☆7☆- Falling to a pixelated death

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The two were now lying on top of one another in some empty room (empty- if you overlooked the wall of guns behind them).

"That was pretty close!", (Y/N) laughed breathlessly.

Keys readjusted his in-game glasses , contemplating what to take in first, the fact that he'd just escaped death or the fact that an unbelievably, hot girl was lying on top of him.

"I don't think we ever got the chance to meet properly, I'm Hot Pink Rabbit... actually I'd much prefer if you'd just call me HPR", she smiled, pretending to be oblivious to the fact that Keys was underneath her.

Keys looked to his pockets to see if his handcuffs were still in place only to see them now held in (Y/N)'s hands.

"Those are mine-", Key's stuttered, turning away from (Y/N) . Her outfit showed of a great deal of her cleavage, which most guys would be going crazy over and yet Key's socially awkward nature lead him to immediately shut his eyes.

"What's wrong? I'm not going to arrest you, in fact I'm curious as to why you want to arrest me!", She smiled again, she'd have to act as naïve as possible to avoid any suspicions Keys could have about her identity.

Key's readjusted his glasses again, unable to form a proper sentence.

(Y/N) sighed, rolling off Keys, "You're no fun"
She ran a hand through her hair before getting up to leave.

"Wait!", Key's sat up from the floor.

She paused, turning round.

"What are you doing?", Keys stood up, walking closer to her.

"Follow me and I'll tell you!"

Part of Keys was desperate to follow her, to discover her motives although, the sound of his ringtone caused him to immediately log out.

"Hey Millie, I told you, you can't call me at my job!", Key's sighed into his phone.

"Keys! I've found it! Antwan! I know he's stolen from us! There's a rumour right now on Reddit spiralling out of control about some secret Free City level! There's only a few leaked images, all of which are from our game, 'Life Itself'!", Millie blurted over the phone.

Keys groaned, Millie was great and all but framing his employer was just too far, "Millie, if it's on Reddit there's a 99% chance that's it's fake. Look I've got to get back to work, I've got stuff to do"

"Keys! Come on! Just hear me out!"

Keys ended the call, turning back to his laptop to log back into Free City.

(Y/N) would be lying if she said that she was happy to be alone in Free City, the only benefit of her lonesomeness was analysing the file containing the code, over and over again. It looked so familiar, yet she couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps it would benefit her more if she was to find Molotov Girl or whatever her name was. (Y/N) lay flat on the floor in defeat, what good was the code if she couldn't do anything with it. She sat up startled, as a bullet brushed the tip of her nose, planting a clean hole in the wall in front of her.

"What the -?", She jumped to her feet, turning around to face Keys, gun in hand.

Her face immediately dropped, "Bad WiFi signal or something? You better be here to apologize after leaving me alone for like 25 minutes!"

Keys placed his gun back into its holster, "No, I got caught up with some work stuff"

(Y/N) pulled an expression of mock sympathy, "Did your big scary boss fire you?"

She held back a laugh as Keys rolled his eyes, "No but he will if I don't figure out a way to take your account down-"

Now it was (Y/N)'s turn to roll her eyes, "Arresting me in game won't get my account deleted- besides mines protected by some like security stuff so good luck! The only way you're getting rid of me is by getting the password to my account"

Keys dropped his gun, he'd never really considered what he'd do after capturing her in game. (Y/N) began to head for the exit, deciding that Keys was hardly worth her time.

"Wait! Can't you at least tell me what you're up to?", he shouted over to her.

(Y/N) stopped at the front of a wide glass window, overlooking the city, "Depends! If you can keep up then feel free to take along, I'm bored"

With that she allowed herself to free fall into the glass, breaking it into shatters with the heel of her boot. One thing Keys had picked up from Hot Pink Rabbits attack patterns was that she was always quick on her feet, he'd need to act quick if he wanted to catch up with her.

(Y/N) landed safely onto the ground, Free City was entirely unrealistic- if it was real her body would be a mess of blood and guts right now, she thought, laughing aloud. She looked up to see Keys looking out of the hole she'd made in the window.

"Don't be such a pussy! It's only a 2,717 ft drop!", She shouted up, wondering if he could even hear her.
It took her a short amount of time before she found herself growing increasingly impatient. With a loud sigh she teleported back up to the building, landing in front of Keys.

"Whats wrong with the stairs?", He suggested.

(Y/N) shook her head, "Overrated, besides the view from falling down is pretty great! Even if it's only a matter of pixels and other coding nonsense", she held her hand out to Keys, who took a great deal of time deciding whether he should take it or not.

With his hand in hers, (Y/N) pulled herself closer to Keys, "I'm going to push you of now!"

She kicked off the ledge before Keys could protest, the two plummeting down the ground, she tightened her grip around Key's, absorbing the breath taking view.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now