7. Slurring His Words

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Damon set his black laptop bag on a side table between the fireplace and the kitchen doorway. He closed his eyes, sighed, tilted his head, and brushed his dark wavy hair back. After opening his eyes again, he turned and noticed two strange girls sitting on his couch. One of them was crying.

Ezra came out of the kitchen. "Hey man!" He patted Damon on the shoulder and smiled at the girls. "Meet my roommate, Damon!"

He looked away from Savana and unbuttoned the top of his shirt. "Ezra, I've had my fill of girls crying today. Calm her down or take her somewhere else." He said coldly before storming into the first room down the hallway. The door slammed shut.

"Nice to meet you too!" Savana shouted toward the bedroom door. She looked up at Ezra, shocked at Damon's rudeness. "Nice fucking roommate you got there. I see why you don't talk about him."

Ezra sighed, "He's not normally like that. It's been rough for him lately. I'm assuming he finally broke up with his girlfriend. She must not have taken it well." He shook his head.

Savana scoffed, "Oh, so he's an asshole and a player, gotcha."

Faye rose from kneeling next to Savana and sat back on the other side of the couch again. "We don't know him, Savana. He seems really upset."

"So, that means I'm not allowed to cry in front of him? No, fuck that." Savana said as she leaned back on the couch.

Faye and Ezra sighed and looked at each other. He picked up the popcorn bowl and handed it to Savana. "Eat. You'll feel better."

"Thanks." She mumbled as she shoved popcorn into her mouth. Though she felt like she should eat chocolate instead after her soul was almost sucked out by Damon's negativity.

A few minutes later, Faye asked Ezra for the bathroom. After the bathroom door shut, Ezra looked at Savana. "So, where's Cully? Wasn't she with you guys after you ran away from home?"

Savana rolled her eyes and wondered why he waited until Faye was gone to ask about Cully. "We wanted to hang out at her house, but she had to go to the hospital."

"What? Why?" Ezra panicked. What could have happened in the two hours since he saw her?

"Calm down, nothing happened to her. Just her sister going into labor and her brother breaking his leg at the same time." Savana explained.

"Jesus, are they okay?" Ezra also grabbed some popcorn.

"Yeah, I'm sure they are." Savana continued to eat popcorn.

When Faye returned, they chatted and watched TV for a while. Faye's heart raced, and she felt warmth spreading through her body. Faye was anxiously sitting so close to Ezra. She'd only hung out with him when they were at the lake. And Cully was always there, sitting closest to him. It felt strange to be with him without Cully around.

It was dark out when they heard a loud knock at the front door. Several quick knocks came after. Ezra didn't know who would come over that late. He investigated.

The knocks got louder. "Hold on!" Ezra yelled as he turned into the entryway.

The girls heard Ezra talking to someone at the door. The voices got louder, but the words were muffled. Savana decided to see what was going on. Faye stayed on the couch. She felt like something terrible was going to happen. As Savana turned into the entryway, she heard them clearly.

"You gotta leave. You know you're not allowed here. If Damon sees you, he's going to kick your ass." Ezra said.

Savana looked past him to see Landon standing in the doorway.

"I said I wanted to apologize to her! Let me talk to her! I don't give a fuck about that douchebag!" Landon shouted.

Slurring his words, he leaned against the door frame. His brown eyes seemed glazed. He was drunk.

"What's going on?" Savana stood next to Ezra.

"Get back to the couch Savana. Landon's leaving." He said.

Landon reached out to grab Savana's arm. She stepped back. "Please. Ana. I'm sorry. For the lake." He staggered towards her.

Ezra put his hands on Landon's shoulders and gently pushed him away. Savana wondered why he called her Ana. She was also worried. "Did he drive here? How is he this drunk? We just saw him a couple hours ago."

Landon staggered toward Savana again. Ezra pushed him away as gently as before.

"Hey man! Don't. Fucking touch. Me." He stumbled back.

Savana looked at him, concerned. "Do you need a ride?"

Landon laughed, "No, Ana. I got my truck with me." He turned halfway and swung his arm in the direction of the street. Savana looked past and did see his black truck parked. 

He slumped against the doorframe again. "Go away, Ezra. I want to talk to Ana." Landon hiccupped.

Savana felt terrible for him but didn't want to be alone with him. She had never dealt with someone so drunk and didn't know what to do.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Damon's voice boomed as he stormed up behind them. Savana turned and looked up at him. He filled the entire room with his presence. She felt her heart racing. She froze, unable to say a word.

"Fuck you, Damon! I just need to talk to Ana!" Landon shouted and looked over at Savana again. "Please. I'm sorry. Come outside with me."

"I think we should get you home first Landon," she said quietly.

"Just shut up and let me apologize to you!" He rushed toward her and grabbed her arm tightly.

"Ow, let go! You're hurting me, Landon!" Savana tried to pry his hand off her.

Damon quickly pushed Landon off her. "She said let go! She doesn't want to talk to your drunk ass! Now fuck off!" He yelled.

Landon mumbled something incoherent and swung his fist at Damon. At the last second, Ezra stepped in between them. The punch landed on his face. He fell back as Faye rushed to the door after hearing Savana shout. She was shocked to see Ezra fall to the floor.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Faye asked him as she kneeled down next to him.

Ezra held his hands to his nose. Blood dripped through his fingers. "Yeah, I'm alright."

They all glared at Landon. He tried to reach Ezra. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Damon shoved Landon out the door and locked it. Landon pounded on the door and shouted, "Hey! Open the fucking door!"

Damon ignored him and looked down at Savana. She stared at the door, shaking, and rubbed her arm where Landon grabbed her.

"Are you alright?" Damon asked her.

Savana nodded, still shaking. She took a deep breath and looked up at Damon, her eyes wide with fear. He stepped closer and gently raised her arm to get a better look at it. She instantly stopped shaking.

"Does it hurt?" He asked.

She realized how close he was to her. She looked up at him. His eyes were brown, almost black. The pounding on the door faded away. Her stomach felt queasy. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." She shook her head and glanced back at his hand on her arm. He was so gentle with her. This was the opposite of how he was when he saw her.

Savana realized something. "How did Landon know I was here?"

 "How did Landon know I was here?"

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