✩2✩- Coffee

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(Y/N) woke up with a groan as thoughts of her loss progress bled into her mind. She rolled out of bed, shuffling towards her bathroom. If it wasn't for the phone call she'd have stayed off work. Her ringtone sang from herbedside table, '𝐴𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝐹 𝑂𝑁𝐿𝑌 𝐼 𝐶𝑂𝑈𝐿𝐷, 𝐼'𝐷 𝑀𝐴𝐾𝐸 𝐴 𝐷𝐸𝐴𝐿 𝑊𝐼𝑇𝐻-'
Why was Keys calling her at nine in the morning? Her shift started at 11, which she had no plans to attend, "Keys! It's nine! I haven't even had my coffee yet what do you want?", (Y/N) screamed over the phone, unaware if she was actually mad or not!
"You need to get to work! Now! Someone hacked into Free City!", Keys yelled back over the phone, his tone didn't match (Y/N)'s though, he sounded concerned and excited all at the same time.

"I'm telling you it's Millie!", Mouser (Key's friend) whispered to anyone that would listen.
"Millie? No, she wouldn't, she's got other plans", Keys replied.
"What do you think (Y/N)?"
The three of them were all standing in the coffee room, away from anyone who could possibly report the matter to Antwan.
"I think that you both should shut up about it. The more you talk about it the greater the chance that someone's going to overhear. Only a few small channels are talking about it, we don't need anyone directly reporting it."
The two nodded in agreement, "Yeah you're right...if Antwan were here he'd lose his balls! Someone hacking his beloved game? We'd all be fired immediately!", Mouser's eyes widened at the thought of losing his job to a random hacker as he finished his sentence with a sip of his coffee.
(Y/N) flipped open her phone to study the video posted, there her avatar stood, prancing around Free City poking her nose into things she now regretted greatly. Her eyes now fell on the avatar of the guy ,who'd recorded her. The same guy who'd murdered her yesterday before she'd gone to get coffee with Keys. She face palmed, sighing deeply.
"Right, only three channels have posted about it. Mouser, mass report the channels or something. Keys, let's um try take down the hacker!", She spoke up with false enthusiasm.
"Yeah, it can't be that hard. It's probably just a kid or something -", keys laughed waving the situation away.

"How come you don't already have a Free City account?", Keys asked, peering at (Y/N)'s screen.
"I um forgot the password!", (Y/N) lied, pushing Keys away as she set up her account. The two were now seated side by side at a desk, ready to capture the 'mysterious' hacker.
"Why are you dressed like a cop?", (Y/N) questioned, running circles around Key's avatar. "Mouser made me do it", he smiled at (Y/N) turning to look at her avatar. It was well designed for someone who'd just created an account. It looked pretty similar to herself except she now had striking pink hair and an off-shoulder cyberpunk style dress, complete with aviator goggles.
"Well then Mouser has good taste, I think it's hot!", (Y/N) giggled, causing Key's to blush.
"Not so bad yourself, although your hair colours kinda giving me a headache", Keys joked as (Y/N) glared daggers at him.
"Whatever! Let's just stop this hacker before Antwan finds out!" Although, (Y/N) had no idea how she'd stop herself if she wasn't even in game, she desperately hoped that Mousers reports would be approved sooner rather than later. The two began to walk the streets of Free City, stopping every few seconds due to Keys constantly 'swearing that he saw the hacker' everytime they passed a player wearing some sort of animal ears.
"Keys those are fox ears, the hacker had bunny ears. Bright pink, fluffy, bunny ears", She looked straight at him to emphasize her point.
"I don't get it! We've been in game for at least an hour and no one (except from you) with any form of pink on them has appeared", Keys fell back into his seat, running his hands through his hair in frustration.
(Y/N) swiveled over to him on her chair, squeezing his hand affectionately, "Maybe they already got banned! Let's just look on the bright side, Antwan's not here!"
Keys gave (Y/N) a smile before focusing on his screen again. (Y/N) got up, walking to the opposite desk.
"Any luck Mouser?"
Mouse shook his head motioning to the 'declined report emails', "One more false report and my YouTube account will end up banned"
(Y/N) groaned loudly, "Can you hack their channels or I don't know hack YouTube?"
Mouser deadpanned (Y/N), "No. Just keep trying to find the hacker with Key's. He probably enjoying spending all this free time with you", Mouser muttered the last part, placing a headset on.
"What was that?"

(Y/N) walked back to her station, slumping into her chair.
"Anything?", Key's asked distracted by something in Free City.
"Nope, you?"
Keys shook his head, "No, I'm stuck fighting some random guy now."
(Y/N) looked over to Key's, she watched him helplessly navigate the fight, laughing as his avatar fell to the floor in defeat. Key's let out a sound of frustration, causing (Y/N) to laugh harder. She reached over, grabbing his wrist , studying his watch, "17:45!", She gasped. "We've been at this for hours!"
Keys was blushing profusely as (Y/N) leaned over him staring at his wrist in annoyance.
"I don't mean to interupt but uh the hackers kinda going viral on Reddit and Twitter. I'd say we're out of luck", Mouser's loud voice caused (Y/N) to jump, falling back in her seat, knocking Key's glasses of in the process. Mouser stifled incoming howls of laughter, (Y/N) was still stunned from Mouser's news and Key's? Well Key's looked sunburnt.
"Coffee anyone?"

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now