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"For fucks sake!" Harry groans, jaw clenching in anger.

His body is tense as anger consumes him. One of his employees sent him the wrong information for his first meeting of the day. His second meeting, though, is the reason he is extremely enraged. He didn't obtain the company he planned on buying.

Harry's hand closes the laptop with a loud thud. His feet are heavy, as he stomps his way to the speaker. He aggressively pushes down on the microphone button, alerting the office to his announcement.

"Tomlinson, my office now." Harry seethes, eyes narrowing on the button before he lets it go.


"Shit." Louis curses quietly, putting his half eaten sandwich back in the fridge.

"Good luck." Dillion says to him, watching as he gives him a thankful smile.

The minute it takes him to walk to Harry's office, feels like a lifetime as he prepares himself for what he might face.

His fingers fiddle as his legs move on autopilot, taking him to the familiar room. His knock is polite and quiet, the opposite of the response he receives.

Louis is careful when opening and closing the door, making sure it doesn't make a loud noise. He looks to his boss who is hunched over his desk, head resting in his hands, pulling at his hair.

"Hey, Babe." Louis says softly, walking over to his husband.

"I didn't get the place, Lou." Harry mumbles into the older's chest, his arms wrapping around his waist.

"That's okay." Louis massages the younger's scalp, feeling him nuzzle into his stomach in content. "You're still doing amazing."

"It's just annoying." Harry sighs before he becomes filled with rage, tightening his hold on the older. "The owner wants to keep the shop, to continue to sell socks. Like take your socks somewhere else. That's what malls are for, dickhead."

"It's not always gonna work out, Haz." Louis whispers, moving a hand to caress his cheek. "We can try again. You're not alone, so let me help you."

"You're the best husband anyone could ask for." Harry pulls Louis onto his lap by the waist.

"Too bad, I'm only yours." Louis turns his head to face the younger from his new position.

"My man." Harry connects their lips in a sweet kiss, pecking his husband's lips a second time once they pull away.

"Harry?" Louis rests his forehead on the younger's.


"You would do anything for me, right?" Louis smiles innocently at Harry, making him raise a questioning eyebrow.


"Fire Leslie." Louis turns serious, making Harry frown. "She is only here to try and sleep with you. She is telling everyone you are together."

"I just can't get a break." Harry's sighs, shaking his head disappointedly.

"It's cause you're hot. I can't blame them." Louis pecks the younger's head. "I'll still fight them though."

"I'll deal with her tomorrow."

"Good." Louis stands up, getting a pout from Harry. "I have to go now. Got work to do and all."

"Fine." Harry's sighs, smiling when Louis pecks his lips to cheer him up. "Take that folder."

Louis grabs the folder Harry points to, they use random folders as reasons to see each other. Louis gives Harry one more final kiss before walking to the door.

"See ya, Harold." Louis grins cheekily.

"That's Mr Styles, to you."

"Yeah, yeah." Louis rolls his eyes, a soft smile on his face. "I love you."

"I love you."

Harry watches Louis leave, he feels his smile drop the moment the door closes. He instantly longs to be around Louis, feel his presence, laugh at his jokes, kiss his lips and hug his waist.

He can't though, at least not while they are at work. That's when they hide. In respect of Louis, Harry complies. Because for his husband, Harry would stop at no bounds to make him happy. His favourite smile is Louis'. Why wouldn't he hide their love, if it means waking up to that sunshine smile?

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