chapter 18

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Fall selection finals
at last the finals of the Fall Selection was here and Ryo's dish had been perfected it was able to showcase the message he needed to be known. he was waiting in the wings with Raven for it to start. "Are you ready for this Ryo?"...more than ready and one more thing ". He reached for his bandana untying it from around his wrist and instead of tying around his head he draped around Raven neck. "Wha!..but don't you need it?" he simply shook his head. "No...the real reason I've stopped using it is because...I have you. You're all the inspiration and passion I need".
Raven couldn't hold back her smile as she walk into him hugging him with all the love she could muster. Soon it was time for the finals to begin she walked with Ryo to the entrance of the arena floor and stopped just before left. He brought his hand up to her chin bringing her into a love flooded kiss. "Go get em Ryo!". Raven said as she gave his powerful hand one last kiss before letting him go.

She stood just close enough to where only he could see her. It didn't take long for all to come together. From the judges which included her aunty Leonora and Gin Dojima plus her grandfather/director Senzaemon to the introduction of Ryo, Soma and Akira. She could see Erina was with their grandfather and Alice had taken the excuse that her mother was here to join her cousin.
Ryo, Soma and Akira were soon asked to present the fish they going use and no surprise Ryo's and Akira's were truly beautiful specimens Soma's...however not so much.
soon the roof opened revealing the full moon which signal them to begin cooking.

But the crowd soon noticed something was off with Ryo and that was because his red bandana was nowhere to be seen and even himself was very different to how he was during the semi's. Even though it was clear he was a blaze with passion. He wasn't his normal wild mad dog self. This was because unbeknownst to everyone which included Alice. That he was pairing his wild, powerful passion and his incredible skill with his love and devotion to Raven into making the Best dish he could for her.
Yes he was doing all this for his beloved Raven and he was loving it.

The crowd also took note of how relaxed he was and even though relaxed his physique had gotten so much better. Something that certainly didn't get overlooked by the countless girl who fawned over him. Unaware he only had eyes for Raven now to whom he had been watching though corner of eye making sure she was safe.
This was confirmed whenever he looked up to check she gave him a sweet smile and thumbs up acknowledging to him that she was indeed safe.

Because Ryo had allowed his love for Raven into his heart and accepted it. The added oxygen in his veins helped him see things so much clearer and even though he believed he was moving slower and with more care. And because he wasn't physically exhausted nor in pain because of Alice's treatment of him. He could moved so much easier and smoother. The fact was his movement was so fast and precise the knife looked like a silver blur in the moonlight.
Because he was taking his time to make his dish the best it could be Akira finished before him. Akira was surprised by Ryo's lack of attitude towards him especially when the last time they competed which was only a week ago when he and Ryo tied. Ryo's reaction was borderline insane!
As always Akira received high praise and his dish was described as like a sharpened rapier sword as opposed to his bejewelled sword back in the semi finals.

Soon it was Ryo's turn. As he walked through the moonlit arena to the judges Raven couldn't take her eyes off him. He looked so beautiful with moonlight glistening off every exposed muscle. He stood waiting patiently for the judges to begin tasting but before they did Ryo asked they make their time to savour this dish for it held a message.

As Leonora, Gin and Senzaemon pulled the string on the cartoccio the aroma that was released flooded the arena with the scent of the pacific ocean. And with the first bite the judges were transported to a moonlit beach and ocean. But they could see within the blacken water three pairs of glowing red eyes. A huge splash and stood before them a towering three headed black dragon bounded in heavy chains. The powerful creature lifted it heads towards the sky letting out a deafening roar and within seconds a violent storm was created.

It soon became clear to the judges that this monstrous creature was Ryo and the storm he summoned was his journey through the hell which was his life. From his pain and cruelty filled childhood. To how he was broken into the three versions of himself. Which was represented by the three heads of the dragon. His wild fiery passion, his true self whose mouth painfully bound with chains and the subdued but steadfast loyalty. But back in reality Leonora, Gin and Senzaemon were completely unaware that tears were running down there faces as they ate.
And as they continued to saury itself the image they saw soon changed.

As they watched Ryo's journey through his life. they soon found they weren't alone on the beach. Soon a beautiful maiden who seem to have been made of moonlight and her hair was the black star filled sky, stood in front of them.
The maiden walked towards the enormous dragon lifted her hand and silently called his name "Ryo!". Upon hearing and seeing her the judges watched as the three heads merged into one breaking his true self free and the dragon lowered himself to meet her hand and as soon as they connected. The dragon melted away revealing Ryo! As a young man in heavy black armour holding a trident.

He walked toward the maiden and held her in an embrace of love and knelt in devotion to her. It was clear to the judges now what message Ryo was trying to convey with this dish. Not only did it taste truly incredible but he had made it with his love for this girl in mind and the dragon was clearly meant to be the real Ryo Kurokiba not the mad dog he had been known for.

As Leonora and Gin came back to reality they soon noticed the dish had them in tears. Gin was the first to praise Ryo and saying out loud to everyone. "This dish is truly delicious and I can see now how you have grown Ryo...but more importantly it is clear that the dish showcases your true longer can you be called Mad Dog Kurokiba!.. but instead you are now to be known as Black Dragon Kurokiba!" Ryo was every pleased with that and as for Lady Leonora she was simply speechless.
She couldn't believe that the young boy she had allowed into hers and Soe's family all those years ago and who had been like a brother to Alice. Was in love! as she look to Ryo a silent communication was formed her eyes asking him if it true was he really in love? and just as silently Ryo confirmed it was true when upon eye contact his eyes softened.

But for Senzaemon the message was different he watched as the young man showed his true identity. As well as using the dishes to showcase the girl he loved and that she was the reason he made it. Not just for himself. But as Senzaemon watch the couple embrace which was truly beautiful. He found himself surrounded by a flock of birds...crows maybe? they were bigger so ravens but why? But as he looked at the maiden one more time the image of his grand daughter Raven shrouded in darkness flashed before his eyes....Raven!

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