chapter 32

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Raven looked stunning as she entered the dining area. And just in time to save Ryo from Mr Kibishi and his many Many! questions. "Sorry I'm late' Ah Raven, There you are I will let you catch up while I put the finishing touches to the Sukiyaki". Kibishi said as he made his way to the kitchen.

And again Ryo had to wait even longer to have Raven in arms as Master Senzaemon spoke with her first. Raven quickly found herself engulfed in her Grand Father's power embrace and ropes. Which she gladly return the embrace albeit a little disappointed that like Ryo she would to wait a little longer for his arms to around her. "Raven, My dear I know it has only been a couple weeks but I have great missed you. And I have to say you look just beautiful in this kimono".

"Thank you Grand Father, I have been wanting to wear this one for sometime but could never find the right occasion". But all the while Raven was talking her eye never left Ryo's form. He had grow even more beautiful. He was was wearing a similar kimono to her Grand Father complete with a haori over jacket and a ceremonial katana sword (Senzaemon had gifted to him and trained him in the use of) only difference was his kimono was black. But more importantly his beautiful hair which she secretly jealous of because it was very soft and silky was tide back in a high ponytail.

 But more importantly his beautiful hair which she secretly jealous of because it was very soft and silky was tide back in a high ponytail

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As Senzaemon continued his embrace of her Raven gave a slight hint that would like to go to Ryo who had been beyond patient. Thankfully Senzaemon quickly got the message and released her but just as Raven and Ryo were about to embrace each other. Their longing and love for each other had to put on hold further as Kibishi had returned with the now completed sukiyaki.

A Little While Later.
All four were sat at the dining table Ryo and Raven faced each other as did Senzaemon and Kibishi. At first there was had uneasy silence but this was mainly caused by Kibishi's distain for Senzaemon. And because they were in his Library Kibishi decided to break the silence and speak first.

"So Senzaemon, Raven told me. You wanted to visit us today any particular reason why?" Even though he already knew the reason. "Ah yes. Raven as you're aware myself and Ryo watched your shokugeki against Chef Rindo, And I have to admit we are quite curious about how you managed to defeat the second seat of the ten and make it look so easy"?

"Oh. Well the thing is Rindo is my best friend we've been having secret food wars for years and she has never been able to beat me. And the reason why she hasn't beat yet is because we are friends. meaning I know and how she cooks so I can anticipate her moves when in the kitchen.

Ryo was shocked to hear that not only was his beloved Raven was best friends with Chef Rindo. But that she had beaten the second seat in shokugekies for years. "Raven! Why didn't ever tell me you are so gifted my love?" She could help but to smile after finally hearing Ryo's beautiful soft loving voice after so long.

But also she didn't miss the ever so slight tone of hurt that was threaded through his words. "I'm sorry Ryo. I never meant to keep secrets from you but to answer your question and I know this is cliché but I guess it's because no one asked".

Indeed it is a cliché answer but it was true no one even asked the elite ten if they had friends outside of the council of ten. And if they had maybe the events leading to Azami's return might of been discovered sooner.

"But I promise to make up to you later. ok?' I'll hold you to that". Ryo said in a low flirtation voice. Oh!... The way he said that mixed with how gorgeous he was/is excited Raven and made her eager to get him back home.

However the flirting was brought to an halt when both Senzaemon and Kibishi simultaneously gave a quick cough to remind the young lovers that they were in the presence of company. And with the delicious sukiyaki having finally been finished and their stomachs having had time to settle. Raven decide it was time her God Tongue was revealed.

While In The Kitchen.
Kibishi joined Raven in kitchen although he was happy that Raven had found some to love her Ryo. He wished she would be a little more restraint about shows of affection. Plus he was quite protective of her.

While Kibishi was cleaning the sukiyaki pot Raven got on with plating the porridge dessert. "So are you ready my dear Raven?' Yes. and this is one my favourite ways to show it". Raven had also put and a little surprise in the porridge desserts in shape of sweet lemon flavoured popping candy and syrup to add a light freshness.

 Raven had also put and a little surprise in the porridge desserts in shape of sweet lemon flavoured popping candy and syrup to add a light freshness

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Back In The Dining Area.
Poor Ryo's patience was reaching it limits he wanted Raven in his arms already but fortunately he would have to wait much longer. As Raven and Kibishi set the desserts out on the table the aroma of the sweet lemon mixed the honey was making Senzaemon and Ryo's mouths water.

As they both gulped and at the delicious smell and sight. Raven struggled to keep from giggle at sight of two and decided they had waited long enough. "Ok. Go ahead and dig in I hope you like it".

And as soon as the dessert came in contact with their taste buds both Senzaemon and Ryo's minds were transported to a whole new planes of existence.

For Senzaemon in all his many years he had never tasted a dish so heavenly he found himself floating higher and higher through the heavenly golden silk sky and on to a vast expands for an unknown universe. As he felt the weight of gravity leave him. His eye were opened to the fact that this wasn't just any universe is was the culinary universe he had only heard legends about.

Suddenly a blinding flash of brilliant white light. Shielding his eyes as the light eases before him was Raven. Only the very minimalist detail could be seen as her form consisted of golden light while her hair danced and...Was! The very universe he was floating in.

And her eyes glistened with pure star light. Raven was the very picture of a Goddess and this universe was all hers. He watch silent as Raven's golden form floated towards him hugging him and nuzzling to his chest. He wrapped his arm around his beloved Grand Daughter in an loving and protective embrace. He could feel so much love radiating from her. But she pulled back revealing the sweetest smile.

back in reality unaware that he was in a trance as ate the dessert he soon came in contact with the popping candy in the dessert reached and trickled down his throat.

With a sweet smile Raven floated back a couple feet just beyond his reach and slowly parted the lips as once again Senzaemon had to shield his eyes only to be blasted with power beam of white light and stars.

And he was sent back to reality. Senzaemon closed his eyes in an attempt to calm and recompose himself for he felt like he had been blessed by the gods themselves. But while he was in the trance like state he failed to notice the Raven had moved to Ryo and was holding him gently and whispering something to him. He could see that Ryo was experiencing the same trance like dream and blessing.

As young Ryo was brought out of said dream Senzaemon could clearly see he was shaken with tears streaming. He watched as Ryo in complete silence buried his face with Raven's swan like neck as she held him.

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