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"Would you please, just take a test. It would make me feel so much better." Harry sighs, caressing Louis' hand.

"No. I don't need to." Louis removes his hand from Harry's. "Don't even think about that, it's not a possibility."

"Lou, you've been sick for almost two weeks now. It would just reassure me. I want us to be sure." Harry grabs Louis' wrist gently to stop him from walking away.

"I'm not pregnant. We have been safe every time. Plus, I haven't been in the position to get pregnant for a while." Louis sighs, leaning his head on Harry's shoulder in exhaustion. "Which is why we should be thankful you can't get pregnant."

"Anything can happen, Lou. Just take a rest and I'll drop the subject." Harry massages the older's scalp.

"Okay." Louis whispers, sighing before standing up straight.

"They are in the top left draw."

"Can't believe you already have some." Louis groans, walking into the bathroom.


"What's it say?" Harry whispers, nervous to know the answer.

"What do you want it to say?" Louis asks, fiddling with his fingers.

"It is what it is, Lou. What I want doesn't matter." Harry shrugs, trying to smile softly at the older.

"I'm not pregnant." Harry sighs in relief.

"Did you want it to be?" Harry asks softly once he sees Louis' slight frown.

"I don't know." Louis sighs, taking a seat on their bed. "I was starting to picture a little you running around. But I think I'm more relieved. I don't think I'm ready for a child. We still have time, we're only young."

"We have time. When we think we are ready we can talk about it. Whether we adopt, surrogate or you want to carry." Harry caresses Louis' hand, comforting him as best as he can.

"I don't know if I wanna be pregnant. It's still frowned upon." Louis whispers, leaning into Harry's side.

"It's quiet common now, one in every three men can get pregnant." Harry kisses the older's head. "I think it's amazing that if we wanted to we could have a baby that has both our DNA."

"Yeah." Louis sighs out softly. "Guess I should see a doctor than. Still don't know why I've been feeling so sick."

"I can get you an appointment tomorrow." Harry caresses Louis' hip. "For now, we should get some food in you. How about tacos?"

"Sounds good. Can I help?"

"You can be in charge of the cheese." Harry smiles, standing up with Louis. "At least then there isn't as much of a risk of a house fire."

"I'm not that bad in the kitchen." Louis rolls his eyes.

"The room filled with smoke one day, all because you wanted to make toast and forgot about it." Harry raises an eyebrow at the older.

"Not my fault." Louis huffs, walking down the stairs.

"Putting the cheese on the bench is a vital step." Harry tries to make Louis feel better.

"After that, can I watch you?" Louis asks, entering the kitchen with Harry.

"Sure. Just don't touch anything."


Louis takes the cheese out the freezer, placing it on the bench to let it defrost. Harry starts cooking the meat, putting the tacos in the oven as he does so. Louis takes a seat on the bench, next to Harry.

"How about a kiss for the chef?" Harry grins, turning to Louis once he has cut the meat up in the pan.

"I don't think so. Don't want him to be distracted." Louis smiles cheekily.

"Just one?" Harry pouts, leaning against the bench.

"I guess just one is fine." Louis rolls his eyes playfully.

Harry grins, cupping the older's face. Louis tilts Harry's head, using a finger on his chin. He pulls the younger close by wrapping his legs around his waist.

Harry connects their lips, letting Louis control the kiss. Louis deepens the kiss, for a short moment before bitting the younger's lip. Harry moans softly, making him pull away.

"That's enough for now. We need to actually eat dinner." Louis chuckles at Harry's pout. "Don't want a house fire."

"You're such a tease." Harry stirs the meat.

"You know you love it, baby." Louis gets off the bench, wrapping his arms around Harry from behind.

"Hey, watch it." Harry slaps Louis' hands when the older moves them down too far, making Louis laugh.

Louis holds his hands up in surrender, moving away from the younger. He sits back on the bench, watching Harry contently.

"Do you think I would look cute pregnant?" Louis asks quietly after a few minutes of comfortable silence, making Harry freeze.

"What?" Harry turns to the older, getting a shrug in response. "I think you would be absolutely beautiful, stunning, adorable and you would definitely be glowing."

Louis smiles softly, looking down at his legs. He can sense Harry watching him. He starts to wonder if Harry even wants a kid with him. Are they gonna be ready for a child anytime soon?

"Lou, what's on your mind?" Harry asks softly, caressing his husband's knee.

"Do you want me to have our children or child?" Louis looks at Harry, a slight frown on his face.

"It's up to you, Lou. It's your body. If you want to go through with a pregnancy than I would be over the moon. If you wanna adopt, I'll be over the moon. I don't care how we start our family. Having a family with you is all I want in this world." Harry sighs, wrapping his arms around Louis' waist.

"Do you think we are ready?" Louis asks softly, kissing the younger's head.

"I don't think anyone is ever one hundred percent ready. I know we would be amazing parents, though. They would be one loved little munchkin." Harry kisses Louis' cheek before pulling away. "We would have support around us. We would learn. I know we could do."

"I love you, Harry." Louis smiles fondly at the younger.

"I love you, Louis." Harry turns to him with a wide smile before turning back to the food. "Now stop distracting me, I need to make us dinner."

"Sorry, I'll go get a movie ready." Louis chuckles exiting the kitchen.


"Harry?" Louis tilts his head to look at Harry, who is laying on his chest.

"Yeah?" Harry looks up at him.

"I want to have our baby. Not now, but I wanna carry them." Louis smiles softly as Harry's face lights up.

"I love you." Harry wraps his arms around Louis' waist, holding him tightly. "So fucking much."

"I love you." Louis massages Harry's scalp, turning his head to watch the movie.

Harry leaves a kiss to Louis chest before turning his head to watch the movie. He feels Louis pull the blanket up to his shoulders, protecting him from the cold.

"We'll be alright." Harry mumbles, getting a kiss on the head in response.

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