chapter 31

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As Raven waited for the car. She got a called from Mr Kibishi. "Ah Raven, You said you wanted to speak to me about something"? Yes I just wanted to tell you that my grandfather will be visiting the library". "Oh is that so!?, 'I know it's last minute but I think it's time he learned about my secret".

The car pulled up and Raven got in. On the other of the phone OHHH...If only she could his face right now. The thought that Senzaemon would soon be served a huge piece of humble pie made Mr Kibishi smile like nothing else. "And how are you going to show him...your (talent)"? Raven was making her way to a supermarket to pick up ingredients. "Well...I was thinking of doing my porridge dessert. If you could serve the main"? "Yes, That will be fine".

"Great I'm heading to the supermarket now. Do you want some ingredients picking up"? "No, I have all I need here. Well I'll see you soon. Dear".

Back at Kyokusei dorm.

Erina with Hisako's help cooked for the dorm members as to thank them for taking her in and being so kind to her and much too Erina's surprise as the other's enjoyed the party as well as Isshiki. Who in the blink of an eye had gone from wearing his school uniform to well...nothing but an apron! Much to Hisako's horror. Erina heard her saying that out of all who could and would challenge her father that Soma would be the one who could win.

As the day had been tiring for her even though Erina as ever but on a brave face. And the fact that the exams were indeed approaching fast. Dorm mother Miss Fumio had shut the party down and ordered all to start early nights.

But as she slept in her Kyokusei room. Erina's mind again wandered back to the bath house. Or more specifically back too Shadow. And her warning about the up coming exams. Erina was more than aware of how skilled the elite ten were. Since then she racked her brain on how best to help the Kyokusei dorm in succeeding to the next year.

Especially with CENTRAL over seeing everything including the exams themselves. But soon her fatigue had caught up and she began to drift off. And it was in Erina's dreams that her greatest source of comfort could be met as a single tear rolled down and sparkle in the dimming light. As she dreamt of her lost sister Raven. Who she really believed was gone... Dead.

The Library.

It was Around 7pm when Senzaemon and Ryo arrived at Historical SOC and Mr Kibishi's library. Well the stairs leading up to the building and To say Senzaemon was nervous was an understatement. There was no doubt the Kibishi still had great animosity toward him. Not that it wasn't greatly deserved it. After all he was to blame for the man's grand daughter being killed.

And any hopes of young Ryo not catching on to his unease was destroyed when the sharp eyed teen finally broke the silence..."Master, Are you alright? You look a little unsteady".

"Yes! Forgive me. But I 'm uneasy, for you see Mr Kibishi and I have a very unpleasant past". This certainly captured Ryo attention but decided better about pressing for details. Besides Ryo's true focus was on the fact that his beloved Raven was only a few yard away. After not seeing or hearing from her since...well the hot springs.

Having composed himself, Senzaemon gave a quick nod to Ryo that they could begin their ascent of the many...many stairs. Up in the library Raven and Mr Kibishi were just finished with their respected tasks. Mr Kibishi was serving the traditional Japanese meal of sukiyaki has this was a 'special' occasion. Seeing the Great Demon of the Kitchen about to be brought too his knees. As for Raven, She was going serve one of her most powerful dishes. Even though it looked and was simple Raven had poured a lot of her god tongue into it.

Senzaemon and Ryo.

Having finally made it up mountain of stairs. It wasn't long after Senzaemon rang the bell. Did he and Ryo found themselves before Mr Kibishi. "Well, I can't say I 'm pleased to see You! here Senzaemon!". All Senzaemon could do was to stay silent and bow low. He had no right to argue back. After allowing them in Mr Kibishi lead them to the room they would dining in.

The room was chosen because in housed the shrine to Kibishi's grand daughter. "Thank you for allowing this Miss Kibishi", I 'm only allowing this because Dear Raven requested it. I have not and will not ever forgive you, Not only for my grand daughter but how you neglected Raven". Senzaemon solemnly bow his head. "I understand. But Raven is the reason we have come".

Ryo who is always mindful for his manners despite Alice's constant past nagging for him to be respectful. waited patiently and quietly for Raven to join them. While trying to maintain said manners having heard Mr Kibishi just call his Raven Dear?

Mr Kibishi had heard from Raven about this young man. So this was the young man who had won Raven's heart and other...Things. "So, You must be Kurokiba Ryo?...Dear Raven has spoken much about you".


Raven's porridge dessert was almost complete so she decided to go get changed. She wore a beautiful gothic kimono complete with Ryo's bandana wrapped around her waste.

And her long midnight hair into the famous black rose bun complete with waste long bangs framing her face

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And her long midnight hair into the famous black rose bun complete with waste long bangs framing her face. Raven returned to the kitchen to put the final touches to her Aerated Porridge topped with acacia honey dessert and placed it in the fridge until it was time.

She quickly made her way to the dining room eager to Ryo after so long. but stopped has she heard Mr Kibishi start on Ryo. But just as he was about start asking questions Raven opened the door saving her beautiful Kuro from a severe ear ache.

Although Ryo could indeed be very respectful when he wanted to be. But right now all he could do was to hold his ground and his tongue. 'Who the hell do you think you are calling my beloved Raven...Dear!?!' Thank god he had given his bandana to Raven back at Fall Selection finals. Or he would have lost it by now.

But before the old man could badgering him about his and Raven's relationship. The door to the room opened and seeing Raven in the beautiful kimono took his breathe away. "Sorry I 'm late".

"Ah good, Raven. I will go collect the sukiyaki while you catch up". Said Mr Kibishi as he began to exit the room. Raven hugged her grand father first as he was closer. Finally Senzaemon got to see her in one of her beautiful dresses. and she look stunning.

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