✩1✩ - Rabbit

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Work started bright and early for the employee's of 'Soonami'. One in particular could be seen rushing to work, eager to enter the chaotic world of 'Free City'. In one hand she held a brief case, the other, a medium coffee with cream and two sugars. She hurried to the elevator, sliding in between the gap just as the door began to close.

"Late night?", Someone asked from behind her.

"Keys!", She jumped back, falling against the elevator door.

"I was up all night doing paper work stuff, you know looking over codes, reviewing gameplays and all the other 'joys' that comes with being a Soonami employee.", She replied scarcasticly with a giggle.

"Yeah, I was up all night emailing Antwan about recent glitches and development's."

"Sounds like you and Antwan are getting pretty close!", (Y/N) teased, causing the boy to flip her off.

"Come on Key's, we all know Antwan takes all these 'trips' off work to visit his multiple girlfriend's out in the Caribbean! You don't have a chance with him", She laughed, running a hand through her hair.

"For the last time (Y/N), I'm.not.gay! Plus he's actually working on Free City 2!", The evelator pulled to a halt, the doors opening, signalling their arrival on the tenth floor.
"It's written all over you Key's! I'm not the only one who's seen the way you look at Antwan!", She joked skipping of to her desk, earning herself 'the finger' from Keys. She switched on her monitor, placing a nearby headset on as she began to log into her 'Free City' account, shielding the screen discreetly as to hid her log in details. Unlike most employees, (Y/N) had an actual purpose, other than money, for working at Soonami. (Y/N) had been working at Soonami for a few months now, desperately searching for evidence against the development of 'Free City'. A rumour had spiralled on YouTube about Antwan, the owner of 'Free City', he'd apparently stolen parts of code to create his beloved game, ripping off smaller game creators. At first she hadn't believed it until she'd ended up in an area of Free City, identical to an old discarded game she'd overheard Keys talking about. Now hooked on finding the other stolen part of codes, (Y/N) found herself slowly taking apart the pieces of the stolen puzzle. Why? Well, she was simply bored and had nothing better to do with her life plus she enjoyed the company of the other Soonami workers. The start screen had loaded up, (Y/N) began to customise her avatar, the same way she always did. Her avatar barely differed from her actual appearance except for the outfit and mask ,which covered half of her face- a perfect disguise. Her outfit was revealing, a pink bodycon suit with hot pink bunny ears and a matching tail, no wonder she was nicknamed 'Hot pink rabbit' by the other players.

(A/N: outfit inspo because there's no way I'm allowing (Y/N) to wear the actual 'Hot Pink Rabbit' skin!!)

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(A/N: outfit inspo because there's no way I'm allowing (Y/N) to wear the actual 'Hot Pink Rabbit' skin!!)

Her mask contained thin layers of glass between the eye holes, acting in place of where most experienced players would wear sunglasses. She spawned in front of the coffee shop, as she watched the NPC's go about their daily routines before running off down the street in search of the stolen code. Little did she know, another player was hot on her tail. He'd been following her for a while, filming her every move. He was no one special, just another random Free City player, who was about to cause an unnecessary upheaval inside and outside of the game.

(Y/N) dodged bullets, swiftly ducking behind a car. She was currently being targeted by a fellow player dressed in intimidating looking armor. He'd been chasing her for a hot minute now and she was more than ready to lose him if it wasn't for the threatening machine gun he held and was firing at random. No doubt he was either an incel or a child. Two things that (Y/N) loathed with a passion. She looked around the city, the only nearby supplies was a health kit and discarded cash, none of which were of any use to her right now. The particular street that she was on was empty except for the blood thirsty maniac. If she were to die in game she'd lose all progress she had on hacking the areas of the game that involved stolen code. Dying at this point would be incredibly...

"You up for a coffee break?"

(Y/N) jumped with a slight scream, shielding her screen with the side of her elbow as she turned around to face Keys, "What? I mean yeah sure, sounds good!"

"I still can't figure out why I keep dying on this one mission, it's impossible. I swear Antwan's rigged it."

(Y/N) handed Keys a packet of sugar as she listened to his complaints.

"Maybe you're just bad at the game", she mumbled, stirring her coffee mindlessly.

"What was that?", Keys asked distracted by something on his phone
"Nothing. I said you should probably like try harder or something. Texting Antwan again?", (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"No, I'm texting Millie, you know the girl from that gaming convention, she's asking if I can help her with something.", He replied, holding the phone up for (Y/N) to read, she scanned over the text briefly.

"So like are you guys dating?"

Keys choked on his coffee, bending over into a coughing fit. (Y/N) sighed, walking over to him, patting his back (a gesture ,which didn't exactly do anything except from reassure the other person that they had someone, who trusted them enough to allow them to share their germs with).

"It's not like that, we're entirely platonic."

"With a capital P?"

"With a capital P.", Key's sighed.

(Y/N) walked off, back to her desk, returning to see her killer dancing over her dead body. She groaned at the realisation of all her lost progress. Little did she know, she wasn't the only one in search of the stolen codes.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now