☆18☆- I'd burn for you (Part 3)

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Within in a matter of minutes (Y/N) had made it into the smoke covered basement. The place was almost entirely lit by flames. (Y/N) peered into the smoke trying to make out any signs of Mouser. As she inched closer into the room she heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing off the walls. Making her way in further, she saw a faint silhouette in the smoke. Her heart dropped.

Whilst (Y/N) had been making her way down the stairs, Keys had found himself at 'the scene of the crime'. He'd accidentally wandered into the burning basement, greeted by flames and smoke. He could've sworn he'd heard the basement door open so he'd simply followed the sound, unaware of where he was going. As he stared into the smokey area ahead of him, he noticed the faintest sign of someone else in the basement. He edged forward, quickening his pace as the heat from the flames threatened against him.

"Mouser?", A voice called out into the smoke.

The voice sounded strained and dry, but still recognisable, shouting in a room full of fire was not a good idea.

(Y/N) bent over coughing as she inhaled the smoke. She covered her mouth with her sleeve as she walked towards the figure. Within a few feet of walking (Y/N) could make out the basic features of the person ahead of her. She dashed forward without a second thought, it was as if all her previous problems had simply left her at the sight of him.

"KEYS!", She screamed at the top of her voice.

However, as she came closer a second figure emerged. Antwan.

"So first you try sabotage my game and now you try burn down my building?", he laughed.

(Y/N) stopped as she came closer she realised Antwan wasn't talking to her.
Antwan believed that Keys had ruined everything and now no doubt he'd make him pay for it.

Antwan's two assistants stood behind him ominously.

"My whole lifes work is ruined!", Antwan yelled dramatically.

"I didn't start this Antwan-", Keys protested, noticing (Y/N) creeping up behind Antwan.

"Yes, you did! You and your crazy girlfriend! Don't think I didn't notice you (Y/N)", Antwan turned around to face her.

"Sugar-", (Y/N) muttered.

"Now! If you don't mind my two assistants here are just going to calmly kill you and make it look like an accident! Don't worry nothing to gorey- they're just going to push you into the fire and walk off", Antwan smiled cheerfully.

"(Y/N), run!", Keys shouted as he felt one of Antwan's assistants restrain him.

(Y/N) stood her ground, until she noticed Mouser holding some kind of object, looking as if he was about to knock both Antwan and his assistants out.

(Y/N) raced out of the building, heading for the exit as quickly as possible.

Before Antwan or his assistants could notice, they were both knocked out flat on the floor of the basement.

"Mouser!", Keys greeted his friend.

"Come on, let's get out of here! Not long until the building collapses", Mouser gestured to the exit.

"You go on ahead, I need to do something first", Keys smiled, remembering how (Y/N)'s shoe was still left on the stairs.

"Ok bro, hurry up though!", Mouser shouted, before hurrying out of the basement.

(Y/N) had finally made it out of the building, she looked around for any familiar faces. She spotted Millie at some length from the building.

"Millie!", She ran over to her side, out of breath.

"(Y/N)! Is everything alright?", Millie asked.

"I don't know- have you seen Keys?", She panted.

"I thought he was with you-", Millie's eyes widened in shock as a shared gasp escaped the lips of everyone who'd made it out of the building.
(Y/N) spun around, the building was full on collapsing now, it only took it a few minutes before the entire place was now just a heap of burnt bricks.

(Y/N) sprinted forward, seeing Mouser running towards her, she ran quicker.

"What happened?", She cried.

"He's...still...in...there-", Mouser panted, desperately attempting to catch his breath.

"Who? Antwan?...Keys?", (Y/N) panicked.

"Both- Antwan's unconscious", Mouser smiled.

"Crap. I'm going back in!", (Y/N) shouted, racing off before anyone could protest.

As she got close to what was left of Soonami, she realised that the entrance was now a large pile of burnt material. The place was entirely blocked off, she had no way of getting in. (Y/N) desperately attempted to get a better view, pushing past the masses of people. The place was swamped in smoke and emergency vehicles, (Y/N) ran up to one of the nearby ambulances- pounding on the window.

"Can I help you miss?", The driver asked.

"Is there anyone left in Soonami?", She replied, swallowing down her voices attempt of cracking.

"They're doing a final check now, all survivors are most likely being escorted to hospital for a check up", the driver answered.

"Take me to the hospital!", (Y/N) demanded.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that- I gotta wait for the confirmation that everyone's safe-"

Before the driver could continue, (Y/N) swung open the ambulance door.

"Excuse me Sir! But I am a pregnant woman, FROM AMERICA! In desperate need of assistance right now! I'm about to give birth!", She screamed dramatically, forcing tears.

The driver didn't bother to question her as he drove off the hospital.

(Y/N) began to smile, only to remember that Keys safety was yet to be guaranteed.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now