chapter 14

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Raven couldn't believe what just happened, one minute she was explaining her life to him the next she was enveloped in the most amazingly powerful arms. complete with the most wonderful kiss. she didn't even try to fight and just melted. "you are not forgotten... you don't have to be alone anymore". was whispered low in her ear causing her to crumble.
Raven couldn't fight the tears that were building and answered his embrace by trying to hug him back but because Ryo is lot bigger than her. she opted to bringing her hands and head to rest on his muscular chest has he held her as he stroked her hair.
"thank you, Ryo...but this is quite unexpected". "i'm sorry Raven but i couldn't let you continue defending your family for how they continue to treat you...and how you could believe your not important?...". Ryo loosen his grip on her so he could look at her. in the moonlight her beauty was unmatched. but the sadness that radiated from her jewel like eyes was so painful to him. he loved her and he couldn't forget her even if he tried and as he gently wiped away the tears. he wanted to tell her how he felt. as that kiss was only a fraction of his love for her.
" because i have loved you ever since i first saw you! and since getting to know've become the world to me?"
as much as she wanted to answer he kiss in kind. she could see there was more he wanted to say so she decided it would be better to hear him out first. less pressure on him that way. and Raven had to admit she was more than a little curious and if that kiss as rushed and nervous as it was. was anything to go by it was clear Ryo had being wanting to do to that for a while. " how long have you...felt this way?"...ever since Christmas last year"...Christmas?.but when did you?.."it was late at night when i saw you coming up the main staircase".
oohhh...and here Raven thought she had gotten better at blending into the shadows. " so you saw me?...yeah i..." erm..listen do you want to continue this back inside?...sure".
Back inside Raven's kitchen.
after making both himself and Raven a much needed cup of tea Ryo continued with his explanation of how he came to fall in love with her. which was making him pretty nervous cause looking back. a lot of his actions. were actually pretty creepy.
"so if you saw me coming up the stairs...why didn't you talk to me?" i-i-i wanted to but" Raven could see how nervous he was about this. which was really so endearing to her. to think Ryo, someone who is so physically powerful and stoic was allowing her to see into his heart like this. "...i was kind of stuck for words or action...because i have never seen anyone as beautiful as you".
Ryo held her hand and looked her straight in the eyes as he said this. letting her know he meant every word. now it was Raven's turn to be stuck for words. no one had ever called her beautiful except for the house staff. "and i really did want to talk to you...but after that night i couldn't find you anywhere...until i-i-i erm i am truly sorry! Raven...for what!?..but i accidently found out about your secret entrance".
he hung his head in shame and sorrow expecting her to lose it and tell him to leave. but instead she gently squeezed his hand and rather than being upset Raven found herself falling of him even more then when she first saw him in class. but seeing that it was getting very late.
and they were both exhausted she decide it would be better for him to get some sleep and continue in the morning so his fatigue and nervousness wouldn't have him making mistakes.
"you don't need to apologise Ryo...and i'm not upset about you finding out about the painting"...your not?". she gave a small giggle and shook her head.
"but before you continue what do you say to calling it a night it's getting pretty late...and don't want your fatigue to course you to put your foot in your mouth". she said with a soft smile.
Ryo hadn't noticed it was so late nor how tired he had gotten "yeah...and thanks for preventing me from making a fool of myself" problem". he followed her to the bedroom. "i'm going get a shower"...ok i'll get one in my room...OK".
Ten minutes later.
Ryo got himself ready for bed and again his mind wandered back to Raven. he truly couldn't be more thankful to her right now. for stopping him in his tracks and allowing him to get some sleep and relax so he could take his time explaining himself. and for the fact that she was willing to hear him out first.
and for not freaking out when he suddenly kissed her which he still couldn't believe he had gotten away with that. which led him to wonder if Raven felt the same way about him. suddenly a BOOM BOOM BOOM came from Alice's room once again she was up to her tricks with the loud music and tv to keep herself and himself wake. but unbeknownst to them both Alice was seriously lagging behind only now just starting to tackle the huge amount of homework. where Ryo was already half way done thanks to Raven.
Ryo just rolled his eyes and made his way back to Raven's room again making sure no one saw him. Raven was in bed already asleep when he entered. she looked so serene and the moonlight making her glisten. as Ryo made himself comfortable he was very pleasantly surprised when she turn towards him came to rest her head on his chest so he wrapped his arm around her. "Ryo?...hmm"...are you going to the fish market tomorrow?"..yeah why? sure to wake me up please i'll go with you i haven't been in a while...sure ok".
he gently kissed her head and soon settle to sleep.
Early the next morning.
once again Ryo woke up with his face buried in her silken hair as he lay partly covering Raven, she had one her arms around his chest in gentle embrace and the other draped around his neck as her hand stroked the back of his hair which he gladly leaned into.
he brought his hand up to gently stroke her face, feeling the warmth of his hand she sweetly nuzzle into it. he couldn't help but smile at this. he soon remembered she had asked him to wake her. so he did so the only way he could think and the way he wanted the first time he was in these position. he gently lowered himself back to her sleeping form and kissed her.
more than relieved that as he kissed her cutting off her main source of oxygen and causing her to take sudden inhale through her nose resulted in him receiving a smile and an equally love filled kiss. instead of a very painful slap. after all she did work powerful animals four time his size.
Raven slowly opened her eyes to Ryo kissing her to which she couldn't help but reply with kissing him in return. "hey...Ryo. she said sleepily" morning you asked me to wake you"...i did thank you"...can you call one the drivers and if they give you attitude just tell them i'm going too... they'll usually be ready in ten minutes when they hear that and we can complete the rest of the homework when we get back"...yeah Ok". as Raven got herself ready to go she could hear the phone call between Ryo and the driver.
and as expected there was attitude from the driver towards Ryo but as soon as he said "Milady Raven will be going to". she couldn't help but laugh as she could hear the sudden change in tone from the driver. "OOHH YES SIR!!..i'll be ready in ten minutes".
Ryo gathered up his box cooler and waited with Raven. both were checking their phone counting down the ten minutes that car was promised.
and as promised dead on the ten minute mark the car was ready to go.

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