✩10✩- alliance (gone wrong)

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Keys drove aimlessly around Free City, he'd been at this for hours with no end in sight. The only break he'd taken was his attempt to speak to (Y/N), which failed miserably. Right now his focus was to scout Hot Pink Rabbit onto his and Millie's suicide mission, luckily for her she was nowhere to be seen. Well nowhere to be seen from Key's point of view.

From the rooftop of a skyscraper, (Y/N) watched Key's desperate search for her. One thing about Free City, which she particularly enjoyed was how unrealistic it was. From the top of a towering building (Y/N) was able to see Key's in a crystal clear view. She restlessly stabbed at her keyboard buttons, waiting for something to happen. Something more entertaining than watching Keys drive around in circles, if Keys wasn't going to get out of his damn car then (Y/N) was going to have to force him to. (She hopped down from the rooftop landing just in front of the police car. She took note of how he pulled to an immediate halt at the sight of her. Keys stepped out of the car with his arms crossed, taking in her new outfit.

"What do you think?", (Y/N) smirked, motioning to her dazzling, pink clothes.

Key's shook his head, "Is that really the first thing you're going to ask me?"

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "well yeah! You were like totally looking for me five seconds ago!"

"Yeah but not to discuss fashion-", Keys replied blankly.

"Well then I've got no interest in you!", (Y/N) pouted, walking off.

She strutted it off, giving Keys the finger before disappearing into a nearby crowd.

"Mills I've lost her-", Keys spoke into his phone, which was sat next to him.

"Don't worry, I've got my eye on her! She's heading into some sort of clothes shop by the looks of things!", Millie replied, following (Y/N) from a distance.

(Y/N) strolled into the store, she usually just designed her avatar's clothes herself but perhaps a more casual look would help her blend into the crowd more easily. She rummaged through the racks, tossing multiple items of clothing onto the floor. She ducked behind a nearby rack at the sight of Key walking past the shop window. Stalker. Without a second thought she grabbed the nearest item of clothing (a choice which she regretted immediately when she realized she was wearing a baggy white shirt with the words "I ♥️ Free City" printed across, complete with high waisted black shorts) , she dressed her avatar in a matter of seconds before walking out of the store looking like an NPC. Keys was nowhere to be seen (to her relief), (Y/N) began walking alongside NPCs, cautiously looking behind her ever now and then.

"Wait Keys hold on. She's changed her avatar- I'm not certain if it's her for sure but there's a woman heading in your direction dressed in a white shirt and black shorts. Judging by the fact that the woman's wearing pink platforms I think there's a fair chance that it's her!", Millie yelled over the phone.

Key's looked down the street to see a woman identical to Millie's description walking straight at him.

"I see her!", he replied, hiding behind a brick wall.

"Great! Handcuff her and lock her in your car or something!", Millie joked, however, little did she know that was exactly Key's plan of attack.

As (Y/N) walked closer, Key's held his handcuffs in one hand, his car keys in the other. (Y/N) was now only a few feet from his hiding spot, he could hear the faint sound of her humming. Her shoes came into view, Keys stepped out, pinning her to the ground.

"Hey! What the hell?", (Y/N) screamed, unable to face her attacker.

"You're under arrest! Stealing an NPC's look is also illegal!", Keys scolded, placing her hands into the cuffs.

"I didn't know this was an NPC skin! It's so plain and boring I thought even an NPC wouldn't be caught dead in this stuff!", (Y/N) blurted out, trying to get up from the floor.

"You're coming with me, just take off the NPC skin and no one gets hurt!", Keys threatened, dragging (Y/N) to his car.

He tossed her into the back, double checking if he'd locked the car or not before sliding into the front seat. (Y/N) blew away the loose strands of hair covering her eyes, desperate to see who in the right mindset had kidnapped her. She sat up, groaning loudly at the sight of the handcuffs and then at the sight of Keys.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?", She snapped, glaring daggers at him.

Keys rolled his eyes, "Hardly. Millie, I've caught the Rabbit! Can you PLEASE show yourself it's getting kind of awkward-"

"My name's not Millie, dumbass it's (Y-", she shut her mouth immediately, realising what she was about to say.

"That's right. My name's Millie", a girl with short brain hair and sunglasses spawned in the seat next to (Y/N).

(Y/N) jumped back, "oh my gosh!! It's you! Molotov um girl or something!"

"Yes well my real names Millie and that's Walter", Millie tilted her head at Keys.

"Nope! That's...Dirty... Stripper...Cop", (Y/N) smirked.

Millie sighed loudly over her mic, "Nevermind. We need your help, last time we met I was looking for some sort of code or something to do with that apparent secret level and I believe you have it"

"Oh yeah! It's totally useless I've got like no idea on how to use it-", (Y/N) confessed.

"I might, if you don't want your account to be banned you'll hand it over without question ", Millie threatened.

(Y/N) looked offended, "I would've just handed it over- it's not really of any use to me"

Millie stared down at (Y/N), raising an eyebrow, "Ok then. Force won't be necessary, you can remove the cuffs Keys"

Keys reluctantly opened the backdoor, unlocking the handcuffs around (Y/N)'s wrists. She flexed her hands dramatically, pulling a wide range of exaggerated stretches before turning to face Keys with a smile.

"You're going to pay for that", she demanded, (Y/N) leapt out of the car, swinging her heels up swiftly she kicked Key's in the shin. He fell to the ground immediately, struggling to get up as (Y/N) placed her weight on him. She pulled her gun out from behind, placing it only a heartbeat away from his face.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot. Listen here Walter, stripper copy guy- whatever your name is! You may think you and your little friend here may think you're the only ones who know how to ban accounts but trust me I've booted multiple players from this game and I'll happily do it again", she whispered, narrowing her glare.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now