chapter 29

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Ryo and Senzaemon couldn't believe what they were watching as the shokugeki between Rindo Kobayashi the second seat and their beloved Raven got underway. Both watched in stunned silence as Raven and Rindo's movements and skill were broadcast for all to see.

But even though she was wearing an albeit beautiful porcelain mask Ryo's focus was on Raven's eyes as they had the same look of calmness to them as when he first saw her in her kitchen making Emma's cake. He just knew that underneath that beautiful mask his beloved's exquisite face held the same look of serenity from back then. Meaning she wasn't the least bit nervous or scared about going up against not only a third year student but the second best chef in Totsuki!
"How?" he said breaking the silence and gaining Master Senzaemon's attention. "How can Raven be so calm at a time like this?!".
"Calm you say. How can you tell our dearest is so?" Asked Senzaemon. Realising young Ryo was about to shed some more light on their beloved Raven.

"Look at her eyes. Look how dreamy they are, She's either using all her skill which judging by Chef Rindo's subtle nervousness. Our beautiful Raven maybe more skilled then any one can imagine. Or she's simply not bother about the out come".

At the shokugeki.
He wasn't wrong about Chef Rindo's fear. She had also seen Raven's eyes and that they were glossed over looking more like amethyst gems then ever before. and it meant her dearest friend was not happy! And that it was Rindo's fault and she knew it.

Raven was the one who saw and believed in Rindo's wild barbarian ways more that anyone. But Rindo's tendency of following and going with whatever whims that came a long, often saw Rindo getting herself encaged and cutting off her chance to be the freest chef in the world.

Joining the Ten was also a whim simply because Rindo was bored. And yes indeed it gave her the power to do, go and make whatever she liked but it also came with an awful lot of responsibly which cut her freedom short.
And now with her joining Central and Azami. Again on a whim Rindo had allowed herself to be in chains again cutting off her freedom.

The food war soon came to an end and results were broadcast all over Totsuki. "Unbelievable! How can this be?! A relatively unknown Chef from History SOC has defeated the number 2 seat! Rindo Kobayashi!"
"Who is this mysterious chef? And why has no one ever seen her!?" But before the interviewer could speak to her. Raven and Rindo had already left the room and in one the back rooms Raven had removed her mask to speak with her best friend.

And as ever Rindo threw her around Raven pulling her into a tight hug. "Ohhh! Raven! I'm so sorry! can you ever forgive me?!"
"SIGH.... Rindo. I'm very disappointed in you. You're supposed to be the wild barbarian! freedom incarnate! how could you join Central and get yourself chained like this?!".
"I know, I'm just so bored. I just can't wait for you to become the equestrian champion. I know you'll become when you'll make me your personal chef you promised! and we would travel the world together".
"If! I become champion on that level!", 'You will be! I just know it!"

They were soon joined by Nene Kinokuni and Momo Akanegakubo who are also Raven's friends but are unaware of her perfect palate. But not all that surprised to hear Rindo had lost again!

"Nene, Momo! How have you guys been?" Said Raven complete with a beautiful smile. Which Momo was always jealous of Raven, Nene and Rindo's maturing beauty. "Raven. it's lovely to see you and to know you've recovered from your injury". Said Nene as elegantly as ever.
Momo's anger boiled over when Raven released her beautiful hair from it's sparkling black rose bun. "GAH! Raven! must you always show off! It's not fair!".
"sigh...Momo your beautiful too...And people would see it if you stopped hiding behind Bucchi! So how's all the paperwork guys!" Asked Raven with a smirk. causing all three to slump in exhaustion.

"YUCK! Please don't mention that we beg of you!". All three answered simultaneously. "Wow! That bad. Huh?" Rindo, Nene and Momo just nodded. "Well... Seeing how we're all exhausted. How about we all go to the bathhouse and spar later? It's been ages since all went together".
Rindo agreed first followed by Nene and a reluctant Momo.
"Great then I'll meet up you guys later okay?". Said Raven as she left to return to Historical SOC.

Back with Ryo and Senzaemon.
A thousand questions were screaming through their heads. Ryo's suspicions about Raven's level for skill and talent was reawakened and as for Senzaemon. he noticed through out the food war. The mask Raven was wearing seemed familiar and the fact that she was fighting for Historical SOC meant he knew where he and Ryo could get some answers about their Raven's skill and talent.
But it would be very risky. He was sure that Mr Kibishi would not have forgotten what happened. But then again how could he not, The man's own granddaughter had been killed as a result of the food wars. Which he himself Senzaemon Nakiri, was responsible for creating.

But seeing that Raven was allowed to actually enter the Historical building. Master Senzaemon decided to call Raven. 1, to congratulate her and 2, and request access to History SOC.

"Hello? grandfather. 'Greetings Raven, I wanted to congratulate you on your food wars, My dear". 'Oh! haha, You were watching that huh?". And before her grandfather could continue Raven knew that now he had seen a small amount of her skill, he'd want to know more. "And I suppose you and Ryo would like some answers, Right?".
"Yes. That is very perspective of you my dear". 'Well, Okay. Come to History SOC later tonight and I'll explain, Okay?".

Unfortunately for Ryo who had hoped to at least speak to his beloved, Master Senzaemon had hung up before he got the chance. "Err not to sound disrespectful Master! But I was hoping you would allow me to speak! with Raven, Before you hung up". 'My apologies young Kurokiba but we will see her later tonight at Historical Society. Beside you need to remain focused on your training". 'I understand you're training me for the up coming exams and Azami's Central, But I can't help think there another reason. One a bit more personal and not just because I'm in love with your granddaughter?"
"And you would be correct in that feeling, Ryo. You wish to use your skills and talent for Raven, Correct?".
Ryo simply nodded at this. "Follow me" Master Senzaemon led Ryo to his room and opened the shrine that is dedicated to his late wife and grandmother of Raven, Erina and Alice.

"I'm training you, because you remind me of myself, This is Yozora Nakiri. Raven's grandmother, And the love of my life". The woman in the photograph looked just like Raven. "To cook with sole purpose of pleasing and focusing on the person you love, The most rewarding pursuit in all the culinary world".
"But and the reason I have kept you away from Raven was not only so you can concentrate, But to prepare you for the most taxing feeling you'll will ever face when you choose to dedicate all your cooking to one person".

"And that is to maintain your level of skill and love for cooking, When the one you love is gone and can never return". Ryo hadn't thought of that, What was he going to do if Raven was to get hurt again and he loses her. After all he had become the Black Dragon thanks to his love for Raven.
"I became the Demon King of the kitchen! Thanks to Yozora, Her love and beauty was my whole world. And seeing her smile and enjoy my cooking more than anyone else's filled my heart with such joy!...But the day we lost her, Was the day I almost lost my love for cooking".

"And upon that day we buried her, I was asked to make a dish that would honour her memory and show just how much I loved her. But to cook when my heart was so badly broken knowing I would never again see her smile was the most exhausted I had ever been".
"But getting though that helped me become the chef I am and helped me maintain my love for cooking and my ability to cook for others".

As painful as this was to hear Ryo understood what Master Senzaemon was saying and asking him to do but the mere thought of Raven dying and leaving him to continue on alone sent a shudder down his spine. "But!...This is for you think about through out your life, you needn't worry on it yet. But just be aware that one day, Ryo. You will have to say goodbye and carry on without your beloved Raven".

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