☆15☆- You're...FIREDDD

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(Y/N) stood with one hand on her hip, the other holding her shoe.

"I need to drop by work, I left my shoe on the staircase", she smiled, silently glad that Keys hadn't made this a 'one night stand' type of situation.

"Do you want me to come with you?", Keys offered, standing up from where he was sitting.

"If you'd like- You still in? I mean with the plan and everything?", (Y/N) averted her gaze.

"Why does this feel like the part where we both admit that last night was a mistake and that we should probably stay as friends", keys laughed slightly.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes with a smile, walking up to Keys she placed her hand softly on his cheek, "We both know it was anything but a mistake"

Keys looked down into her eyes, "You said you were 'game' last night- was that just regarding what happened last night or-?"

(Y/N) placed her lips against his lightly.

"We better get going~ We're going to be late"

Millie tapped her foot impatiently, she'd been calling Keys endlessly for countless times last night. He'd failed to update her on any progression made on their plan. No doubt he'd backed out the keep his job, Millie thought forcing her negative thoughts to pause as she spotted Keys and what's her name again, walking towards Soonami. She looked the two up and down. First she took in Keys appearance, he was wearing a shirt that she didn't recognize, his glasses were slightly wonky and his shoe laces were untied. Odd, it was almost as if he was late to work...Keys was always on time. The girl was a whole other story, she was wearing an oversized black t-shirt, with the same skirt she'd been wearing yesterday...from Millie's first impression on her she hadn't really taken her to be the type to not care for her appearance, first impressions was often wrong though. Millie stepped out into view, Keys spotted her first, walking over to greet her.

"I can explain-", Keys began.

Millie narrowed her eyes, "Is that lipstick on your cheek? Dior #762 Tout-Paris if I'm not mistaken. You brought over an empty tube last year that was left in the bins at work that belonged to 'some Girl'"

Keys turned around slowly to face (Y/N), who raised an eyebrow, "You stole my empty lipstick tube?"

"I can explain-", Keys replied awkwardly.

"Back to me. We've got a plan to finish and I don't intend for it to fail due to a one night stand", Millie rolled her eyes.

"Hey! It was not a one night stand!", (Y/N) cut in, instantly looking around to check if anyone was listening. The only person to be seen was Mouser heading into work, although he appeared to have his headphones on.

Millie pulled (Y/N) aside behind Soonami.

"Listen here Bunny girl, Keys is my best friend and if you do anything to hurt him, I'll make it my personal mission to make sure that you suffer a worse fate than whatever happens to Antwan once we're done with this plan. Got it?", Millie lowered her voice.

(Y/N)'s smirked, "That's sweet Millie but I'll have you know that I've loved him for just as long, it kinda felt like game over when I finally told him that I loved him that's why I put it off for so long"

"Fine. I just don't want to see him get hurt yknow?", Millie stared off into the distance.

"Are you in love with him?", (Y/N)'s expression turned blank.

Millie took in her expression, realising there was no point in 'lying', "I was, until I saw the two of you together-"

(Y/N) leaned in closer to Millie, "Good. Think about him like that again and I'll slit your throat with my shoe heel. He's mine"

(Y/N) stormed off back to Keys, leaving Millie behind the building.

Millie smiled triumphantly, of course everything she'd told (Y/N) was a lie. She had to be sure that (Y/N) was serious about her relationship with Keys. He was her best friend after all

(Y/N) entwined her hands with Keys, death staring Millie as she rejoined them. Millie simply rolled her eyes in amusement.

(Y/N) and Keys entered into Soonami, taking the elevator per usual. However, when they reached their usual floor, the entire company seemed to be staring at them intensely. From the far side of the room, whispers about someone getting fired could be heard. (Y/N) however, misheard this as 'hired' and instantly began preening herself for meeting the new employee. Antwan stepped out of his office, pushing the doors open dramatically on the entrance of (Y/N) and Keys.

"Someones about to get...FIRED!", he yelled at the top his voice.

(Y/N) gulped, clutching Key's hand tighter.

"You!", Antwan pointed in the twos direction, although it was unclear which of them he meant.

"Me?", (Y/N) questioned, guessing it had something to do with her leaving her shoe on the staircase.

Antwan shook his head, "No, not you irrelevant girl! Get back to work! Glasses! My office now!"

Keys let go of (Y/N)'s hand walking towards Antwan cautiously. As soon as they were out of sight, (Y/N) crept to Antwan's office, in hope of eavesdropping on their conversation.
On her way she noticed Mouser walking from the direction of Antwan's office, to her surprise he ignored her attempt at waving, silencing her with a glare. Someone hadn't had their morning coffee, (Y/N) thought. She crouched down by Antwan's door, keeping out of sight of the security cameras.

"A little birdie told me that you and that piece of trash, Millie Rusk, are working together to take my empire down! Do you know what this is going to cost you?", Antwan yelled, so loud that (Y/N) wondered if she even needed to be this close to the door.

"Antwan it's not what you think", Keys denied.

"Oh really? Well, Mouser sent me a video of you, Millie and that pink rodent in Free City, working on an incredibly tacky plan to... sue me? Or something!", Antwan yelled, even louder this time.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now