☆17☆- I'd burn for you (part 2)

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Mouser wandered down into the basement. The place was packed with all sorts of high tec looking objects, each one looked like it cost more than what he made in a year...it was a shame that one of them would be a victim to his lighter. He strolled around the basement taking his time to survey each one of them before flicking open the flame. This was definitely an accident waiting to happen.

Things on (Y/N)'s end were actually going pretty well. She'd spotted Antwan in his office. She giggled at the laid back position he sat in, little did he know that chaos was about to engulf the building... literally. (Y/N) ducked behind a nearby wall, she opened her phone, messaging Mouser at an unimaginably quick speed to start the fire. She covered her ears as she awaited the blaring of the fire alarm.
There it was, Antwan's door flung open. (Y/N) could hear him shouting a never ending list of profanities. As he disappeared from her sight she made her move. She slipped into his office, locking the door behind her. To her surprise, his laptop wasn't on his desk in its usual spot. She moved her search to stack of drawers to the far side of the room, rummaging through each one of its contents only to be greeted by mountains of unfinished paperwork. She checked under the desk next, only to find the floor spotless. (Y/N) ran a hand through her hair, where could his laptop be? She hadn't seen him leave with it...in fact she hadn't seen it with him in days. She stood up from the floor, pacing the length of the room for a few moments before stopping at the large window ahead of her. She gazed out at the city, too her right she spotted the coffee shop, which she and Keys had practically adopted due to the countless times they'd both gone to it. Keys...she missed him terribly. The only way to move forward in their relationship was to go through with stealing from Antwan. As she allowed her gaze to drift down the window, her eyes landed on a peculiar sight. From down below she noticed what looked like a pair of glasses (similar to the ones Key's wore). On second glance she noticed that they were exactly the same as his. Her first thought was that perhaps Keys had dropped them on his way out but as she thought deeper she was suddenly hit by a memory, a slightly disturbing memory. The first time (Y/N) had gotten mad at Key's was the time she threw his glasses out the window, the time they'd both been trying to steal Antwan's laptop. (Y/N) couldn't find Antwan's laptop because she already had it. She slammed her head against his desk, regretting it immediately. However her injuries were the least of her worries. She'd been searching for the laptop for at least half an hour and the smell of smoke was growing a lot stronger. (Y/N) bolted out of Antwan's office, hopefully Mouser would've been smart enough to have put it out by now. The majority of Soonami was deserted, no doubt all the other employees had fled at the sound of the alarm. All the elevators were disabled due to the alarm going off, (Y/N) sighed as she reluctantly ran down the stairs. On her way down she noticed the shoe she'd left their from her panicked get away from Keys yesterday. Had the sight of smoke not come into her view she might've stopped to pick it up.

Keys stopped in his tracks, turning to Millie, "Do you hear an alarm?"

Millie paused for a moment, cocking her head to one side, "Faintly, Could it be from Soonami? I hope it is..that place deserves to go up in flames"

Keys turned around to face Soonami. Sure enough, fire engines were heading in the direction of the building, the flashing of the alarm could be seen from all the windows. Keys rubbed at his glasses, as he squinted into the distance he could've sworn he could see the faintest sign of flames engulfing at the buildings lower half.

"This doesn't look good-", Keys began.

Millie grabbed at his arm, "It's just Soonami...who cares if it burns..."

"It's not that...it's just...I think (Y/N)'s still in there-", Keys felt his pulse accelerate.

Millie let go of him, "Fine. We'll go check it out but after that I'm never going within five feet of that building again!"

The two ran in the direction of the racket. As they got closer to the scene , they were greeted by hundreds of people flooding out of the building, some were employees others were dressed in protective clothing escorting people out of the building. The entrance was nearly fully covered by emergency vehicles. Smoke was erupting from the building, the entire first two floors were now a blur of black and flames. Keys desperately searched through the crowds of people for (Y/N). He called her name multiple times, only to be drowned out by the blaring of the alarms. Not even Millie, who was right by his side, could hear his desperate cries. Keys ran to the back of the building to the emergency exit, which was a little less crowded than the main one. He pushed past the few people, who swarmed around the door, tripping into Soonami. As he searched for (Y/N), he felt his pulse drop down. What if he was too late?

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