☆14☆- Things we don't talk about

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"You can dry off in here", (Y/N) pointed to her bedroom before continuing.
"There's towels in my ensuite and there's probably some fitting clothes in my 'ex boyfriend' draw"

Keys gulped at the last bit, he didn't particularly fancy wearing (Y/N)'s ex's clothes but he was pretty drenched right now.

"Thanks", he shot (Y/N) a slight smile, before closing the door behind him.

(Y/N) spun a strand of hair around her finger awkwardly, she swatted her hand away from reaching for the door handle. Keys changing. Keys changing. Keys changing. she felt herself blush madly, mentally criticizing herself for letting the thought cross her mind. She desperately needed to change her own clothes, her white blouse was soaked and was looking embarrassingly opaque. (Y/N) looked down only to look straight back up. Her bra was entirely visible, Keys had to be done changing by now. She burst through the door, rushing over to her draw of more 'intimate garments' feeling Keys gaze on her.

She spun around only to see him half dressed (well maybe a little more than half).

"Oh my gosh, i- I'm sorry!", She blurted out, frozen in position.

"(Y/N)", Keys began.

"Keys", (Y/N) whispered.

The two walked closer to one another, each step cost the skip of a heartbeat.
They stopped at the feeling of one another's sights. They'd stared at each other from distances but never up close.

"How long are we going to keep doing this?", Keys begged.

(Y/N) looked into his eyes, raising an eyebrow before smirking. Words wouldn't answer his question. She placed her lips onto his. At that moment everything stopped except their heartbeats. Keys was desperate for more but (Y/N) pulled back, she staggered back into the wall.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-", Keys muttered, unaware if what has happened was his fault or not.

(Y/N) shook her head, loosening her tie, kicking off her shoe and unbuttoning her blouse. She paused halfway, unable to keep away from Keys. She walked with haste back to his touch, this time hesitation wasn't an option. The two moved their lips in perfect sync, slurring inaudible words between kisses, they kept at this ritual for a few more minutes before Keys moved his sights on silent hopes of further progression. (Y/N) caught on in an instant, tilting her head, pushing back her hair. Keys traced his lips up the skin of her neck as she fiddled with the fabric of his shirt. She cursed in frustration as she impatiently attempted to get his shirt off, stepping away for a simple 30 seconds, returning with a threateningly sharp pair of scissors.

"I'll replace it", (Y/N) smirked, before slicing the shirt clean off of him, tossing the scissors at a safe distance.

Their intimate session continued. Fifteen minutes later, though the only progress they'd made from deeper kisses was the loss of (Y/N)'s blouse and skirt.

Keys pulled back panting for breath, "We should probably continue with the plan, yknow with Antwan, Millie, the footage-"

(Y/N) scoffed, "You better be joking - I'm literally in my underwear! I can't go out like this!"

"Yeah...", Keys looked to the side.

"Walter? What's wrong? We were doing so well...", (Y/N) pouted, bending over to reach for her blouse.

"Are you sure you want to do this?", he spoke up, gazing over to (Y/N).

(Y/N) smiled softly, placing her arms around his neck, "How am I supposed to focus on some plan to get footage when I'll regret not taking the opportunity to have se-"

"Uh you don't need to say it!", Keys interupted, covering her mouth with his hand.

(Y/N) snorted, "Don't tell me you've never done it before"

"Well yeah that may be true, I've made out (kinda, there's still not a proper button for it) with girls (and guys) in Free City so that parts easy, I've stripped as well (down to my holster) but it's physically impossible to go any further than that in Free City!", Keys awkwardly laughed to (Y/N).

"You're telling me your basing your decision to move further off your experiences in Free City?", (Y/N) laughed even louder.

" No- maybe- Yeah!", Keys began to pace around the room, increasing the already lingering awkwardness.

(Y/N) pulled him to a halt, "This isn't Free City, we're not limited by virtual actions- if you want to go further than this well I'm game if you are"

(Yeah you know what happens next)

Light bled through the fabric of the curtains, waking (Y/N) with a gratifying stretch and a dozen blinks before she recalled last night. Too her surprise she was alone in her bed, perhaps it had all been some detailed, lucid dream. Or not...her memories were so....detailed... too detailed. She glanced down at herself, sighing in relief at the sight of her underwear being intact (she couldn't exactly remember at what moment she'd put it back on). She fumbled her hand around the floor, picking up and dressing herself in a black, oversized t-shirt.

Keys had woken up two hours before (Y/N), it felt wrong to stay in the room with her, it felt even worse to stay in the room with her whilst she had no clothes on. (y/N) had previously taken the liberty of hastily putting her underwear back on before she awoke. She'd hoped it would perhaps erase her memories of last night if she was partly dressed. Clothes really weren't a part of their last night 'occupation'. He wasn't entirely sure what to do now. This was his first time and honestly the morning after was beginning to feel a lot more nerve wracking.


The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now