chapter 16

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after two months the summer holidays were over much had been achieved. Raven had won two more first place trophies and Ryo thank to her he was in better shape than he ever was with Alice and his curry dish was so ready but something bugged him because he knew he could make it better but how? plus the homework was completed within two days. and as for homework Alice was in so much trouble two month had gone past but she hadn't completed hers and had to be given extra time to finish it or be kicked out of the preliminaries.
it didn't take long for Raven and Ryo to hand in they work and received A's all around. it was soon time for the curry battle to begin but again Raven wasn't going to participate mainly because she didn't want to and was only going to support Ryo. as the contest when on Raven just smiled as she watched Ryo cooking whilst remaining out of sight and thought back to the summer.

Back in holidays
when he finally started prepping for the contest Ryo requested a few shokugekies with Raven because even though she wasn't a chef. she still had a wonderful palate which helped Ryo massively. but Raven noticed something strange was happening with Ryo in that he wasn't using his bandana as often even during the food wars with him and decided to ask him about that.

"Ryo...hmm. i've noticed you haven't been using your bandana as often any reason why?" she thought he was going easy on her because they dating but it turned out to quite a different reason. "well reason i use the bandana is because it helps me stay awake focused when cooking...what do you mean?..
well back in Denmark i was already head chef at five years of age and because i had to be up before and stay up after everyone else i needed away to stay awake so i would tie the bandana really tight so the pain would keep me awake".

"but since leaving Denmark and living with Alice. who kept me awake at all hour of the night despite the fact we both had school i had to keep using it."
this explained so much. "whoa...head chef a five years old?.. but then no wonder it took two years for you to beat her...Alice had formal training and was well rested!.. where as you were exhausted".
"but thanks to you i don't need it as what do i have to do with this?.. "the challenge i made to Alice about if i get better grades and scores then her i would no longer be her servant...only came about because i want to be with you and can't do that if Alice kept demanding my attention".
"so are you saying...that first night you stayed in my room and since then. you've finally be getting full night's sleep!?..but what about when you would do your workouts did Alice let you recuperate and rest at all?!".

Ryo simply shook his head. Raven couldn't believe this Ryo had been with Alice for nearly ten years and in all that time he hadn't been able to properly sleep or rest and on top of that Raven had even seen Alice hitting him! no wonder people referred to him as Mad Dog Ryo. "but thank to you i can start being my true self again". he said has he wrapped his powerful arms around her and she answered in kind. Raven simply smiled and nodded at this because she could see how Ryo's physique had greatly improved since he had been with her and his muscles which were wonderful to be hugged by had become more refined plus she also noticed a change in himself.
Ryo is very polite, softly spoken and respectful towards her and when he came to confess how he felt about her at the giant tree. the way he spoke revealed just how intelligent he truly was.
before she had met Ryo. she often saw him around school with Alice. how he would stand slouched, uninterested and very grumpy. whenever Alice ordered him to speak he would answer. but his voice was very droll and struggling not to scream. god knows what all those years of sleep deprivation had done to him psychologically.

Raven melted in his hug resting her head on his chest "Ok...i understand but what will do about the fall selection? i know you don't want Alice to find out your a hell of a lot of a challenge than she thinks?" a soft chuckle rumble of Ryo chest she knew him so well..."this is true but i can just wear it not as tightly and pretend to be the same as ever. will you be watching?". of course i will but i know both Erina, Alice and Grandfather will be there so i won't be in plain sight".
"you don't want them to see you?"..."i do's to soon i wouldn't know where to start. besides i don't want to take attention away from you after all the fall selection is your moment to shine". to this Ryo brought his hand to her chin gently raising her head to kiss her with all the love and passion his heart would allow. "that's very considerate of you".

at the Fall selection

Ryo finished in second place tying with Soma Yukihira. in the quarterfinals he easily beat Megumi and her ramen. but having tied with Akira in the semi's meant the finals would consist of Ryo, Akira and Soma and pacific saury would be the theme and main ingredient. they were given a week to prepare.

Back at home
Raven decided to reward Ryo with a chocolate cake. she made especially for him not only was it to congratulate him but because she loved him. as Ryo helped himself to cake knowing it was going to be perfect technically but as he ate the truly delicious cake he noticed there was more to it unlike the wedding cake Raven had made for class which was indeed technically perfect but void of any passion.
this cake was different it was brimming passion. one bite took his breath away it was like Raven had just slammed her lips onto his kissing him with such passion but her eyes were closed plus she wasn't even in the room she had gone down to the horses. as he ate more the passion gentled as the image of her in his mind slowly opened her eyes and although beautiful and gentle they revealed the vortex of a powerful storm and rush of oxygen washed over and through him. by the time he had finished and had brought himself back to reality everything seem clearer.
just what hell had Raven done to that cake it was so delicious powerful and beautiful fortunately he could get his answer when Raven walked into the kitchen. "hey i see you enjoyed the cake" she said with a warm loving smile."yeah but i thought you didn't have any passion for cooking or baking in this case?"and i don't"...then what the hell?..this cake has so much love and compassion in it?"

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