✩5✩- Antwan

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Throwing your best friends glasses out the window isn't something you should necessarily do, unless they tried to arrest you only a few hours before the incident. If Keys hadn't made that mistake then (Y/N) would've most likely felt guilty and called him immediately after to apologize, though her priorities would always remain superior to her petty office relationships. (Y/N) unlocked her apartment door, taking the time to do a quick scan of the rooms to make sure Keys hadn't snuck in, not that he could...his glasses were in shatters, no doubt he wouldn't even be able to find his way out of Antwan's office. Deserved. (Y/N) shoved the laptop into an open draw, covering it with multiple layers of clothing. With her work at the office complete she could spend the rest of the day playing Free City and gathering more code. It was best to avoid Molotov Girl though seeing as she was somehow connected to Keys. She fell back into her desk chair, placing her head set on as she started up her computer. She began typing in her log in , readjusting her character here and there before entering the virtual world. It took a matter of seconds before a maintenance notice flashed up onto her screen, followed by her ringtone and a voicemail from Antwan. (Y/N) picked up the called immediately, fully aware that the two situations were linked.

"Hey Antwan! What's up?", (Y/N) replied, she was definitely busted or at least her online persona was.

"(Y/N)! Office now! Immediately! Oh and bring a coffee, for me not you!", Antwan yelled over the phone, ending the call the second he finished speaking.

Oh shit.

(Y/N) guiltily stepped into the elevator, coffee in hand. She clenched her eyes shut as she awaited the dreaded ping meaning, 'you've reached the top floor and you're most likely about to be fired'
She avoided the sideyes from her fellow workers, perhaps they'd heard of her little 'performance' from earlier today. Antwan was seated at his desk, thankfully Key's wasn't there.

"Antwan! What's going on?"

He turned to face her, motioning for his coffee, downing it before speaking, "We've got a hacker on the loose, some pink candyfloss rodent is rampaging around my utopia trying to hack my world or something!"

(Y/N) held back a giggle, "oh no! How terrible!"

Antwan slammed a file down on his table, "I need these papers sorted through by tomorrow! They contain data on every single Free City player, analyse their combat styles, their avatars, just find that damn dumbass!"

(Y/N) nodded, not wanting to risk her life by being in the same room as this mad man any longer, she picked up the files making her way out of the door before Antwan stopped her.

"Oh and (Y/N)...one more thing"

She turned around slowly, expecting the worse, "Yes?"

"You left your shoes on the staircase and don't ask how I know they're yours. You're the only girl here who wears out of date periwinkle platforms, pick them up on your way out!"

A deep sigh of relief escaped (Y/N) as she replied with a simple smile before taking the elevator. As she walked to her desk she noticed Mouser and Key's, muttering something, whilst avoiding her stares. Now would probably be a good time to apologize.

"Hey um Keys...you got a minute?", She asked cautiously, standing at length.

Keys shrugged, following (Y/N) into the coffee room.

"Have you got my glasses?"

(Y/N) fiddled with the hem of her skirt, not wanting to spill the unfortunate news of Key's glasses.

"Um...I'm really sorry about earlier, I just wanted to help Antwan!", She lied, allowing herself to now be washed over with regret.

"Antwan has put me and Mouser in charge of capturing Hot Pink Rabbit, I can hardly see my screen and apparently if we don't capture her by the end of tomorrow we're both fired"

(Y/N) looked down, daring to tell Keys the truth, she could hardly stand seeing him upset let alone because of her.

"I'm sorry Walter"

(Y/N) exited the room, deciding it was best to just work on the files at home or rather play Free City and get hunted by Keys.

Free City was incredibly busy at this particular hour, finding Hot Pink Rabbit wasn't going to be an easy task.
Mouser and Key's had logged on expecting to find her within the first hour of playing and yet all they had to show for their efforts was a few scratches on Key's car.

"Double check the alley!", Mouser shouted, leaning out the window as if he'd seen a ghost.

Keys began reversing down the alley, sighing under his breath at what he assumed to be another false lead. He opened the car door, stepping out to be greeted by an empty alley...or so he thought. A blinding, pink smoke bomb landed a few feet in front of him, a figure emerging from within.


Keys spun around, pistol in hand. Hot pink rabbit was poised in an idle position, her hand was placed on one hip, the other held a pink, camo rifle.

"You're under arrest, put the gun down and no one gets hurt!", Keys glared at the girl, unable to capture her gaze from underneath her mask.

"Sorry, who are you exactly? Like Robocop or something?", (Y/N) smirked, placing a gloved hand on the trigger of her rifle.

"Dirty Stripper Cop actually...", It only took Keys a few moments to realise how stupid his name sounded.

"Hold on...say that again?", (Y/N) had to bite back her lip to stop a case of unstoppable laughter coming on.

"Dirty Stripper Cop, just put your hands up ok?"

(Y/N) bit back her lip, raising her eyebrows comically (for added effect) before delivering her next line, "sooo does the police uniform come off- or?"

"What?", He dropped his gun, entirely caught off guard. He bent down to pick it up, suddenly blinded by another pink smoke bomb.


The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now