chapter 22

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even through Senzaemon wouldn't be able to see Raven and Ryo until after the stagiaire, didn't mean he couldn't get to know his granddaughter through other means. master Senzaemon being the determined man he is, meant if he had to resort to underhanded methods in order to understand and get to know the granddaughter whom he had neglected for ten years. then he would. and since Raven would be away from the mansion during the stagiaire meant he could have a look around her room.
but when he finally reached where Raven's room should of been to his surprise he found it empty. and just like Ryo did, he looked all over the mansion looking any evidence of her. even walking past the painting several times.

after searching pretty much everywhere, he took a rest in the foyer, even though he is an incredibly well built man. he could still feel his age every now and then. as he was resting the person that knew Raven better than well....anyone! came into view. Raven's personal maid Emma.
if anyone knew where Raven's room was located it would be her. "excuse me, Emma?...Oh erm Yes Master Senzaemon?...i've been trying to find Lady Raven's room but it isn't where it supposed to be located?"
"Oh!...well..she had it moved above the servant quarters, Sir"....can you show me? i have looked all around the servants quarter". Emma bowed low and knowing far better than to disobey Master Senzaemon, she really didn't have much choice but to show him"of course Sir follow me".

but she just prayed Lady Raven and Master Ryo wouldn't be too upset with her because of this. "can you tell me why Lady Raven had her room relocated Emma?"...Oh well as i'm sure you're aware she rides horses Sir?"...yes, well she has gained quite a few injuries because that, so Lady Raven had us move her room to the servant quarters because it's less of a walk from the stables to her room and less straining on her.
they soon came to a stop at the painting. "why have we stopped here?" moment Sir" Senzaemon watched as Emma pressed the eye of the raven in the painting and to his surprise the painting detached from the wall. revealing the hidden corridor.
"this way Sir, this leads to Lady Raven quarters", Senzaemon followed behind Emma as they finally reached the room's door.

upon opening the door Senzaemon couldn't believe his eyes, Raven had quite an eye for beautiful things. her room was so grand and so beautifully decorated. his sharp eyes soon pick to on the wall cabinets. as he looked around his thoughts were soon interrupted be Emma. "if you would excuse me Master but i need to return to my duties"...Oh yes, of course...but before you go can you tell me something about Lady Raven?...i-i'm ashamed to say i don't know much about her any more".
Emma had to really think about this one, what was she supposed to say. Lady Raven had tasked her and the rest of the staff not to say a word about what happened to her to any of the Nakiri family, and yet she really couldn't disobey Master senzaemon. so she decided on the most recent event.
"well...Lady Raven recently became a young woman, Sir."
"What Do You Mean?!...she's become a young woman?!"...e~erm well Lady Raven and Master Ryo consummated their relationship a couple nights ago Sir!".

OhMyGod! Senzaemon just...had to facepalm himself, to think his own granddaughter was now in a physical relationship with Kurokiba. "just please...tell me they used protection?"...Oh yes sir not to worry Lady Raven is on a long term birth control, which reminds me i need to make her an appointment to get a top up...and yes it was consensual".
well at least he could take comfort in the facts that she was/is protected and hadn't been forced. but thinking back to how Raven and Kurokiba interacted with each other back at the Fall Selection.
could and should he really be surprised that they were now having sex. "thank you Emma, you may leave to attend your duties now"....thank you, Sir"
but if Emma hadn't of been so distracted by the sudden requests of Master Senzaemon she would of spotted Raven's medical file on the desk.

after Emma took her leave Senzaemon went on to look around Raven's room. he soon came across a key which seem to match the locks of the wall cabinets. to say he was shocked upon seeing the contents of what the cabinets were hiding was truly an understatement, as he opened them one by one until they were all open to him.
the number of trophies, plaques, and ribbons blew his mind. but it was the trophies that took his breath away not only were they beautiful but were engraved with (Raven Nakiri, National Junior Champion). he couldn't believe it Raven was the national Junior show jumping and dressage champion!
but he hadn't been there to see her perform or receive the trophies, he was to busy worrying about Erina. because of the disturbing news that Azami was making plans against him and Totsuki.

Senzaemon went on to even look in her closet to find out what Raven's style was, finding out that she favoured gothic, the garments were heavy, beautiful and intricately detailed the clothing was clearly of high quality, he could just imagine how elegant and beautiful she would be wearing them but if only he could recall her face. he soon came to the desk.
which contented several very old recipe she attended Historical Society, unfortunately because of the deal he made with Mr Kibishi he couldn't go near that building, but he could meet with the professor of history SOC to discuss Raven. and come to understand her better.
but soon he came across what seemed to be a medical file. as he opened it and the more he read its contents, he heart began to break. Emma had mentioned something about Raven receiving many injuries because of the horse riding.

but this! broken toes, ankles and wrists. to badly broken arms, legs and ribs to....he finally got to the last two X-rays and his stomach dropped, his heart ripped in two and tears began to stream down his weathered face, all the years him spent worrying about losing Erina to the storm and waste land of the culinary world just like her mother.
he stood there shaking as his eyes and mind took in the last two X-rays, showing the extent of Raven unknown suffering he had been so blind to...a broken back! and....broken neck! he could of lost her to Death. his own granddaughter Raven could of been dead and buried for ten years now.
he never would of known and if Kurokiba hadn't reminded this foolish old man that Raven is still here still alive.
he likely would have left this world completely forgetting she ever existed.

the resentment in Kurokiba's eyes back at the Fall Selection was deafening now and as Senzaemon moved on to the dispatch forms noticing not one signature from Nakiri line was visible. it soon became apparent to him that Raven had to suffer and deal with the trauma of dying and ten years old!
and do it all alone. but now he knew what message Kurokiba had been trying to convey. and that was, Raven is still here and there was still time for the rest of the Nakiri family to have her back in their lives.

and Senzaemon made a vow then and there that Raven would be a part of the family again, and so to would Ryo Kurokiba. the old man had to find a way to thank him. but first he decided to go have a word with History SOC's professor about his dear Raven.

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