chapter 3

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so Raven had lived forgotten with in the halls of the Nakiri mansion, and with the help, love and care from the household staff,
nd with her beloved horses to which her being a natural talent for show jumping and dressage meant Raven held the title of junior champion.
the built-in wall cabinets in her room that situated above the servant quarter, were full of first ribbon's, medals, plaques and trophy cups.

she kept all hidden away because the only people who had the right see her achievements and her injures was her adopted family the household staff who had care for since she was 4 years old.

and her passion for equestrian sport only got stronger as she grew older, despite the accidents.
life had become quite nice and peaceful well except for a few/a lot more broken bones.
any and all interaction with the rest of the Nakiri family had but all stopped completely.
except of course around the time Alice had return from Denmark and had become determined get points over Erina at every chance she got. and boasting how she had her very own aid now.
though Raven still hadn't met him yet and properly never would, what she did know is that his name was Ryo kurokiba.
the last time Alice tried befriending Raven was when she around 8 or 9, Alice was acting as if she truly cared and missed her all the time she was away in Denmark.
unfortunately for all and Alice being Alice let it slip how she was really just doing this to make Erina look bad.
after this Raven asked the household staff who were very protective her, that if any of them saw Alice heading towards the servants quarters, they were to warn her so she slip out of mansion and down to stables before Alice saw her.
and rope her in as a tool for schemes against Erina,
after a couple more attempts to try and use Raven as a tool and failing, Alice soon gave up trying with her.
Raven didn't really have any hatred towards Alice or her rest of the Nakiri family but she didn't really have any love for her or them ether.
10 years of being overlooked and forgotten she had just grown part from them losing all interest in their lives,
just as they had lost all interest in her, it got to point where even though all three of them and Hisako were walking down the same corridor, not a single word was spoken between them. not even a passing glance. it wasn't because they hated Raven and she knew this they were all just to busy notice her. so eventually around the age of 12-13 she requested one very big favour from the house staff and her few friends at totsuki middle school to start calling her Shadow. because that's what she had become a shadow just something that blended in with the background, both at home and totsuki.
as for life within totsuki academy
(OC can be read as Raven or Shadow from this point)
Raven had attended totsuki academy since the very first year in junior school, so of course at 14 she was in attendance at the start of high school division and year of the 92nd generation, she was there at the open/welcoming ceremony for any transfer students that somehow survived Erina's entrance exam. and of course Raven was there to witness Soma yukihira's less then flavourful entrance speech and ah welcoming if one could call it that.
because soma's boasting had nearly the entire high school division students in an up roar, Raven decided be would best if stayed in the background while soma was being hunted. but because she had joined the peaceful Historical SOC. back in middle school. and it being positioned up one totsuki's highest and steepest hills which meant climbing a hell of a lot of stairs to reach it, this also meant it was very quiet. and it right next to totsuki's enormous library whose head librarian Mr Kibishi was extremely strict when came to SILENT IN AND AROUND LIBRARY! and some how was even scarier that her grandfather Senzaemon, the man knew stuff.
many students stayed from that part of the school. and as she kept her head down this meant she was pretty much left alone by all the other egotistical chefs desperate for Erina's approval, place on the council of 10 and or Yukihira's blood. and plus up there she never really got to even see or meet him thankfully. Raven had become good friends with the quiet students of history SOC and with the teachers in less popular of totsuki's culinary sections, because of this she gained access to use the back entrances which was reserved for the teacher cars only.
she was allowed to be dropped off near their respected buildings by one the family drivers so wouldn't do more damage to her spine.
the students and the teachers of History SOC had known of the 10 years in which she lived in secret from the Nakiri's, the riding of horses and of course the injures she had gained because the dangerous passion. Raven had accumulated an impressive and horrifying number of serious injuries within her short life ranging from broken toes and fingers, to a broken spine and almost being paralysed when she was 13 which would still cause a lot of pain if did to much and would have the scar properly all her live to even walking around for nearly a full month with an untreated broken neck at the age of 10 which could of killed her. long since corrected and healed
and yes just like the broken foot of her 5th birthday, these life threatening injuries went unnoticed by the main Nakiri family.
so just like with the household staff who had be tasked with keeping this quiet from her family, Raven asked same from her friends and as of the teachers. to maintain her quiet and peaceful life the shadows as Shadow she requested they keep her test score below an A grade to avoid being noticed and selected for any of the upcoming major events like fall selection. since Raven had no interest in being a professional in any of culinary arts whatsoever this events did nothing for her except bore her brains out,
but as she was indeed a Nakiri albeit a secret one her skills in the kitchen way above average. and she only reason she attended the The History SOC so she could keep to herself and make her friends back the mansion and herself of course something special to eat whenever a birthday or holiday was nearing. plus she didn't want to get food poisoning on top of dealing with a broken skeleton.

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