☆13☆- Coming Clean

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"ugh I can't believe we have to go to work whilst Millie gets to drink coffee!", (Y/N) groaned, dragging her heels across the marble floor.

Keys said nothing. Not because he didn't know what to say but because he feared the confrontation, which lingered behind (Y/N)'s attempt at conversation.

"The weather really sucks- It's definitely about to rain", she complained, awkwardly chipping at her nail polish.

Keys simply nodded his head, walking on towards the elevator.

The two stepped into the elevator, a wave of nostalgia rushed over the two. Many of their awkward conversations happened in this exact elevator, what harm would one more be?

"Are you going to talk about it or am I?", (Y/N) finally said.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Keys stared blankly at the wall ahead.

"Yes you do- you know exactly what I mean", (Y/N) bit back her lip nervously.

"What do you want me to say?", Keys murmured.

"The truth", (Y/N) muttered quietly.

Keys was silent for a moment, "Why do you need to hear it again?"

She looked down at her shoes, holding back tears, "Why can't you just say it?"

"I don't know (Y/N)? You knew the ENTIRE time that we were together in Free City that it was me- Why didn't you just say something?", Keys raised his voice slightly, resisting the urge to force the elevator door open and to just get off on the wrong floor.

"I couldn't! Your duty was to take my account down, our friendship was already dying- and then I ruined whatever we had in Free City by kissing you and it's just a big mess!", (Y/N) felt herself break into tears, turning away to avoid Key's glare.

"Well looks like it only had to take one of us to say the truth to figure out what our relationship is. A mess. Don't try to deny it you said it yourself", Keys pushed past (Y/N) as the elevator door slid open.

(Y/N) grabbed his wrist from inside the elevator, "Wait! If you leave me here I'll tell Antwan everything you and Millie have planned! He's in one of the office's downstairs!"

Keys reluctantly walked back to (Y/N), "You wouldn't, you'd lose your job"

(Y/N) scoffed, tossing her hair, "Honey, I went to MIT, any game company would beg for me if they knew I managed to hack Free City as well"

Keys took ahold of (Y/N)'s hand, "Don't -"

Instead of arguing, (Y/N) swept past Keys, she made a break for the stairs. Skipping down two at a time, she ignored Key's shouts for her. From the top of the stairs, he called to her for what she thought was the final time. Little did she know, her fate was soon to become an extremely intimate version of Cinderella's (minus the mice, pumpkins and everything in between. She did however, have a man chasing after her and had just lost her shoe as she reached the final step).

"Crap-", (Y/N) began to reach for her shoe, only to see Keys about 10 steps away from her.

"(Y/N) wait!"

(Y/N) didn't wait. She skidded past the doorway, bumping into a crowd of strangers, all before barely making it through the exit.

The sky was painted a horrid shade of grey, rain threatening to fall at any instant, this posed an even easier get away for (Y/N). Her house wasn't too far from Soonami, she could run inside and lock the door, leaving Keys stranded in the rain. Easy! However, it wasn't easy running across the street with one shoe on. (Y/N) limped past strangers, cautiously turning every now and then to make sure she'd lost Keys. Drops of rain began to dance onto the pavements, growing bigger by the second. (Y/N) shielded herself with her arm, finding herself lost in the bustling crowds of people desperate to reach shelter.

"There you are!", Keys caught up to (Y/N), panting slightly.

(Y/N) turned to leave immediately, Keys grabbed her hand, her heart skipped a beat.

"Look Walter, if you're not here to tell me you love me you might as well leave!", She laughed, feeling the rain drip down her face as if it were the tears that threatened to fall.

"I don't know (Y/N)- One minute I think we're friends and then the next you're tossing my glasses out the window and rushing off! How am I supposed to say 'I love you' when I never know which version of you I'm going to get!", he raised his voice so that it could be heard above the rain, staring into (Y/N)'s eyes.

"I don't know! Keys I did it all for the sake of getting that stupid footage!", (Y/N) shouted at the top of her face, hearing thunder echo from above the two.

"Well why didn't you say that earlier?", Keys struggled to think of a reasonable argument against (Y/N), her behaviour all made sense now so why couldn't he accept the truth? Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that he'd considered her his rival in Free City, attempting to hack her account simply for trying to get justice for a few game designers.

"I thought you wouldn't care! I'm going home!", (Y/N) stormed off, dragging her shoeless foot across the wet concrete. She stopped in her path, turning to see Keys standing lost in the rain. Her sigh was drowned out thunder as she nervously walked back to Keys, taking ahold of his wrist, pulling him in the direction of her apartment.

(A/N: Happy holidays to all who celebrate!)

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