6. Sit, Eat, and Cry

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The drive to Clear Water wasn't long at all. It was a straight shot on the highway, through hill-covered country. The twenty miles between Unity and Clear Water were scenic enough to make the drive seem short. Since the girls got their licenses, they have made multiple trips to Clear Water to shop at the mall and the movie theater.

Savana texted Ezra, telling him they were almost there. She hadn't been to his new place since he moved out of her aunt Jesimae's house. Faye gasped, making Savana jump and look away from her phone.

"What? What?" Savana scanned the road, expecting a deer.

The sun was lower in the sky, so it became more difficult to see deer. She thought of when she was eight, and her dad swerved to avoid hitting a deer. Instead, they slid off the road into a snow-covered ditch. Gavin tried to control the car as it rolled up and down the ditch. After a long minute, he got the car back on the road.

Savana didn't realize the danger and considered it a roller coaster. She crawled between the front seats and shouted, "Again!" Her parents looked at her and realized she hadn't worn her seat belt. Gavin yelled at her to sit back down and put her seat belt back on. Savana didn't understand why her dad seemed so mad. Bellamere gently explained that what happened wasn't fun but very dangerous. Savana nodded and looked ahead of the car for deer.

"I look horrible!" Faye looked down at her black basketball shorts and tank top. They covered her black and white polka dot bikini she never changed out of since the lake.

Savana wondered what was wrong with Faye's look. She was always dressed in dark colors. Her pale skin and short platinum hair stood out.

Some girls at their school claimed she bleached her hair. But it was natural. Her bright blue eyes stood out as well. Savana and Cully knew those girls were jealous of Faye's appearance. Though, she could act very strange at times.

Faye continued to freak out. "I didn't think to change and I have no makeup on!"

Oh boy. Savana thought to herself. "It's okay." She tried not to laugh as she looked down at her phone and sent the message to Ezra.

"I need him to look at me!" Faye shouted. Then she glanced at Savana with realization in her eyes. "Oh my god, I just said that out loud, didn't I?" She looked back at the road in embarrassment.

Savana smiled reassuringly. "You don't have to worry about Ezra. He's seen you exactly like this a bunch of times and likes you just fine."

Faye sighed. "Maybe as a friend." She was nervous about what Savana was thinking. She got quiet and continued to watch the road.

Savana said softly. "I know you like Ezra. It can be our little secret."

Faye groaned. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I wasn't sure how you would feel about it, with him being family. I haven't told Cully either." She paused. "I think she might like him too. And I'm afraid he likes her back. I see how they look at each other sometimes. He never looks at me like that." She frowned.

Savana hesitated. "Well, I don't know if she likes him or if he likes her. I never noticed anything."

It was true she didn't know if Ezra liked anyone, but Savana couldn't bring herself to tell her that Cully liked him too. She tried to change the subject for the rest of the drive, but Faye kept returning the conversation to Ezra. She was relieved and excited to finally talk about the boy she liked to one of her best friends. Savana was happy for her but still nervous about how it could end.

They finally reached Ezra's place. It was a small house located downtown, near the university. It was a well-shaded street with tall trees in every yard. The soft green exterior made it pop from all the white houses on the block. It was Ezra's roommate's house. Apparently, he inherited it in high school. She knew nothing about him except his name, Damon Melby.

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