✩4✩- YOLO

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"SHIT!", (Y/N) shouted, shielding herself from the array of glass shards.
A police car was now parked in the middle of the hide out, all ongoing fights had been halted, the entire rooms attention was drawn to the disruption.

"Excuse me? We're trying to have a fight here!", her attacker yelled, stunned.

The car door was pushed open, a cop stepped out, a gun tight in his grip.

"Hey Millie and uh? Silver guy...what's going o-? Hang on isn't that hot pink rabbit, the hacker?"

(Y/N) felt herself cringe at the tacky sounding name she'd be given, unfortunately, that was the least of her concerns. Not only was she faced with ninjas and an incel, Key's was now involved, eyeing her up and down. He turned back to Molotov Girl within seconds of realising she'd noticed his gaze.

"Long story! Turns out she's also after the code i've been searching for, I'll explain later! For now I need back up!", Molotov Girl, signalled over to the 'bad guys' as Keys tossed her a spare gun.

(Y/N) stood dumbfounded, why wasn't Key's speaking to her? Did he not recognise her? And who was Millie? How did he know Molotov Girl?

"You still up for ending these noobs?"

(Y/N) backed out of her trance as Molotov Girl, kicked over some sort of weapon. (Y/N) reached for it quickly, her thoughts would have to wait, right now she had a mission to accomplish.

After what felt like hours, the three were now standing in the hideout alone, all of their attackers had rage quit and had left them alone.

"Well...that wasn't half bad", Molotov Girl, exclaimed in a fairly positive tone, walking over to (Y/N) with her hand outstretched.

"Yeah! It was nice meeting you! We make a half way decent team, I actually need to feed my um dog so if you don't mind -", She turned to leave, desperate to avoid Key's.

"Hold on! You were after the code as well, right?", Molotov Girl asked, grabbing her wrist.

(Y/N) hesitated, wondering if code was worth the risk of getting caught.
"Yeah but I'm sure you need it more than I do..."

She looked back, noticing as Molotov Girls expression change momentarily as if she was deep in thought.
"What if we were to team up?"

Now it was (Y/N)'s turn to think, with the extra help it would be easier to acquire the code, however she couldn't risk getting caught by Keys and losing her job....OH WELL YOLO!

"Sure!", (Y/N) shook her hand with gratitude, walking to Molotov Girl's side. The two worked their way through the code on a discard laptop, decoding and what not as Keys guarded the door.

"Shit. Apparently it's password protected...Antwan must have it on his computer...", Millie cursed, her face alight by the big red notice on the screen , which read something along the lines of: 'Admin password required'.

Millie turned to Keys, "Feel like entering the main office tomorrow?"

"NO!", (Y/N) screamed.

The two turned to her questioningly, "I mean um sorry I've got to go! My grandma's visiting! Lovely meeting you! She needs her meds, like urgently!",
(Y/N) spun around, feeling someone grab her wrist.

"Sorry to interrupt your grandma but you're under arrest."

The cold touch of metal grazed (Y/N)'s skin as she turned around to see Keys placing handcuffs on her.

"Hey What the -? Who do you think you are? I'm innocent! Take your rusty ass handcuffs away from me!", She swung her foot up, kicking him right in the-

"KEY'S!", Molotov Girl gasped, looking over to see him now lying on the floor . (Y/N) took this opportunity to run towards the portal, jumping in before the two could notice, not the best idea but it would have to suffice.

(Y/N) allowed her alarm to blare for a simple 5 seconds, she hadn't slept all night. Her mind was racing endlessly, she had so many thoughts but right now her priority was getting to Antwan's office before Keys. She didn't bother with her appearance this morning, she even found herself sprinting past the coffee shop already filled with adrenaline. Instead of a coffee cup in her hands, she held her phone, which she typed at aggressively. Punching Key's digits into the keypad, impatiently humming along to the dial tone.

"(Y/N)? I can't really talk right now, is it urgent?"

She slowed down at the sight of Soonami, Keys was nowhere to be seen, perhaps she really had beat him to it.

"Where are you right now?", She asked out of breath.

"The elevator, why?"


(Y/N) closed the phone, pushing herself forward into the front door of Soonami, she turned to the stairs. Running up two at a time, losing both her shoes in the process. In a matter of seconds she reached the top floor, tripping over multiple times before falling through office doors.


(Y/N) planted her feet to stop herself from falling face first on the floor, Key's seemed to have made it too Antwan's office before her.

"I think Mouser's looking for you", she laughed awkwardly, motioning to the door. Keys continued to hack away at Antwan's laptop, ignoring (Y/N).

"Keys! Mouser is pregnant!"

No reaction. (Y/N) sighed deeply, walking behind Keys to which he ignored, engrossed in getting the code for 'Molotov Girl'.

"Why are you hacking Antwan's laptop, you could lose your job"

Keys pulled away from the keyboard, finally acknowledging (Y/N), "It's important, don't tell him"

"I'm a loyal worker Keys, tell me what's going on", She glared, beginning to get annoyed.

"I need to find something for someone, some type of code"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at how vaguely Keys spoke, tempted to push him out of the wide open office window.

"Well then! That's too bad, I'm calling Antwan", (Y/N) opened her phone, allowing the dial tone to ring freely as she challenged Keys.

"(Y/N) don't please, I don't know what's going on but it could help us catch Hot Pink Rabbit!"

Keys began typing faster, trying his best to ignore (Y/N)'s phone. This was a lot harder than (Y/N) had expected. She had to act fast, if she called Antwan she wouldn't get the code plus Keys would lose his job. Without a second thought (Y/N) threw her phone at Keys, knocking his glasses off, which she ended up tossing out the window for good measure before he could pick them up. As Keys processed what had just happened, (Y/N) grabbed the laptop, shoving it into her handbag, scurrying out of the room. Guilt would have to wait.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now