☆6☆- dude

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Both alleys were entirely spotless, Hot Pink Rabbit had left no obvious clues of her whereabouts. Keys groaned underneath his breath, the one chance to capture her and he'd wasted it. Mouser to was obviously annoyed, although it was hard to tell from underneath his attempt at recreating a masculine version of Hot Pink Rabbits avatar.

"We've literally checked everywhere Keys, we'll just tell Antwan that she rage quit after our 'fight' and that she won't be returning!", Mouser yawned, heading in the direction of the badly parked car.

"No, we'll keep checking. If you want you can always check the portal over there", Key's tilted his head to the wide open portal separating the two alleys.

Mouser shuddered, "Not alone, bro that things got danger written all over it"

"Then that's probably where our suspects hiding", Keys laughed, dragging Mouser in the direction of the portal with him.

(Y/N) had earned two rewards from her meeting with Molotov Girl, the code and a free hideout. The place was spacious and in need of a serious makeover. She strolled around the main hall, all evidence of the previous fight had been cleared (thankfully). For the starters the place needed to look a lot more 'her' and less dismal, she definitely needed a select space for 'plotting and scheming' and a whole room for new outfits for her avatar (the bodycon suit was starting to get a little bit tiresome for her, not to mention the shade of pink was beginning to give her a headache). Her thoughts were suddenly interupted:

"Woah bro, where the heck are we?", A strangely familiar voice wrung through the walls.

"I don't know, I was here yesterday with Millie and the 'rodent' as Antwan calls her"


Of course that nosey halfwit had followed her, or at least figured out where she was at by some intense stalking skills or some other crazy technique. (Y/N) slammed her back against the wall, fiddling through her inventory for a weapon of some sort.

"She's definitely here somewhere", Keys muttered to his companion, who (Y/N) had yet to identify.

If she could sneak round the back she'd be able to make a swift exit, if it wasn't for the sudden interuption of an unknown player crashing through the roof.

His entire torso was bare, on the upper right he had a tattoo of a blue shirt. His lower half sported a pair of beige jeans, the upper rim of his boxers could be seen displaying the words: "Game Over" in a bold white font. Antwan's botched creation 'Dude' was standing tall in front of Keys and Mouser.

(Y/N) stifled a gasp as the embarrassing bot raised a fist to the floor, slamming it down with such violence that it cause Key's to drop his gun.

"No way! Isn't that Antwan's weird ass Character he created like Dude or something?", Mouser stared up in awe.

"Yeah, no doubt he sent it after us to make sure we're successful in capturing Hot Pink Rabbit", Key's sighed with relief, little did he know the coding on that thing was totally wack.

Mouser strolled up confidently, extending his hand to the muscular man, "The names Mouser! We got your back bro if you need backup or anything!"

Within seconds of finishing his sentence Mouser found himself lifted high into the air by Dude, only to be sent flying the minute his feet were off the ground. Keys stepped back, wondering if retreating was his best option right now, yet his job was still on the line. Dude sprinted forward in Key's direction, his hands balled into fists. Keys had only a few milliseconds to plan his next move (which was incredibly stupid as his supposed only option was to drop down on the floor and play dead). 'Surprisingly' enough, Key's genius plan had him now in a life taking chokehold, literally. Dude had his hand tight on his throat as he backed him against the wall, his face was filled with rage, he pulled back his arm readying a bone breaking punch.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) stayed hidden behind the wall, there was something about Keys being backed up against as wall which made her almost want to simply continue watching just to savour the image without stepping into fight and yet she did owe him a favour (even if he wasn't aware of it). She pulled down her mask selecting a weapon ,which she couldn't quite tell if it was a lightsaber or a katana. Either way the striking blue shade set off her avatar's colour scheme in a flattering way. (Y/N) mentally skimmed through her plan of attack, roll out from behind the wall, jump off the back wall and stab the steroid addict in the back. Easy, if she had enough time to do go through with it, right now she had about 5 milliseconds and counting, skipping to the final part of the plan was probably the smartest thing to do.

(Y/N) jumped out off her somewhat confining spot, deciding that throwing her weapon would be a lot more strategic than actually making any physical contact with him. She watched as the blade pierced into his skin, ripping through the flesh, it would only go so deep. In a matter of time he'd recollect and be hunting them down like foxes. Quick thinking had currently become her new best friend, she skidded past Dudes leg, grabbing Key's hand, pulling him away as if he where her hostage.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now