chapter 6

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Ryo started his search for the raven-haired dream in the main living quarter of the mansion where his, Milady Alice's and Milady Erina's room were located and checked every room including kitchens to bathrooms which took him a good few hours in doing so. yeah the mansion is huge, but no sign of her.

the servants quarters took longer to search for there a lot more corridors to check and many more albeit smaller kitchens and rooms and because the back stairs which led up to Raven's quarters, were loaded with the house staff he didn't bother going that way. he even checked the grounds, but because he never knew about the stables which could not even be seen not even from the second floor of the mansion, he never thought to check.

it was getting close to four o'clock in the afternoon, four hours of searching and nothing, lord know how many times he went past the painting not even thinking to give it a second glance. thinking about where else he could try, he came to rest at top of the main stairs, leaning again the banister and watched the staff come and go as they were busy decorating the mansion for Christmas.

after about five minutes he turned around to go down stairs. and that when he saw her walking through the servant corridor towards him. yet again Ryo was lost for words she was/is so beautiful, thankfully she was looking at her phone and so didn't notice him staring which would of been awkward to say the least. she came to stop in front of the painting when suddenly a loud smash came from below causing him to turn and see what had happened. but seeing that the staff had it handled. he turned back around and to his horror the raven beauty was gone!


her morning as ever was so hectic. she got up around seven o'clock and because it the dead of winter it's dark, cold and the horses were kicking a fuss because they also are hungry and cold and the stalls...well a pig sty would of be easier to clean up, and by the time she got them brushed, rugged and fed and the stalls cleaned. and had a showered and ready to go the city to do Christmas shopping four hours had gone past.

as usual the high streets and shopping centres were absolutely packed. she stood in line for ages but finally. Raven had gotten everything she needed and got back home for around two in the afternoon which gave her plenty of time to work on Emma's birthday cake. 

an hour a half later the cake was baked and because it needed to cool before she could decorate it, she decided to go bring the horses in knowing they were going cause trouble.

after finally get them in and care for. Raven once again had to get her quarters via the secret entrance behind the painting which she didn't like using during the day but it couldn't be helped.


how could this be. he only turned away for what a second and she had disappeared but if she'd turned around back through the corridor he would of seen her in the hallway which is very long. so he when up to where she had been to figure out where she could have gone.

he turn towards the window and the view he closed his eyes and tried to think of how she could just disappear. after a few minutes the sweet scent of cake soon filled the air. it smelt incredible and strangely very close. he turned to follow it he did have quite the sweet tooth. the smell was coming from behind the painting of the raven.

taking a closer look Ryo noticed the birds eye was some kind of switch. upon pressing it the painting released from the wall revealing a small hidden corridor, has he entered the hallway the painting behind him reattached to wall causing the hallway to become pitch black fortunately the light from his phone revealed there was nothing that could cause him to trip.

he soon came a door that hadn't been closed properly, slowly and quietly he open it into...well a gothic dream of a bedroom far grander than any of the other rooms he had seen. looking around he noticed on either side of the room. two more doors one clearly labelled bathroom and the other which he only assumed was a kitchen because that's where smell of the cake was coming from.

again the door hadn't been closed properly peering through the crack, there was the cake which looked and smelt perfect with the name Emma written on it, so it must of been someones birthday cake but more importantly he saw the person who had made it. finally there she was, so the painting was how she disappeared so quickly. 

thanks to the dark walls of the bedroom and his own black clothing Ryo could hardly be seen. as he watched her, so elegant and graceful with a look of serenity on her exquisite face as she put the finishing touches to the cake.

he watched as she was joined by one of the house maids "everything is ready Miss shadow". so that was her name and he could see why her beautiful hair was blacker than the night sky."thank you Anna". a beautiful smile came to form on her perfect lips "can you take the cake down while i go get ready please". she was so polite and her voice was so kind not like Miss Alice or Miss Erina who always had an air of arrogance and i'm better than you tone to their voice.

unfortunately for Ryo his time in her presence had to come to an end when he heard the nagging tones for his Milady calling for him. so he exited the room making sure everything was how he found it.

back in the main quarters he found his Milady "yes Milady what do you need?" he said in his usual bored tone. "ahhh there you are come on! we have to get ready for Christmas dinner!".

"yes Milady".

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