☆12☆- Reveal

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"It's Mouser", Keys returned to the game, distraught by the sudden hole in their plan.

"What's going on?", Millie rushed over to Key's side.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes muttering something unpleasant about Keys and his stupidity.

"Mouser deleted the footage, he somehow got hold of it and I don't know how to get it back!", Keys panted over the mic as if he was out of breath.

"Ok so what do we-?", Millie started.

"Keys what's wrong?", (Y/N) cut in, trying to hide the obvious concern in her voice.

"Antwan suspects that I'm up to something and right now he's got his assistance looking for me so I might've ran down the stairs into one of the empty storage room-", Key's admitted, slightly embarrassed that he'd ran from Antwan.

"I'm going to pretend I know who Antwan is", (Y/N) lied once again to keep her mask on.

"We need a new plan", Millie paced around the room, beginning to plot a slightly more complicated plan.

(Y/N) began to log off, before she could be included in another crazy plan that could potentially get her fired before Millie spoke up.

"Keys you need to try get that laptop back", she instructed.

"Wha- Millie I can't do it alone-", Keys instantly protested.

"You're right, I'm still banned from entering Soonami. Rabbit girl- whatever your name is- you owe us, you want in?"

(Y/N) held back an exasperating sigh, "I'm not even going to ask why I owe you, this has nothing to do with me"

Millie walked up to (Y/N), "Think of this as an extra step to your old goal of simply finding the hidden level! It'll be fun- kind off"

(Y/N) looked at Millie and then at Keys, "Fine. What's the plan?"

(Time skip)

The next day (Y/N) had woken two hours earlier than usual, despite spending three hours with Millie going over their fool (Antwan) proof plan. The plan consisted of her revealing her identity, she knew she owed Keys and if she wanted to restore their dying relationship this was the way to do it. She decided to keep her appearance relatively interesting. Keeping her hair down, she exchanged her usual outfit for a black pencil skirt, a white blouse with a striking pink tie and of course, her pink platforms.

Keys woke up feeling slightly sick, he didn't particularly feel like meeting Hot Pink Rabbit in person let alone with Millie there to judge but if it meant exposing Antwan it was most definitely worth it. He left his house at 9 on the dot not wanting to be late for this dreaded meeting. All three of them had planned on meeting at the coffee shop, no doubt had he bumped into her at one point.

To (Y/N)'s relief no one apart from a few random customers were at the café. She took a seat at her usual table, reapplying a second layer of lipgloss and giving her hair a quick toss, she'd be lying is she said she didn't want to make a good impression on Millie.

The doorbell rang a few minutes after, Keys stepped into the café, scanning the room for Millie, his eyes landed instantly on (Y/N), who was engaged with something on her phone.

"Hey", Keys walked up to (Y/N), determined to make a second attempt with salvaging their friendship.

(Y/N) looked up from her phone, her heart skipping a beat, "Keys! What are you doing here?"

"Meeting up with some frien- people", Keys still hadn't questioned what his relationship with Hot Pink Rabbit was.

"Oh hey me too!", (Y/N) felt her pulse beat quicker, terrified that he might've figured her out already.

"Oh really? Don't you have work?", Keys asked, taking a seat opposite (Y/N).

"Yeah but I'm too tired-", (Y/N) laughed, knocking her phone off the table in the process of speaking.

Keys leant down to pick it up, it landed right next to the heel of her shoe. The hot, pink shoes she wore every day, in fact he'd only started noticing them when the two had tried to find Hot Pink Rabbit like a week ago, they were almost identical to Hot Pink Rabbits... It couldn't be-

Keys placed (Y/N)'s phone back on the table, "Nice to meet you, Hot Pink Rabbit"

(Y/N)'s eyes instantly widened, "How did you-"

"Shoes.", Keys smirked, tilting his head to the floor.

Millies walked into the shop, spotting Keys, she walked over to the table pulling out the empty chair.

"Keys! and I assume you're the rabbit", she held out her hand, which (Y/N) took reluctantly.

"I could've sworn we met the other day-", (Y/N) tried to recall the previous day only to be interupted by Millie.

"Ok, we discussed the plan yesterday but let's just go over it again just to be sure of what everyone's doing. Ok so Keys you and- I'm sorry what's your name?", Millie paused, realising she had no idea what 'Hot Pink Rabbit's' real name was.

"It's (Y/N)", (Y/N) muttered.

"Wait- (Y/N) (L/N) the one that Keys doesn't shut u-", Millie began, looking as if she was about to die of laughter.

"Excuse me?", (Y/N) blurted out, she'd been told it online but hearing it out loud had her beyond embarrassed.

"UH Who wants coffee?", Keys instantly interupted.

"Now I know why you kissed her", Millie murmured.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now