☆16☆- I'd burn for you

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"What happened?", (Y/N) asked instantly as Keys was dismissed from Antwan's office.

"He knows", Keys sighed, defeated.

"How? Who told him?", (Y/N) was desperate to find out who else could've possibly known about their plan.

Keys stopped in his tracks, "I don't know (Y/N)- I was with Millie for the majority of the plan, Millie has been desperate to sue Antwan for months and you?"

(Y/N) felt her pulse speed up, "Keys I've been with you both online and off- you don't really think?"

Keys turned to face her, "From what I remember you snuck off multiple times with unreasonable excuses every time-"

(Y/N) felt enraged, how could Keys accuse her of this? What happened to last night?

"Why would i tell Antwan?", (Y/N), raised an eyebrow.

Keys shrugged, "I don't know, You tell me"

He walked off, leaving her alone in the now empty corridor.

(Y/N) contemplated if she should scream a long list of profanities at him but stopped as she heard Antwan's office door shut.

"Well! we won't be seeing him around here any longer!", Antwan exclaimed.

(Y/N) turned around immediately, "you fired him?"

"Well yeah, what am I stupid? We can't have 'spies' hanging around in here! He should take a page out of Mouser's book, that guys on a the right line for a PROMOTION!!!", Antwan sang, strutting past (Y/N).

Mouser. No wonder he hadn't returned her smile.

Meanwhile Key's began clearing out his desk. While he knew what Soonami was doing was wrong he couldn't help but feel a slight sense of disappointment. He'd made a fair amount of decent memories here, as he finished up with what was left of his desk he found himself regretting the argument with (Y/N). Yes, she was the obvious suspect for turning them in but her motive still left Keys confused.

(Y/N) shoved past multiple employees on her way to Mouser, Keys and her shoe would have to wait. She knew why Mouser had done it. In fact, it was partly her fault. She'd distracted Keys from his duty of taking her account down with Mouser, in the process she'd distracted him from his friendship with Mouser. Of course it wasn't intentional, she would never want to sabotage what they had. Mouser had most likely felt left out and probably thought Keys was betraying the company (which he was) and had turned him in to Antwan.

(Y/N) found Antwan typing peacefully at his desk, as if he was completely oblivious to the chaos he'd just erupted.

"Mouser! You got a sec?", (Y/N) called over.

Mouser rolled his eyes, he didn't even try to hide his annoyance.

"What do you want?", he mumbled.

(Y/N) took a seat by Mouser, preparing herself to tell the wild tale of all that had been happening over the past few days.

In the mean time, Keys left Soonami, for what he thought would be the last time, he took a final look before meeting Millie outside of the building.

"Something wrong?", Millie asked, running up to Keys.

He waited for her to catch up before continuing to walk off, "(Y/N)", he muttered.

"What did she do?", Millie pondered, unsure of what (Y/N) could really do .

"She told Antwan about the plan!", Keys shouted, causing Millie to step back.

"Why would she do that?", Millie frowned.

"I honestly don't know but somehow he knew", Keys ran a hand through his hair.

"So you just assumed it was her?", Millie raised an eyebrow.

Keys turned to face her, "well yeah? She threatened to before- I just thought-"

Millie smirked, "I highly doubt it was her, she threatened to kill me...with her shoe"

Keys eyes widened, "Great! Not only do I find out that she's a liar now she's a murderer?"

Millie laughed, "No, in a like romantic? way"

Keys now looked more confused than shocked, "Romantic?"

"I might've 'tested' her loyalty...that bit doesn't matter actually it's slightly embarassing...my point is, you could of potentially just ruined your relationship", Millie lectured.

Whilst Millie and Keys talked relationships, Mouser and (Y/N) talked burning buildings...

"We could burn it down?", Mouser suggested.

"Burn down Soonami? That's insane-", (Y/N) laughed.

"True...but it's effective and a pretty romantic gesture...if really takes 'i'd burn for you' to a whole new level ", Mouser winked.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "I'm not doing this for Keys...well actually I guess I am but I also want to take Antwan down for good -"

Mouser rummaged around in his bag, pulling out a half full bottle of vodka, "I've got the fuel"

(Y/N) hesitated for a second before reaching into her pocket to take out a shimmering, pink lighter, "Might as well go out with a bang"

Mouser smiled at her, "Right so I'll start the fire...set off the alarm and you get Antwan's laptop whilst he's distracted. Just send me a message and I'll put it out... immediately "

(Y/N) nodded, turning to leave before smiling at Mouser, "Thanks Mouser"

(Y/N) looked around to check if anyone had been listening into this conversation, giggling at the realisation that her simple plan of getting her shoe back had turned into utter mayhem. She skipped off to Antwan's office. However, (Y/N) had entirely forgotten that she'd already taken his laptop. The day she'd knocked Key's glasses off, the whole point of that day was for her to get to his laptop before Keys did. No doubt this plan was going to fail. Miserably.

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