. Then went to go play with Alice and Hisako. 

Mana she hadn't seen Erina's reaction to her father incredible dishes and so was unaware that her daughter struggles with eating food was beginning to appear, Mana had gone down to the paddock where the horses were with Raven.
She couldn't help but smile has she watched her beautiful little raven-haired daughter interact so sweetly with a beautiful black Arabian mare and her foal.
Her interactions with foal made Mana smile the most. The gorgeous little creature was 3 days old at most but with a few hours of playing had already form a bond with Raven.
The party went on for hours Raven was up and down the huge garden all day to play Erina, Alice and Hisako and have some food but as soon as she was finished and had let her stomach settle.
She was back down at the paddock to ride the big horses and play with the little foal she called Jet who for being so young he was already very fast.

But by the time sun was starting to set Alice and her parents had gone home. Azami had gone inside to put Erina and Hisako to bed.

Back down at the sables

Mana was walking Raven back up to the house as she was very tired because when Erina, Alice and Hisako were playing and having something to eat.

Raven was getting stuck in with the stable hands cleaning the stable evening the really smelly ones and filling up hay nets so horses could eat, even though it was hard and tiring work she loved being around horses and they very gentle with her.
Unfortunately she was still way too small to carry the water. But Mana couldn't be more proud of her daughter interacting with horses pretty much all day. Raven knew what she wanted to do with her life and wasn't cooking.

Raven had made up mind she wanted ride horses for a living and asked her mother after receiving at much need bath.

After the bath Raven just came out to her mother she wanted to keep the Arabian mare and foal. Mana was slightly taken back by sudden request by the daughter,
Raven wasn't normally so up front and direct when it came to requests especially when it was for something she wanted.
After thinking for bit and seeing how Raven had been so good with them and not even caring how tired she became or how dirty she got. Raven still wanted be with the horses so
Mana couldn't really say no.
And during the night Mana had talked to both father and Azami about Raven's request to own the mare and foal.
They both agreed but unfortunately the mare and foal weren't for sale. 

The next morning

They had all agreed to letting Raven have her very own horse and much to her delight and disappointment she would have to wait until her next birthday before she start to own and look after her very own horse.
Even though she couldn't have her own horse yet her mother and father had decided to sign her up to join a weekend riding school for junior riders where Raven would learn all the lesson on horses and world of equestrian sport.

Because Raven and Erina's birthday around the summer holidays, she was allowed to attend the riding school everyday all through the summer.
But when the holidays were over she would be in Totsuki bored out of skull because although Totsuki academy was a school and did have regular classes like Maths and English
it's main and most important classes were culinary based, which did nothing for her except teach her how to avoid food poisoning. And bore her brains out.

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