chapter 23

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as the stagiaire went on Senzaemon took this time to speak with all of Raven's teachers to find out as much as he could about her, finding out that she is a truly wonderful cook and one of the most pleasant students in their respected classes. even Mr Kibishi admitted that she was only Nakiri he was willing to allow anywhere near his building.
but Senzaemon also picked up on the subtle tones and looks of resentment the teachers and Mr Kibishi used towards him. they were more than aware of his neglect towards Raven. but soon the stagiaire had come to an end he received more news about Azami from Joichiro Yukihira, Soma's father that Azami was gathering followers from the council of ten to vote Senzaemon out and place Azami as the new director of Totsuki.

now knowing Erina was definitely in Azami's sights and he was using the elite ten, to get both her and replace Senzaemon as director. Senzaemon was stuck he couldn't let Erina fall back into her father's cruel hands but at the same time he couldn't ignore Raven, how that he finally remembered her and especially now he had received word that she had been severely injured.

the riding school that Raven had been attending for the past ten years requested that Totsuki send her for the stagiaire because they had recently required some new horses that need training and thanks to Raven's incredible skill and talent. she soon took the role of instructor for beginner riders. and instructed none riders how to approach the horses properly so they could do their jobs effectively without putting themselves, the guests or the horses that risk.
Raven had been paired with Takumi Ishiwatari for the stagiaire, but during a training section with one of the new horses Raven would gain yet more broken bones, Takumi being a very egotistical chef who cared more about showing off then following safety rule. had quickly grown jealous of Raven's prowess and skill both at riding and cooking.

in order to gain some attention while at a garden party he decided to try showing off with flambe. despite him taking Raven's lessons on behaving around horses and thinking he knew better, he completely ignored her warnings. (horses and flames don't mix!) plus used to much alcohol causing a bigger flame then expected.
spooking the horse she was training, causing it to rear violently throwing Raven out of the saddle sending her crashing to the ground, resulting in two more broken ribs.

of course Ryo was informed about this and to say he was angry was beyond an understatement Ryo was furious. not only did he have to deal with spices with reminded him to that smug git Akira, but now his beloved Raven had been injured!
Raven's stagiaire had to be cut short because of her injuries, and Takumi Ishiwatari was expelled from Totsuki for putting other people at risk. of course he was completely unaware how lucky he was that he had been expelled before Ryo could find him.

Back at the mansion
Ryo wasn't the only one to find out about Raven's latest injuries all the house staff had also found out and for the first time, up in his tower Master Senzaemon had received word about the incident and without a second thought went to finally see his granddaughter and the young man who was/is courting her.
after the hospital Raven was told to rest as much as possible which meant she couldn't attend the Moon Banquet Festival, and there was no way in hell Ryo was going leave Raven alone to deal with more broken bones.

thanks to some powerful painkillers Raven was also told she would still be able to care for her horses even though it would take a bit longer for her to walk down to the stables. she just wouldn't be able to ride for a couple weeks.

thankfully the stagiaire was now over which meant Ryo could finally be back with in Raven's soothing presence, he had missed her greatly sleeping in a bed alone without her was so cold and unpleasant he needed her in his arms, all was right with world when she was.
again making sure no one saw him Ryo made his way to the painting eager to see his beautiful Raven, upon entering her room then the kitchen, he spotted a note on the table, 'i'm down at the stables Raven.'
Ryo followed suit and went to join her knowing she was going to need help, he was more than aware of how painful and hindering broken ribs can be.
of course Ryo and Raven were completely unaware that Master Senzaemon knew about the painting entrance to Raven's quarters and of her newly acquired injury.

and more importantly that he was on his way to them.

Down at the Stables
because of her broken ribs, caring for the horses proved more difficult than Raven had thought not only was she in a great deal of pain. but the horses were kicking a fuss because they could smell the injury and didn't want Raven to come near them out of fear they could harm their beloved friend further.
fortunately Ryo wasn't far behind and soon joined Raven in the stables and showed a hidden side to him. because the horse were acting up Raven hadn't even be able to get started grooming them.

but she soon felt Ryo's loving arms gently come around her very sore rib cage, God! how she had missed him. "here let me do really should be resting ya know"...."i know. but i can't just let anyone handle them especially when their stressed like this". much to Raven's surprise Ryo took to every task on the 'do to' list with amazing ease, it was almost like he had done it all before.
"is the reason their acting up. is because they know about you're injury?"...."yeah, they can smell it. they're just afraid of causing me more damage...but Ryo, you're doing all this amazingly well...have you worked in stables before?".

"yeah...back in Denmark, before i met Alice. one of my regulars was the owner of a riding stables...and he asked me one day, if i ever needed a break from the pub or if it was quiet i could visit is stable and help out...and even ride the horses if i wanted".
this was very surprising to Raven not to mention explained why Ryo seemed so natural with her horses.
"so did you take him up on his offer?...yes and i loved it, just the sense of freedom i got when riding was intoxicating".
"this is very interesting to know Ryo, what breeds of horses did the owner have?....he specialised in breeding friesians horses".
"well how about you join the riding school i'm in?, it could a great way of you to get your mind off cooking, you know recharge yourself especially around the holidays"

it didn't take Ryo long to finish caring for all three horses, Raven and Ryo decided to go to the giant tree as it was still early and further discuss him joining Raven at the riding school. but the combination of the pain and the side effects of the painkillers was causing Raven to start falling asleep. seeing this Ryo sat her on his lap and wrapped his arm around her to keep Raven warm and safe as she slept.
as Raven rested against his muscular chest Ryo looked up towards the night sky thinking further about joining the riding school, it really wasn't a bad idea, not only would he be able ride again but he also spend more time with her.

but his thoughts were interrupted when, "cough, cough!" Master Senzaemon cleared his throat revealing his presence. Ryo couldn't help getting defensive and expecting to be in trouble especially with Raven asleep in his arms.
but before he could explain Master Senzaemon silently raised his hand stopping him. "be at ease young Kurokiba, you need not worry. you are not in trouble quite the opposite in fact". Ryo rose to his feet still holding Raven in his arms very mindful of her damaged ribs. "i,...with all due respect Sir but Lady Raven needs her rest, may i request we continue this in the morning?".
Senzaemon nodded in agreement and accompanied Ryo back to Raven's quarters, as ever whenever she had been injured Emma had gotten everything ready so Lady Raven could be put straight to bed without causing her more pain.

calmed in the knowledge that Raven was in very good and loving hands, Master Senzaemon asked Ryo where and when he could finally be reunited with his granddaughter? " we'll likely be going down to the stables around six o'clock, then to the giant tree Sir"...."then i shall meet you both there, and thank you Kurokiba for allowing this". and with that Senzaemon took his leave comforted by fact that Raven was going to be ok and even though young Kurokiba was still understandably angry with him, he was willing to give him a chance.

he only prayed that Raven could forgive him.

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