☆19✩- I burnt for you

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(Y/N) was immediately rushed to a hospital room, pity. She didn't even need any sort of assistance and now a load of nurses believed her to be pregnant. As she was surrounded by nurses and doctors escorting her to the room, she saw that the majority of the rooms accommodated a lot of Soonami employees. A lot of them had severe injuries, others not so much. The worst part was, this was all entirely (Y/N)'s fault. She'd have to create some grand apology seeing as she'd cost them their jobs and almost their lives. (Y/N) bit back her lip with worry as she passed each of the rooms, she couldn't see Keys in any of them. She mentally face palmed at her lame excuse of being pregnant. She could've came up with something better now that she'd come to think of it. She rushed to the lobby of the hospital where she found Millie and Mouser standing side by side.

"Ohmygosh (Y/N)!", Millie ran to (Y/N), whilst carefully guiding her to one of the seats.

Mouser looked sick with worry.

"Don't freak out-", Millie began.

(Y/N) felt herself tense up.

"She's about to freak out...", Mouser whispered.

Millie waved her hand at (Y/N)'s blank face, "okay (Y/N) I'm going to say this nice and slowly! So bad news first!...Keys...is...in...hospital"

(Y/N) felt her eyes fill with tears as she opened her mouth to speak; Millie cut her off immediately.

"But! The good news is that he's not exactly dead! So it's um it's kind of like a compromise like um half-way happy!", Millie found herself struggling to find words to reassure (Y/N), who now had tears streaming down her face.

Millie turned to Mouser for support.

"Looks, he's in room 011! You're not allowed to visit him right now but the doctors said that they'd let us know when that changes!", Mouser smiled.

(Y/N) wiped at her tears with the her sleeve, people rushed in and out of hospital rooms. Each time a doctor passed she felt herself feel with hope only to deflate with disappointment as the news they brought was never for her but for the other countless people in the room. Minutes of waiting turned to hours.

"Shoot! I gotta run!", Mouser glanced at his watch.
"Let me know the second anything changes!", Mouser said, before giving both the girls a reassuring smile. Mouser left the building momentarily, leaving Millie and (Y/N) to worry.

"Wanna get some food or something?...they've got coffee here", Millie stood up from her seat.

(Y/N) shook her head, "I should wait here...in case anyone ever comes to update us on the situation"

"Alright! You want anything?", Millie offered.

"Medium coffee,cream and two sugars... please ", (Y/N) smiled gratefully at Millie.

Millie walked off in search of coffee, as (Y/N) restlessly fiddled with a strand of her hair. The time was now 011:01 pm , she'd been waiting for at least 4 hours and a half. She noticed nurse heading towards her, her expression was filled with worry.

"Miss (L/N) ?", She asked

(Y/N) stood up, "yes?"

"Would you follow me, please?", the nurse asked gently.

(Y/N) followed after her, trying to stay calm as she couldn't bare the thought of breaking down in front of anyone else.

Eventually the two of them came to room 011, the nurse held open the door for (Y/N), who slipped inside of the room.

The room was dim lit, the only light in the room was the soft glow from the machine monitoring Key's heartbeat. (Y/N) rushed to his side.

"Keys! Wake up!...I don't like this", she whispered.

She pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ears as she knelt on the floor beside his bed.

"Keys please!", She begged.

No reply.

"Keys don't do this to me!", (Y/N) wiped viscously at the tears that fell down her face.

This was all her fault. From the very beginning. All because she wanted to find some stupid code. Because she couldn't be asked to find entertainment in the real world, because she was selfish, arrogant and stupid. (Y/N) had never appreciated what was in front of her, she'd taken everything for granted and now everything had been taken from her.

"I love you", she whispered.

She took hold of Keys hand, knowing that this was the only thing she'd be able to take pleasure in doing. There she sat on the cold hospital floor, the darkness of the room engulfing her in a heartless embrace.

She deserved the unhappy ending, which she believed to have finally caught up with her. She welcomed her ending, as she closed her eyes, wishing that maybe one day... everything would be ok again.

(A/N: Thank you all so much for all the support on this book! I'm so so so grateful! Let me know what kind of book I should right next :D )

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