8. First Impressions

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Savana looked at the others, confused. She didn't understand how Landon knew she was at Ezra's house. This was her first time there. She felt sick to her stomach suddenly.

Ezra held his bleeding nose. "He texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a party with him. I told him I couldn't because you were coming. After you left the lake, I told him he needed to apologize to you if he wanted to keep hanging out with us. But instead of apologizing he punched me in the face." Ezra said.

Savana felt relieved. For a second, she thought she had a stalker. "It's okay. I'm sorry he hit you."

"Let's clean you up," Faye said to Ezra. She helped him off the floor and headed to the bathroom. She was strong for someone who looked like a pixie.

Damon and Savana were still standing by the door. They heard Landon's truck start and speed down the street. Damon looked out the small window near the top of the door. He towered over her, and she was pretty tall for a girl her age.

"Well, he's gone. Hopefully, he doesn't kill someone." Damon looked back down at Savana. "So, what was Landon apologizing for?"

Savana sighed. She felt like she would cry again. What a horrible day.

"Are you sure you're alright? Want to sit down?" Damon gestured toward the living room.

"Yeah, I just don't want to remember today." Savana headed for the couch. She trembled and felt parched. She and Damon sat next to each other.

"Can I assume he was the reason you cried earlier?" Damon asked.

Savana replied, "Some of it."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Damon asked softly.

"I thought you were sick of girls crying today?" Savana asked sarcastically.

Damon smirked, "Well, I'm not proud of that first impression. I'm not having a pleasant day either." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Ezra said you broke up with your girlfriend." Savana tried to get the conversation off her.

"Yeah, I did. I found out she cheated on me." Damon clenched his fists.

"Oh. I'm sorry. How did you find out?" Savana was curious. She had never dated anyone and couldn't understand why people cheat.

"She was at a party a few nights ago with some mutual friends. She was pissed when I told her I didn't want to come. She got drunk and sent me a picture of her kissing a guy." Damon replied, his voice heavy with emotion.

"Just kissing? She probably wanted to make you jealous." Savana said.

"Even if that was it. You don't do that to someone you're dating. Anyway, that's not all." Damon explained.

Savana's curiosity grew.

Damon continued. "I got another picture from a friend who was there. They walked into the bathroom and saw her having sex with the same guy. I guess I should have seen the signs before." He turned away, unable to look at Savana. "I never thought she'd do that to me."

"Oh my god." Savana couldn't imagine getting a picture like that. "I'm so sorry. I thought you were an asshole."

Damon laughed. His smile made him even more attractive with his dimples.

"Well, I don't really blame you. I was a jerk earlier." He paused, and his infectious smile disappeared. "I had just left her place. She cried and begged me not to break up with her. So, when I came home, and the first thing I saw was another girl crying, it felt surreal."

Savana saw Damon was truly upset about the breakup. "Thanks for getting Landon off me. I don't know what got into him."

"He's always been a dick. He's not even twenty-one yet, and he's an alcoholic." Damon folded his arms across his chest and leaned back with his leg crossed over the other. Savana noticed how defined his arms looked under his sleeves.

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