chapter 9

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after much derlimberation Ryo had come up with a way to get Miss Alice to let him transfer from cutting edge to history SOC. true it was a huge risk but the beautiful Miss Shadow was worth it.

Back at the mansion

Miss Alice was now well enough to be in the same room with, he decided to be honest with her about the transfer but he was leaving out the fact he was really doing this to get closer to Miss Shadow.

" Milady i wish to ask you something? you may not like and set a challenge to you."

"and what would that be?" she said very suspicious.

"i want to transfer from cutting edge to the historical society"

"what...why is cutting edge too much for you Ryo?!" ooh he flinched at that feeling his anger rise but kept his focus because this next bit would clench it for him.

"no i simply wish to put your theories on the latest technologies and test them against the original recipes and techniques and see which truly are better... and has for the challenge. i want test myself academically on whether or not i can get better grades and test scores than you!" Alice spat out her drink when he said this...bang! he had got her.

and Alice confident in her academics and her theories agreed. thinking this going to be a cakewalk. but unfortunately she was deeply unaware of her inability to concentrate for very long. and the fact that a lot of those A and A+ she got on tests, schoolwork and homework were because Ryo had done it for her while she was taking naps so she would keep getting attention.

"oh! are so on Ryo!..when do you want to do the final tally and what will be the wager?"

"the final tally will be after graduation and as for the wager?.. if i get better scores and grades than you. i am no longer your aid and you have treat me as your older brother. but if you win i stay as i am. deal?"

"hah!" she said laughing thinking that she would simply keep him too busy to do his school work.

"oh and one more thing since i have to start focusing on My studies it means i can't be running around after you even during the holidays. so you'll have to do stuff for yourself now. i mean you do want to win fairly right? i mean we'll soon be adults, you don't want people thinking you're incompetent do you."

oh and there it was the angry tears, her pride had well and truly set in. "FINE!..I'LL SHOW YOU RYO!..I DON'T NEED ANYONE'S HELP!"

"good well since the challenge has begun. i'm going to get ready for bed." and if Alice thought she'd cheat her way out of this she was very wrong. because before Ryo went to bed, he had gone to Soe and Lady Leonora and told them about the challenge. and how it would be good for her...and how that she was nearly a full grown woman...and needed to start being more independent.

naturally they jumped at the idea and agreed to keep the scores secret until graduation.

A week later

Raven was sat at her work station reading through a cake recipe book and waiting for the professor to show up. when she suddenly heard the snobbish tones for Alice's voice coming up the hallway. "psst" she whispered to rest of the class. she nudged her head towards the door. "remember guys i'm not here!" they gave the ok and thumbs up as she hid herself within the bookshelf maze.

as soon as they entered the class the whispers and questions began. "are you two joining history SOC?"... Alice not knowing about the keep it quiet rule answered clear and loudly "Oh! I'm not but Ryo is!" as she made her way to go check the kitchens to see what Ryo would be using against her.

seeing that the were very basic seriously to Alice they were the equivalent of a campers fire pit, she laughed very loudly. only to receive looks of horror from everyone...OH SHIT here he comes Mr Kibishi slammed open the door. "WHO IS MAKING ALL THAT RACKET?!" the answer was given when every finger in the class pointed towards Alice.

"HOW DARE YOU!'s written everywhere...KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN! "HOW RUDE! i'll have you know My name is Alice Nakiri and my...NAKIRI!?! i told Senzaemon to keep your ick out of my building... now GET OUT before i have you arrested for trespassing!

Mr Kibishi had won the library and history SOC from Senzaemon long ago after he witnessed the disrobing first hand was so offended he threatened to have Senzaemon arrested for indecent exposure towards himself and minors/children. so to settle this Mr Kibishi was given the building and promised with a legal binding contract that all Nakiri's were banned from his property would be arrested if any were caught. yeah Mr Kibishi could be a very powerful lawyer if he wanted.

so after five minutes of back and forth and a very embarrassing phone called to her father who ordered Alice to leave the grounds at once. she finally left letting things go back to being nice and quiet.

Ryo stood next to a workstation and waited for the professor to arrive but as for Miss Shadow again she was nowhere to be seen.

a few moments later the teacher had finally entered and called Ryo to the front shake his hand as he did so. "good morning class...erm where is Miss Shadow today?" he said looking around. "here sir!" she said walking out from bookshelves. "ah...there you are come here please...and i'd like to introduce to you to your partner for the year...Ryo Kurokiba!"

this was the first time she had actually seen Ryo and well he was ticking all the right boxes for her. tall check, strong check, dark check and gorgeous Check! "hello my name is's nice to meet you...erm but sir my partner?"....."i know it will strange for you and don't worry this won't affect your grade...promise".

"hello...i'm Kurokiba Ryo but you already knew that." said as he shook her delicate hand.

at last! he was finally getting to meet her and GOD she is absolutely gorgeous. her face was similar to Erina but with a porcelain white complexion, and her luscious black locks cascaded down her back and bangs that reach to her waist. but above all her eye's were truly unlike anything he had ever seen, they were like two perfectly rounded geodes of natural amethyst spackling with all kinds of deep purple.

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