chapter 30

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Back at the bath house.
Erina, Hisako and Alice joined the girls from Kyokusei as they had also been covered in dust thanks to Yuki's animals running wild again. And once again Alice and Erina going though their usual thing of....Alice teasing Erina about how she was out touch with everyday things...and Erina telling off Alice who proceeded to behave like a child....Only for Alice to turn around and tease her more about being so prim and timid.
A part from that the girls were really beginning to enjoy the warm waters of the bath and the feeling of being nice and clean again.

But this joy and ease was soon to be interrupted.

Raven had arrived at the baths shortly after the Kyokusei members and waited for Rindo, Nene and Momo by the front entrance. Which didn't take long for them to join her. "Hey, Guys ready for a bit of relaxation". And as every Rindo greeted Raven with a bone crushing hug and huge smile. "Yeah you know I'm! I needed to a break from all that paperwork".

Nene soon followed behind and also greeted Raven with a very gentle and grace embrace. And Raven was the only person who got this treatment and in responds to Rindo about the paperwork. "You say that as if you actually do the work. When really you just dump it all on Tsukasa-Senpai"...."Yeah but, just thinking about having to write my name over and over again make me breakout in a cold sweat and make me just want to SCREAM!!!".

Raven could only laugh.

Momo was last to greet Raven by gifting her with some of her famous sweets. "Oh WOW! Thank you Momo, you certainly know how to please my heart don't you?' So now that we're all here what should we do first".

It was soon decided Momo and Nene were going to head for the sauna while Rindo and Raven would head for the baths as they shokugeki had left them wanting a much needed clean and relaxation. The girls soon got changed and headed for them destinations. But the girls from Kyokusei still on edge for sheltering Erina from Azami, there fun came to a halt when suddenly none other than the the number two seat Chef Rindo Kobayashi entered the baths accompanied by their friend Shadow/Raven.

Chef Rindo was the first to announce her surprise "Well well well...this is quite a surprise sweet young Megumi and her merry friends. But who would have thought the lovely ladies of the Nakiri Family would be hauled up in a common bath house?".

Raven greeted her friend with her usual grace. "Megumi, Ryoko and Yuki it good to see you guys"....'Shadow! yes it's good to see you to we heard about your food war. I can't believe you defeated Chef Rindo!". Once again Raven found her within a powerful hug from Rindo. "Yeah our beautiful Shadow sure knows her way around a kitchen".

But poor Megumi's nerves were quickly failing as Chef Rindo had just found the members of Kyokusei with Erina Nakiri. "Rindo-Senpai! why are you here?!"....'Hah that really should be my line, After all there's been a nasty rumour going around that Lady Erina ran away from home. That wouldn't true would it?". And there went the last of poor Megumi's nerve as she began to panic making the answer to the question very obvious.
Which was quickly made apparent by Ryoko who was trying to Megumi calm.

Knowing their cover was now blown Hisako begged Rindo not to tell director Azami about this. "Let me think...". Raven shook her head at this she knew Rindo wasn't going to tell but but she did love to tease. "Hey Rindo. 'Yeah' I'm going to get on with my bath ok I need to head off soon"...'Oh right, Mr Kibishi has asked for your help again Ok. But as for you Lady Erina I'll keep my mouth shut if you last longer than me in the inferno bath. You see I hate the cold". And once again having heard everyone doubt her Erina agreed.

Raven washed herself and watched on as did the others as Erina foolishly entered the inferno bath with Rindo. But after all was said and done the contest was over after about Five minutes. Erina won and ended up looking redder than a lobster after Ryo was done boiling it but Raven knew that Rindo had faked the whole thing. "Yee ah! that water sure was hot. But like I promised I'll keep my mouth shut. Hey Shadow you coming to the sauna?"...'Oh I'm just going finish up here then I have get going Ok"....'Sure thing I'll see you later then!".

While in the sauna.
Momo and Nene had been waiting for Rindo and Raven to join for quite a few minutes when Rindo finally entered the sauna to join them. " You sure took your sweet time taking a bath and I thought I heard you talking did you meet someone else in the bathing area?' asked Nene....'Yeah and where is Raven?" asked a ticked off Momo. " Oh no. Raven was just telling she'd has to get going after her bath because Mr Kibishi has asked her to help the library"....' Well that fine then but I'm pretty much done with the sauna". said Nene with Momo quickly agreeing. But as they were about to leave Chef Rindo grabbed Nene's towel and Momo's Mr Bucchi and convincing them to stay a little longer.

So they would find out about Lady Erina.

Back with the girls.
The worried looks on the girls faces told Raven them weren't totally convinced that Chef Rindo the number two seat of central's council of Ten could be trusted. "Don't worry guys you can trust Rindo. I know she won't say anything to anyone about this". For some strange reason Erina was but at ease by Shadow's words. She didn't know why but Erina felt like she could trust Shadow's word but once again the girl's familiarity was still driving Erina mad.

Who was she really. Why couldn't Erina remember where she had med her.

"Are you really sure Chef Rindo can be trusted. Shadow?". asked Megumi. "Yes you can trust her guys. Rindo is a bit like Alice here".
"Neh...Want is that supposed to mean?!". sulked Alice.
"I mean Rindo likes to tease but she's never cruel. If Rindo says she's not going tell then she won't....But speaking of Rindo. What are you going to do?"
"About what". Asked Erina still recovering from the over heating.
"Well...The exams are coming and their going over seen by Central. And if you guys make it by the first rounds you we have to go up against the Council of Ten including Chef Rindo".

And if Megumi's nerves were shot already. "Oh!!. That Right! What are going to do!?! But what about you Shadow. Aren't you taking the exams to?"
"Oh no, Because I've already gone against Rindo and won my place for next year is save. But any way I really need to get going I don't want to be late meeting Mr Kibishi"...'Wait have you seen any signs of Ryo?". asked Alice. "Ryo? no I haven't seen him for about two weeks now. But he properly just training with the exams coming up and all".

"Well if any of you end up against the Ten during the exams. Good luck your going to need it there are tough". And with bath done and making sure to say goodbye to Momo and Nene. Raven made her way to the library very much excited about the she would soon be back with her beloved Ryo.

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