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"Haz, just wait a minute." Louis whispers, grabbing Harry's sleeve, stopping him from getting out of the car.

"You okay, Lou?" Harry looks at his husband with worry.

"Just nervous." Louis breathes out, trying to calm his nerves.

"What for? I've been here for the past two weeks, nothing has happened." Harry tries to calm the older, rubbing his arm in comfort.

"Harry, you're the boss. No one can say anything to you. You're scary and important." Louis sighs, smiling softly when the younger hugs him over the console. "I'm not."

"Lou, listen to me." Harry cups Louis' jaw. "You are important. Very important to me, the company, Julie, Thomas and Dillion. You have people around you that will protect you. I will not let anything happen to you."

"Do you think people will hate me?" Louis whispers, wrapping his arms tighter around Harry's neck.

"No. Why would someone hate you for loving me? There is nothing wrong with it. Just remember to breathe." Harry kisses his husband softly. "Now go show everyone how beautiful, amazing and talented you are."

"Okay." Louis smiles softly, feeling slightly calmer. "I love you."

"I know, Lou. I love you." Harry kisses his lips one last time before pulling away.

Harry gets out of the car, going around the side and opening the passenger door for Louis. Louis kisses the younger's cheek in appreciation as he gets out the car.

Harry is just glad the media have left them alone for the last week. He knows it would be a disaster if they were here and bombarded Louis with questions.

Louis entwines their hands, calming down at the feeling of comfort. Harry opens the entrance to the office building, walking with Louis down the hallway.

"Harry?" Louis asks as they near the office space, making the younger stop to look at him. "Will you walk me to my desk?"

"Of course, Lou." Harry caresses his cheek before he starts walking again.

Louis removes his hand from the younger's, giving him an apologetic smile. Harry smiles at him softly before they walk into the open offices.

Louis follows slightly behind Harry. They can feel the eyes watching them. Harry keeps his head held high, ignoring the stares on them.

Harry pulls Louis' chair out when they reach his desk. He smiles softly as Louis thanks him. Harry pushes the older's chair in, kissing his head as he does so.

"You'll be okay." Harry whispers, kissing his temple. "Come get me if you need to."

Louis nods, kissing the younger's cheek. He watches as Harry leaves the open space, heading into the hallway to go to his office.

Louis doesn't look up, scared of seeing everyone's judgement. He takes a moment to steady his breathing, calming down.

"It's okay, Louis." Dillion pats his shoulder in reassurance.

"Yeah." Louis smiles slightly at him, calming himself down.


"How's Lou?" Harry asks once he has finished his business conversation with Dillion in his office.

"Still a bit shaky. He keeps looking around every now and then. I think he's slowly relaxing though. Dillion smiles reassuringly at Harry.

"Thank you, for keeping an eye on him." Harry says genuinely, shocking Dillion a bit.

"It's all good. He's my mate. We look after each other." Dillion shrugs. "I'll be leaving now, have work to do and all."

"Best be on your way then." Harry chuckles.

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