☆11☆- footage

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"ok break it up!", Millie scolded, placing a hand on her hip as she glared down at the two.

(Y/N) stuck her tongue out playfully, "What? It's just karma-"

(Y/N) looked between Keys and Millie, none of which looked amused. She rolled off of Keys, brushing herself down.

"Ok. We can go get the stupid code, footage thingy, whatever it is"

The two now looked more enthusiastic, exchanging stern glances before following (Y/N).

"Couldn't we just make a portal? I have a portal gun-", Millie suggested, walking besides (Y/N).

(Y/N) shoke her head, "No! I've got to complete some robbery mission on the way if I want to buy back my original clothes!"

Millie rolled her eyes, "ok well we haven't got time for that-"

She pulled out her gun, swiftly shooting a wide open portal, pushing (Y/N) in, jumping in behind her immediately.

(Y/N) tripped out of the portal, falling onto the floor of her hideout. Millie arrived a few seconds later, landing upright in front of her. Keys, however, stumbled over his own two feet, his gun flying out of its holster knocking Millie over and then falling on (Y/N).

"You are such a cliché", she mocked, standing up immediately.

"So where is it?", Millie asked, pacing around the room.

"Bottom shelf on the left", (Y/N) muttered, glaring at Keys.

Millie walked off in search of the code, leaving the two alone.

"You know you never told me why you did it-", Keys began.

(Y/N) looked over at him with a dumb expression, "Did what? I do a lot of things-"

"You know what I mean", Keys looked away.

"No, actually I don't, you're going to have to be more specific. I'm a busy woman, I don't remember every single thing I run into", (Y/N) stalled, knowing exactly what Keys was about to question.

Instead of actually replying Keys shot (Y/N) with a pokerface, staring her down into confessing.

"Ok, well I don't know- I guess I just felt like kissing someone and you were the closest person to me at that time! Apart from the icecream NPC guy but like a shot him before I had the chance to make out with him!", (Y/N) lied, fiddling with the fabric of her suit.

Keys wasn't convinced, as he searched the her face for any sign of truth, only to find a mask of lies. (Y/N) picked up on this surprisingly quickly, she wasn't an idiot and neither was Keys.

"Look, I don't know why I kissed you ok? It was a fairly intimate moment and that felt like the right thing to do at the time- I've got more interest in your friend Millie", (Y/N) admitted, walking of to help Millie find the footage.

"What were you and Keys talking about?", Millie asked, acknowledging (Y/N) for a brief moment before turning back to the shelves of cases.

"Nothing really, he's just acting all obsessed and crazy", (Y/N) muttered, shuffling through the cases alongside Millie.

"Yeah well just for the record- you have no chance with him", Millie laughed.

(Y/N) blushed profusely, "what do you mean? Are you into him or something? Just so you know it was him who kissed me-"

"Me and Keys? Nope, we are entirely platonic", Millie smiled before continuing.

"He's in love with some girl and his workplace, she's probably a total loser because she works at Soonami but whenever we're alone he doesn't shut up about her", Millie sighed, remembering the countless conversations she had with Keys over his mysterious co-worker.

(Y/N) felt herself blushing harder now, for an entirely different reason.

"Good", was all (Y/N) could say.

"I'm not seeing this footage anywhere- are you sure this isn't just some delayed attack?", Millie accused, checking the same shelf for a third time.

"No, I've got no reason to attack you. I swear I left it right here", she motioned to an empty slot in the shelf, sighing loudly.

"Hey Keys? Give us a hand!", Millie yelled over.

"Sorry Mills- something's going on at work involving Antwan and Mouser. I'm going AFK", Keys replied, abandoning the two.

Keys stood up from his desk, listening in to Antwan and Mouser's ongoing conversation.

"We broke into her hideout and we actually found some pretty cool stuff! Like the footage of that secret level!", Mouser bragged, showing off a file to Antwan.

"So you're telling me after these endless hours of work all you have to show for your efforts is some footage?", Antwan concluded. He sat down dramatically on the floor, thinking over the consequences of the footage being leaked. If it was to be leaked he could possibly end up getting sued as the footage of the secret level exposed him for stealing from the game 'Life itself'.

"Ok! Erase the footage!", Antwan announced, jumping up off the floor before falling down three times.

"Antwan you can't do that!", Keys interupted, walking over to the two.

"Uhh yeah I can- it's my game", Antwan sassed, tapping his fingers impatiently against Mouser's desk as he began setting up the deletion of the footage.

"Antwan, you could losing months maybe years of progress of a hidden level!", Keys protested.

Antwan sat back down on the floor, drowning out Key's complaints with a series of 'meditation noises'.

"All done!", Mouser shouted, bringing Antwan out of his trance.

"Great! Now if you all don't mind I'm going to analyse my list of you useless employees to decide who I want to fire. Why? Because I'm bored", Antwan yelled at anyone who'd listen.

Keys fell into his chair hopelessly, their 'mission' had now completely failed.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now