chapter 36

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To say that Soma was shocked to know that he was facing Akira was quite the understatement however it was what he saw which really threw him. Though he responded with his usual manner. "Hey there Akira! It looks as if there's some weird badge stuck to your shirt? But it a joke Yeah?!"

"There is no joking and no mistake Soma Yukihira! I' am now in a position where I can administer exams now!" Akira proudly and arrogantly announced
"So Akira! I never would've thought that this is what you were doing while you were gone. Now I have some questions! What the hell happed to the Shiomi seminar?!"

"Oh that. Well it's gone now!" Soma was stuck for words the seminar was gone? the place he, Ryo and Akira hung out together. "The Azami administration has no need for independent organizations. As is the new way at Totsuki!" Raven had heard that Akira Hayama was a little stuck up but this was a whole new level of arrogant.

"Now I have some questions of my own for both you and Miss Shadow. What have you been doing? You protected your dorm and gone against director Azami! At the fall selection you showed me fangs and was all about taking the top spot! Was that all just a lie? And you Miss Shadow?" 

"What am I being questioned for. Mister Hayama?"
"Well the fact that you are the girlfriend to Ryo. So perhaps you could explain where the Black Dragon has been this whole time? I'm sure Soma would love to know as well".

The Night Before

After He and Raven headed off for different destinations. Ryo made his way to hotel where the test against one of the Ten would take place. Fortunately he wasn't alone for Master Senzaemon had accompanied him making sure any of Azami's henchmen didn't interfered which his future Grandson in-law.

After getting settled into the hotel the member of Ten who was stationed at the hotel soon made himself known. Somei Saito the number four seat his position changed after Chef Megishima was removed for not agreeing with the new directors rules.

"Ryo Kurokiba. So I finally get to meet the Black Dragon!" Ah Somei Saito so you're the one I'll be facing".
"You've been pretty quiet since the festival?' Well I like to be well prepared when it comes to Exams".

"I see, Well since it is still early and you're the first to arrive. What do you say we get this over with?"
"That will suit me just fine! But how do I know this challenge will be fair. After all you are a part of Central. And willing to do and play any and all dirty tricks so long as it means Azami wins, Right!"

"I swear that as one the last bushido warriors. I will see this challenge as fair and just! I'll even let you choose the theme. What say you?"
"Very well. Theme will salmon". Ryo decided to keep thing Very fair as both him and Somei were well versed in seafood.

The test came to an end after two hours. Both Ryo and Saito had finished around the same time. Somei had made the well known sushi known as nigiri. Where Ryo had made the breakfast he made for his beloved Raven after she had be injured the salmon Shiozake. But just like his battle against Akira and Soma in Fall Selection. Ryo held back as to not reveal his true skill to early. But he still managed to keep pace with Somei.

Plus thanks to his undying love for Raven and even though he was a part from her. Ryo's love and dedication to her never faltered allowing his and Somei Saito's dishes were judged as equal for a clear winner could not be called.

And so Ryo past his Elite Ten challenge as Somei had agreed to leave thing as a draw for now. For it was clear Ryo was truly skilled but something told him The Black Dragon was holding back. Saito and Ryo parted ways the challenge had took it toll. And Saito had to rest for the challenges in the morning.

Ryo on the other hand had informed Master Senzaemon that he had past albeit barely. "Good evening Master. I have past the Ten challenge" Excellent Ryo! Now get some rest I have just found out that Azami will be heading the venue where Erina's group is stationed. We will heading there with Dojima and Joichiro first thing in the morning".

Back with Raven

"Well I don't really approve of you speaking to Shadow so rudely! But I am curious as to where Ryo has been?" Soma said turning to Raven/Shadow hoping she would finally let that part of his brain rest.

"Ryo has simply been training for the exams. And with so much on the line he couldn't be distracted. But don't worry I got a call from my beloved Ryo early this morning telling me he has already past the Ten challenge and he will be joining us shortly. So it's between you and Soma now".

Hearing that Ryo had past made Soma a little less worried. "Well it's good to know he hasn't been dragging his feet unlike you Soma! Where myself I now hold the top spot but I am aiming for higher! And to do that I must crush you in a challenge I trust you will accept! Yes!?"

"Cut the crab! of course I will accept a revenge match against you? I couldn't ask for more! So what will the format and rules and judging better be fair!".

Raven was so caught up with the back forth she hadn't noticed Chef Dojima until he began speaking  about the rules which almost gave her a heart attack! But if he was here....."I'll be arriving with your Grandfather, chef Dojima and Soma dad". That meant her beautiful Ryo was here to. So being that Soma, Takumi, Megumi and Erina were now being tested. She decide to find Ryo and get herself warmed up.

freezing cold weather and body riddled with broken bones meant a lot pain. Especially around neck and spine. After wandering around the hotel corridors Raven was soon reunited with Ryo. Or rather he crept up behind her and Raven into a very appreciated and loving hug.

"There you are my goddess". Ryo said as he kissed her head Raven sank into his chest loving the way his muscular arms just enveloped her. "Ryo! I know you said you past but what happened?"
"The dishes were to even to call so Chef Saito agreed on leaving things as a draw for now". Raven gave a tired sigh and smiled the cold was really to course her body to ache. This did not go unnoticed. "Are you alright my love?"

"Yeah...It's just the cold weather making my body tense up and become painful. Especially my neck and spine".
"Well then let's go get you warmed up". As they made their way to one of the kitchens so Ryo could make some food to warm and sooth his goddess. They ran into someone nether of them were expecting to see.       

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