16. Elephant In The Room

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They all rode in Cully's car and dropped Faye off at home. Her house was at the front of their property, and the dog daycare was at the back. There was a large area at the back that was fenced off. The dogs had plenty of room to run around.

A few blocks away, Cully noticed her driveway was empty. "That's weird."

"What's weird?" Savana asked.

"My mom isn't here. She doesn't go to work for at least another hour yet. Honestly, she's not usually up by now." Cully was confused.

"Maybe she left early to visit your sister again before work," Savana pointed out.

"Oh yeah, probably." Cully wasn't totally convinced. She didn't know if Maureen even came home last night since she was at Faye's house before Maureen typically came home after work.

They walked inside the second-story white house. Troy sat on the couch playing a video game. He was startled to see Savana walk in. He dropped his controller and tried to stand up quickly, forgetting about his broken leg.

"Ow!" Troy stumbled.

"You dumbass. Sit your ass down before you break that too!" Cully pushed him back down on the couch.

Savana giggled. Troy tried to smile at her, but his face got red. He picked up his controller and continued to play his game.

"We'll be in my room. Don't bother us unless you break your other leg." Cully glared at Troy as she pushed Savana into the bedroom.

He looked back at them. Cully stuck her tongue out at him before shutting the door.

"Fucking bitch." Troy mumbled to himself. He had trouble concentrating on his game after that. He wondered if he could hear what they were talking about.

Carefully, he got up from the couch with crutches. He slowly approached Cully's bedroom door. Their voices were muffled but loud enough to hear.

"So do you have some sort of spell on the guys in my family or what?" Cully asked as they both sat down on her bed.

"Uh, no? Why?" Savana asked.

"You have my dad and brother wrapped around your fingers." Cully was annoyed. She stood up and stepped to the window with her arms crossed. Two yellow birds flew by and landed on a bird feeder next to the patio.

Savana saw Cully upset. She got off the bed and stood next to her. "I hope you know I would never do anything with your dad. I mean he's your dad. And my dad's friend." Savana paused. "I guess, if your brother was older, I'd give him a shot."

Cully almost felt silly for thinking something could happen. They both laughed.

Troy couldn't hear anything they said except his name and laughing. He returned to the couch. The hope of getting closer to Savana disappeared. In his eyes, she was one of the prettiest girls at school. He knew at least a few other guys at school who agreed. But for most students, she wasn't popular or rich enough. She could also be intimidating when mad.

Most of the students at their school came from wealthy families. Faye and Savana weren't considered poor by usual standards, but with single parents, they didn't have as much money as the rest of the town.

Cully looked out the window again and noticed a squirrel climbing the bird feeder. It didn't make it very far before sliding back down to the ground. "Part of me knows it's nothing. But the other part of me sees the two of you smiling and laughing while he and my mom fight. I guess I just don't understand why they can't act like you and my dad do. I mean, honestly, it seems like you're trying to steal him away from her sometimes."

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