✩9✩- Don't mix business with pleasure

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(Y/N) awaited the sound of her alarm, she hadn't left her gaming chair since the 'incident'. Right now the only thing that would cure her case of 'shock' was a medium coffee with cream and two sugars.

*Ding ding ding*

There it was, her cue to move. (Y/N) slumped out of her chair, she dragged her feet to the bathroom, embracing her morning routine loosely. She ended up leaving her home an hour later than planned, although you'd never be able to tell she'd spent an hour on her appearance as her hair was tied carelessly by a faded pink ribbon and her dress had a coffee stain running down the length. (Y/N) shrugged it off, making her way to the coffee shop. Upon her arrival she noticed a girl deeply engaged on her laptop, by the looks of things she appeared to be playing Free City. (Y/N) paid for her coffee, making her way towards the girl.

"Free City?", She inquired, peering over at the girls screen.

The girl removed her headset, "Yeah, you play?"

(Y/N) nodded, taking a seat next to her, "I guess you could say that...I mean I'm currently trying to find out about that 'secret level'! You heard of it?"

The girls eyes widened in shock, "Yes, I'm actually um suing the creator of the game due to multiple reasons- the main one being he's an outright douche", she laughed, pushing a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear.

(Y/N) giggled, "Yeah, I know him- he happens to be my boss, who I was supposed to meet... AN HOUR AGO!"

She quietly cursed under her breath, saying a quick mumble of goodbyes and apologies to the girl in the coffee shop, hurrying out the door.

She sprinted into Soonami, falling into the elevator with a loud sigh.

"Late night?"

(Y/N) felt herself mentally scream, she turned around cautiously, "Um Hey Walter"

Keys was standing behind her with a new pair of glasses on, "Hey (Y/N)"

(Y/N) felt her pulse immediately speed up as she allowed herself to recall the events of the previous night.

"(Y/N) I need to tell you something -"

The elevator doors slid open, "Sorry Walter I've got to water my Antwan!", She yelled, running out the elevator in the direction of Antwan's office.

"Water your Antwan?", Key's stuttered, now standing alone in the elevator.

(Y/N) almost tripped over her own feet as she paused outside of Antwan's office recalling what she'd just said.

"I meant water Antwan's plants...", She sighed to herself, pushing open the office door.

Meanwhile, Key's restlessly sat in his office chair, ignoring Mouser's offer for coffee. Maybe Hot Pink Rabbit was right? Why would Millie lie to him anyways? Although none of this explained (Y/N)'s questionable behaviour this morning, he'd thought he'd be able to get an explanation out of her in the elevator. Unfortunately, A message from Millie distracted him from his deep thoughts of (Y/N):

Millie: I need you!!!

Millie: please!!!!!

Millie: Keys!!!!!

Millie: Answer me!!!

Key's picked up the call from Millie awaiting her to scream at him over the phone.

"Keys! Antwan is stealing our game, look if you just go through with my plan I could prove it!"

Key's thought over what Hot Pink Rabbit had said, if he pushed Millie away this time maybe he'd lose her forever.

"What did you have in mind?", he replied reluctantly.

"That rabbit girls got the footage of some type of stolen code, if we formed an alliance with her maybe we'd be able to get it back! It has the potential to be from OUR game!", Millie suggested.

Keys suddenly remembered his awkward encounter with Hot Pink Rabbit, "Are you sure that's such a great idea? I mean she could be dangerous-"

Millie let out an audible sigh, "Really? I noticed you were online yesterday, want to let me know what you were doing?

Keys didn't respond, wandering if somehow Millie had found out about last night.

"The two of you seem...close", Millie continued with a laugh.
"And I thought your job was to take her account down", Millie teased.

Keys struggled to find the words to argue against her claim, "I just- she just- she looked so much like- I thought she could be-"

Millie rolled her eyes, "so are you in or out?"

"I'm in", Keys muttered, ending the call. What had he got himself in to.

He looked over to (Y/N)'s desk, where she sat scribbling at some piece of paper. Perhaps offering her a place in Millie's plan would be a good way to 'break the ice'.

"(Y/N)?", he asked walking up to her desk.

"Oh Walter! What are you doing here?", She questioned propping herself up by her elbow.

"I work here-", Key's stared at her blankly.

(Y/N) pulled a stupid smile, of course Keys worked here.

"(Y/N) I was wondering if you wanted to-", Keys began.

"Hold that thought! I've got to um...do stuff!", (Y/N) shoved the paper into her pocket, running off to the elevator.

"(Y/N) WAIT!", Keys yelled, running after her, however the elevator had already reached the ground floor.

She found herself entirely out of breath as she finally reached her home, she'd sprinted all the way from Soonami just to escape Keys. Although, she had to admit she was interested in what he had to say- perhaps he'd figured out her identity already. Smart ass.
(Y/N) started up Free City, she'd much prefer Keys to 'spill the tea' on her in Free City rather than in front of Antwan. Whilst waiting for the actual game to load up she made a few adjustments to her character, swapping the bodycon suit for a fully pink leather cat suit (ironic seeing as her character was supposed to be a rabbit). She made sure to keep her mask the same seeing as it was the one part of her which was immediately recognizable. The game started up, spawning her just outside of her new hideout.

The cop & The rabbit (Walter "Keys" Mckey x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now