☆8☆- what happens in Free City stays in Free City

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"We're fine- Mr cop or whatever you're called, you can stop holding onto me", (Y/N) laughed, taking note of her's and Key's entwined hands. Key's pulled away, brushing invisible dust of his uniform.

"So? What now?", he asked.

(Y/N) pretended to be deep in thought for a moment before taking hold of his hand once again, dragging him round the corner of the building they'd just jumped out of.

"Key's?", Mouser spoke up from behind.

Keys turned around , startled, covering his screen from Mouser, he'd totally spaced and forgot the two of them were supposed to be working together to capture Hot Pink Rabbit.

"Oh hey Mouser, any updates?", Mouser peered over to Key's screen, only catching a glimpse before Keys slammed his screen down.

"Nothing bro, you?"

Keys shook his head, unable to form a proper reply due to his inability to lie to his friend.

"Alrigh-", Mouser shrugged, walking off.

Keys let out a sigh of relief, opening up his laptop to be greeted by Hot Pink Rabbit right in his face.

He double checked the connection between his laptop and his headset before speaking into the mic in a hushed tone, "Sorry, more work stuff"

(Y/N) tilted her head to one side, "Why are you speaking so quietly?"

"One of my co-workers, who's also after you, is in the same room as me and I can't risk him overhearing what's going on", Key's muttered under his breath.

"The one who made that tragic attempt at copying my outfit?", (Y/N) laughed, raising an eyebrow.

Keys nodded, "Where to now?"

(Y/N) shook her head, wandering off down a dimlit path. The two had ended up at a harbour lined with illuminated trees, they were far from the city centre. The only other person apart from the two of them was an NPC handing out icecream.

"Where are we?", Keys asked, taking in the view.

(Y/N) simply carried on walking, she hadn't intended on even ending up in this area... Still, she couldn't deny that it gave of serious 'first date' energy. Keys was now walking beside her, it had only been a matter of hours before the two had spoke in real life and yet she missed him like crazy.

"I want icecream", she demanded, breaking the silence.

She lead the way to the icecream stand, the NPC immediately greeted her, listing the flavours.

"What do you want?", She turned to Keys, tilting her head to the stand.

"Whatever you're having, I've never been here before", Keys turned to admire the view again. (Y/N) took the icecreams from the NPC, taking out her gun to shoot him to avoid paying. Keys spun around, only to see a now abandoned icecream stand. (Y/N) handed him the icecream, with a playful smirk.

"I don't even want to know what happened to him", Keys confessed. He examined the icecream, taking in the sickly pink colour, "Bubblegum? That's weird- I literally only know two other people who like it"

(Y/N) looked up from her own icecream, "Really? Tell me about them!"

Keys thought for a moment, the first person he'd met ,who liked bubblegum icecream, was Millie. The second was (Y/N). Both of which he wasn't on particularly great terms with.

"I'm not really uh connected with any of them anymore-"

(Y/N) looked over to Key's, taking in his solemn expression at the mention of the two people. She lead him over to a nearby bench, patting the seat next to her.

"What happened between the three of you?", She inquired, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

Key's shook his head with a sigh, "It's a long story about office relationships, failed plans and a whole lot of confusion. You would not be interested"

(Y/N) smiled softly, "I've got time"

Key's looked into her mask covered eyes, she looked so familiar... And yet entirely different.

"Well the first girl is constantly accusing my boss of stealing our game, which is honestly getting in the way of my job, although she's been my friend since forever so it's kind of hard to be mad at her", Key's laughed slightly.

"And the other one?", (Y/N) moved closer to Keys, knowing full well the other girl was her.

"The other girl I've been in love with since she began working the same job as me, she's incredibly smart and...pretty... however, she's been acting really weird lately, like somethings wrong plus she smashed my glasses...still, she's the most amazing person I've ever met and I just want her to know that I'm here for her"

(Y/N) felt herself blushing, she had no idea Keys felt that way. She'd always thought he was either gay or in love with that Millie girl he was constantly texting. She turned to face him, he sat now facing the floor. (Y/N) took a deep breath, placing her hand underneath his chin, directing him to face her.

"If that girls not madly in love with you then she's insane", (Y/N) leaned in closer, entwining her gloved hand with Keys, she pressed her glossy pink lips against his. At the moment it was as if she'd dropped her disguise, every inch of her body urged her to reveal herself to Keys. Her heart beat faster, why did an in game kiss feel so real? She'd never thought of Keys this way before...She pulled back, standing up from the bench, this wasn't going to work out.

"I've got to go, one more thing, your friend, the one who's accusing your boss, she's right. That's why I'm here, I'm trying to find the parts of the stolen game or secret level. Call it what you want-", (Y/N) confessed.

Keys stood up from the bench, "you don't know that - it's just a Reddit theory", he protested.

"Keep insisting on that and you'll end up losing your friends forever"

(Y/N) logged out of Free City, leaving Keys dumbfounded.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now