✩game over (good ending accomplished)✩

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Seven months.

Seven months had (Y/N) sat by that hospital bed, patiently awaiting a fate that wasn't to be, a fate that never came. By the time the nurses had decided it would be better for her to be taken from the hospital she was to mentally drained to even notice them guiding her into the back of a car. The entire journey she'd stared blankly out the window, she hadn't left *that* room for ages and yet she'd wondered what she'd even missed. The city still looked the same as the way it had the last time she saw it. She sat back in the seat of the Uber she called, checking her watch consistently. The nurses back in the hospital had all collectively agreed that sending (Y/N) to therapy was the best idea so now she sat in the back seat of an Uber nervously playing with a loose strand of hair. She hadn't spoken to anyone in an awful lot of time and had since lost all sense of confidence, which also seemed to drain her fashion sense. As (Y/N) stepped out of the Uber, she caught her appearance in one of the nearby shop windows. She was dressed in black and white sneakers, a black tennis skirt and an oversized white blouse. She shook her head disapprovingly. (Y/N) wandered off into the therapists office, unaware that she'd be stuck there for five hours, crying her problems out to a total stranger over a cup of unsweetened coffee.

(Y/N) felt no different after the appointment, night was falling upon the city and yet (Y/N) wasn't ready to go home. She'd never found herself to be accustomed to the night life, although that wasn't what she was particularly after tonight. She continued on walking a few blocks down until she neared a particularly familiar building. She pushed on the glass door, the nostalgic aroma instantly hitting her. The shop was brightly lit, though there were very few customers. The barista instantly recognized her, "(Y/N)! It's been so long although, I don't imagine your coffee orders changed!"

(Y/N) smiled for the first time in...? In a while. She shook her head, "you know actually...I'd like to try something different"

"By all means, what can I get you?",the barista replied.

"I'd like to try a cappuccino ", (Y/N) smiled.

The barista nodded approvingly, fishing for the the ingredients for (Y/N)'s coffee.

(Y/N) hummed along to the song on the radio, as she waited patiently.

"It's just a sweet, sweet, fantasy baby", she sang along.

"I love that song", a familiar voice gasped behind her.

(Y/N) turned around instantly recognizing who the voice belonged to.

"Millie!", She screamed

She flung her arms around Millie, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"Good to see you too (Y/N)", Millie smiled, pulling out of (Y/N)'s strangling hug.

"How have you been?", (Y/N) asked, taking in Millie's appearance, she was dressed a lot more formal than when she'd last seen her. No doubt she'd gone on to become some high class game designer or something.

"Pretty good! I was in the city and thought I'd get some coffee! (For nostalgia's sake)! What about you?", Millie replied.

"I've been um well I've been um...to therapy!", (Y/N) laughed awkwardly.

Millie smiled sympathetically before taking hers and (Y/N)'s coffee cups to one of the tables, where they both took a seat. The two drank their coffee in silence, neither could think of anything to say.

(Y/N) opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

"Medium coffee, cream and two sugars", the person requested.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock, her lips pulled into a tight smile as tears pricked the corners of her eyes.


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