chapter 5

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Raven couldn't believe how late it had gotten, she had been so busy with caring for her horses, getting things ready for Emma her personal maid's birthday, and sorting the plans for Christmas with her house staff family.

Everything was almost finish and ready, the horses had been ridden, cleaned out, fed and watered, she and the staff family had completed the plans for Christmas and dinner. All that there was left to do was her maid's birthday cake which she would start making in morning.

It was around 10:55pm, Raven made her way through the darkened hallways to the foyer and up the main stairs to the second floor, Raven didn't usually take the main stairs, but because the staff were busy using the back stairs to get everything ready she didn't have a choice.

Half way down the second floor servants quarter hall she came to a huge painting of a raven, she pressed the eye causing the right side of the painting to come away from wall revealing the smaller corridor which led to her own private section of the mansion her own kitchen and bathroom and her bedroom.

The next morning

Because Totsuki academy was closed for Christmas holidays and Alice and Ryo were staying in the Nakiri mansion throughout the holidays, this meant that when he wasn't catering to the whims for her royal Brattiness Miss Alice,

Ryo could focus on finding out more about the beautiful girl he had seen the night before.

It was around 10 in the morning and Ryo, Alice and Erina were in the main kitchen discussing/arguing about going shopping,

Well more like Miss Alice was pestering Erina about how she had come all this way! to spend time with her favourite/only cousin!

After being in Denmark for so long. And how Erina was always working to much. and knowing that Alice wasn't going to quit Erina who had quickly become tired of her wincing and nagging, agreed.

But Ryo who really didn't want to go shopping and had other things on his mind, refused to go with them,

instead of arguing with Milady, he challenged her to a food war, if Alice won he was going and would carry all the bags without complaint, if Ryo won he would stay at the mansion and have the day off.

Miss Alice not one to turn down a challenge especially against Ryo, accepted and Erina would be judge, but Alice's cooking had started to get weak and Ryo was starting to get more wins against her.

2 hours later Erina had named Ryo the winner, but as always he received an ear full from Miss Alice about how he was her aid! and who was going carry the bags!

But he knew Miss Alice's weakness, her pride always got the better of her. hating it when her abilities and strength was questioned,

so he fired a quick ...Oh! so your not strong enough to carry your shopping?... and here I thought you were strong woman!... want me to hold your hand like a weak little girl! at her,

knowing in an instant he would strike a nerve and her stubborn streak would take over wanting to prove him wrong,

she quickly responded with...HOW DARE YOU!.. ARE YOU SAYING AM WEAK RYO!? I'll have you know I am more then capable of carrying my shopping! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S WEAK and stormed out the door dragging Erina with her.

so shortly after the mansion became quiet as Erina and Miss Alice and a few body guards had left for the city.

as it was Christmas and street would be heaving they would gone for a good couple hours. Ryo's search for the raven-haired beauty could begin.

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