chapter 19

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as Senzaemon took one last bite of the delicious saury. again he could see that the maiden who young knight Kurokiba held within a loving embrace was meant to represent his granddaughter Raven. but soon the realisation that he had not seen her since she was little began to worry him. because it was only now could he remember her name. but as he tried to get a better look at the maiden within Kurokiba's arms.
the image of knight Ryo transformed back into the black dragon using his titanus size to shield her. roared at him summoning a powerful blast of flavour and resentment "HOW COULD YOU?! FORGET HER!" deafening his thoughts and sending him back to reality.

to the untrained eye. all anyone could see was the directors clothes being shredded and the added shock of seeing the powerful and frightening man with tears streaming down his stokic face. but to Ryo as he made direct eye contact with Master Senzaemon he could see that the message of 'do you remember her now?!' had clearly been received. for Senzaemon he certainly didn't miss the subtle look of resentment the young man was firing at him.
he had to maintain his composure and deliver his judgement. for Ryo's dish was truly delicious and powerful enough and so beautiful Ryo's own endowment. 'the shedding of tears'. had been born.

it was clear just how much Ryo had grown since the semi finals but something told the old man that back then this young warrior had been holding back until now because this dish was clearly made with three things in mind. 1, to show Ryo's true self, incredible skill and talent. 2, it was a display of love and devotion to Raven whose love for Ryo had helped him regain his true identity. and 3, a badly needed wakeup call to this foolish old man, that he had neglected his own granddaughter to the point he had completely forgotten she even existed.

Senzaemon rose to his feet to give his judgement. "Indeed not only does this incredible dish showcase your journey and the gaining of your exceptional skill and talent, but also your true identity is clear to see indeed Ryo Kurokiba the black dragon is now here. and not only that but your very own endowment! has also been born. THE SHEDDING OF TEARS!"
the words of the great Senzaemon shocked all especially the judges. but more so then Erina and Alice.

Ryo simply bowed low in thanks and quietly made his way back to his station. the crowd was shocked but as they watched Ryo it was clear, indeed the title black Dragon fitted him perfectly. even Akira could see it and had to admit was getting nervous, finally it was Soma's turn and although his dish was very delicious. and creative it lacked any of his own identity within it and soon it came to the final decision.
because Soma's dish didn't quite hit the mark, the choice once again came down to Ryo and Akira. but because both dish showcased their skill and talent as well as their identities within could clearly be seen and fact the dishes were incredibly delicious, and because there was simply no more time for another match.

Senzaemon was given no option but declare both Ryo and Akira as the winners of the Fall Selection. both would claim first place. the crowd flew into a deafening cheers as the two winner were told that because of this unforeseen outcome they would have to wait for the metals to be sent to them as there wasn't enough for two first place winner.
as the crowd continued to cheer Ryo took this opportunity to invite Raven to join him. Raven had tears running down her face couldn't believe it her beloved Ryo was one of the winners and seeing him give her a subtle nod to join him, she did so happily.

and if the crowd were shocked when Akira uncharacteristically pulled Jun shiomi into a huge embrace they were about to have a heart attack. because they watch the lovely scene unfold all but Senzaemon missed when Ryo had signalled towards one of the wings for a beautiful girl to join him.
it wasn't until she stood right in front of him did the crowd react. Raven could hear the not so subtle whispers. "hey whose she?...i don't know but she is gorgeous! you think she's Ryo's girlfriend?" not even Soma nor Akira knew who she was but equally they had to agree she is gorgeous.

however one of Soma's friends Zenji Marui was the only one to recognise her. "it's Miss Shadow!"...Zenji you know her?" was asked by the rest of kyokusei members, "yeah...she goes to historical SOC same as she's the reason Kurokiba transferred from cutting edge!" as for the question of whether she was his girlfriend? was soon answered when Ryo's pulled the beautiful girl into his muscular chest and with his powerful arms and embraced her and to the shock of all who witnessed it which included the entire crowd, the judges Gin, Lady Leonora and both Erina and a furious Alice.
but more importantly Master Senzaemon himself, they all watched agasted as Ryo brought his hand up to the girl's beautiful face and pulled her into a long and very passionate kiss.

after a few minutes he finally broke away allowing her to breathe and gently wiped away her tears. Ryo brought his forehead to meet hers and quietly thanked her. "thank you Raven, i couldn't of done this without you" you see, what i see in you Ryo?"...the dragon?, yes i see him now!"...but i know you did this for me, and i am so grateful to you, but please don't forget yourself Ryo".
he pulled her back into him so her head rested on his chest and whispered low in her ear, "then would you do me the honor of letting me be your first?". Raven didn't even need to think about it. she loved Ryo so much and if she said, she didn't want him well she might as well be thrown into the pits of hell now. and to his request Raven simply whispered. "gladly".

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