chapter 11

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after about 2-3 hours of workouts. but in all honesty he had lost track of time as he had also been thinking about Miss Shadow, it was actually around 10 o'clock. Ryo decided to get a shower and had get ready for bed. when suddenly loud music could be heard from Milady's room, oh...he knew what she was trying to do! Alice was indeed using it to keep herself awake to study but also to keep Ryo from sleeping.

so he'd be too tired to complete his own studies and the fact that it was now summer break. she would do this constantly. given that he really wanted to win again Miss Alice, he opted to go back to Miss Shadows room. so he quickly and quietly made his way back to the painting making sure no one saw him. as he entered her room and seeing no sign of her. he figured Miss Shadow wasn't back yet.

that was until he enter her kitchen to make himself a drink. as he did, he saw there on the central island a huge first place gold trophy. when suddenly Emma walked in not expecting to see a half naked master Ryo. "oh!..Master Ryo! i,is there something i can help with?" oh...erm?" Emma sir " no. thank you Emma...where is Miss Shadow? i need to ask her something." ah she's just gone to sort the horses out she'll be up in about thirty minutes or so."

30 minutes later

after getting the horses in and cared for. Raven made her way back up to the mansion. "hi Ryo." hey" did you get far with the homework?" no i decided to do some workouts instead, but i lost track of time." must be exhausted!" yeah...maybe a little bit." he followed behind her as she took the trophy into her bedroom to put it with the others. Raven took the key from where she hid it and open the wall cabinets to find space for it which took a few minutes, as the trophy almost came up to knee.

Ryo was shocked at the many of trophies she had won. "why are do you hide your trophies when your room is so well hidden?" well you can never be to careful i mean they are solid gold."

fairpoint...mind if i take a look at them?" well...Ok but your putting them back!..i'm going to get a shower." thing i need to ask you a big favour...can we talk after your shower?!"

"yeah sure." as Ryo pulled out the trophies one after another, some of them were dated back five years. Miss Shadow had be winning contests for a hell of a long time. eventually he came across what looked like some sort of medical file. but before he could have a look Miss Shadow's bathroom door began to open as she was done with her shower. "so what did you want to ask me?" deciding it would be best if she didn't catch him being too nosey, Ryo left it hoping to find out about it later.

this is going to sound really weird since we've just met and all but...well...i made a challenge to Milady that if i got better grades and test score than her by graduation i was no longer to be her servant."

Raven quickly caught on to what Ryo was asking and saved him the trouble and also knew why he was asking. Alice could be very underhanded when she wanted something. " Ooh i want share my room until graduation so you can be free of Alice. right?"

"yeah...that's about the size of it." after deciding that Ryo didn't seem like the type to pull pranks and that she could easily defend herself, plus be would nice to have some company, she agreed.

"Ok...but just one thing...are you going to use my room or yours for workouts?"...properly mine...why?" oh it just...i don't mind but if you do use my room...can you make sure to place towel benether you please? so your sweat doesn't seep into the carpet."

this was simple enough reason so Ryo agreed. but he soon recalled her grade earlier today. " said you'd explain the A-." oh..yeah, i did. well...what did you think of the cake?..and be honest!" well in all honesty it was technically perfect...but." But something was missing right?...well i know what's missing but there is nothing i can do to fix it."

Ryo was very confused by this "what do you mean? know, and can't fix it?" well the thing it's missing is passion...and no, not passion fruit or anything like...but my passion and care for cooking. i just don't have any."

"that's the reason for the A- i've asked the teachers in culinary classes to keep my grades below an A, even if the dish maybe as you said...technically perfect."

"but then you won't get chosen for the Fall Selection!" yeah i know...but i don't want to be in Fall Selection, because it...well it wouldn't be fair on you and all the others who actually care and what to be the best in the culinary world."

as much as it was shocking to hear this from Miss Shadow who is clearly massively talented at cooking. it was also quite a relief for Ryo after all he wanted to love Miss Shadow not be her rival and she was right passion for a craft like the culinary arts cannot be forced.

"well a guess...and you're right passion like that can't be forced...and i have to admit it's very considerate of you." good. well...seeing that we're both tired and we do have a lot of homework to do... do you want to called it a night...and start on it tomorrow?"...yeah sure."

Later that night to early morning

it was strange to have someone share her bed, but Raven was actually quite liking it and Ryo was not only gorgeous but he was quite tactile, and she was very aware of his powerful presence beside her. which became even more apparent when she felt him rolled over toward her, and pulled her to him holding her firm, but gently while burying his face into her hair and neck.

she soon settle into this with the fatigue from the horses and the contest soon causing her to fall into a deeper asleep.

as for Ryo this was properly the most comfortable night sleep he'd ever had, in the ten whole years of being with Miss Alice. he was aware he had turned in his sleep when, he felt something soft and warm in his arms and up against his chest, his face was enveloped in the scent of lavender and the feel of warm silk. he could of slept in this position for some time.

unfortunately his internal clock was telling him to get up for the fish market, and as he woke himself up. he was shocked to find the beautiful Miss Shadow sleeping peaceful in his arms!

and she felt so nice in his arms, he was loathed to part himself from her and worse he'd now have to wake her too! "hey...i'm just going to the market i'll be back in a few hours...kay?" yeah...sure. but if you're still tired when you get back go back to sleep...don't want to be falling asleep doing that homework." she said while still asleep.

ha...yeah ok" God it took everything he had not kiss her and to actually move away from her sleeping form.

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