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Louis covers his mouth as a yawn slips. He looks over as he hears the bedroom door opening. He waits for Harry to walk in before crossing his arms and frowning at his husband.

"Harold, you're late." He pouts, watching as Harry's eyes soften.

"I'm sorry, go back to sleep." Harry leans down to kiss his husband's cheek.

"Go shower." Louis mumbles turning his back to the younger.

Harry sighs as he walks away from the bed. He should have known better as he has been coming home late for a week now. He is currently working fourteen hours a day, leaving little room for sleep and Louis.

"Hurry up, I wanna cuddle." Louis calls out before Harry has opened the bathroom door.

Harry smiles softly, thankful Louis isn't mad at him. He knows he is making the older worry, but he needs this property and he won't rest till he gets it.


Louis rolls over to rest his head on Harry's chest as soon as the younger has laid down and got comfortable. He leaves a peck to Harry's chest, sighing in content.

"I love you."

"I love you, Lou."


"Tomlinson, blue folder, my office." Harry pushes the microphone button down.

Harry releases the button, walking to his desk calmly. He waits patiently for his husband to enter. His face lights up when Louis walks in, not bothering to knock.

He watches with a wide grin as Louis walks towards him. The older places a blue folder on his desk, catching Harry's eyes and smiling softly at him.

"Your folder." Harry raises an eyebrow at the smirk Louis gives him.

"What's in the folder, Louis?" Harry picks the folder up cautiously.

"It won't bite you." Louis chuckles at the younger's caution.

Harry's cautious looks drops to one of complete amusement. He laughs loudly as he looks at the memes of himself.

"Where did you even get this picture?" Harry stares at a picture of him from high school.

"Thomas." Louis shrugs, biting back his smile.

"This is even better than when you wanted me to buy you a puppy." Harry chuckles as he carefully places the folder back on his desk.

"Buy me a puppy." Louis flutters his eyelashes at the younger, getting a chuckle and a shake of the head in response. "Bummer."

"We don't have time for a puppy." Harry caresses the older's cheek.

"You could bring it into work, you're the boss, no one would say anything." Louis pouts as Harry stands up to sit on the edge of his desk.

"No, it would be a distraction." Harry kisses Louis' pout, pulling him in by the waist to stand between his legs.

"Please, Hazza."

"No, Lou."

"Yes, Hazzie." Louis whines, tilting his head to the side, to try and look cuter.

"Boobear, stop." Harry pecks Louis' nose, a gesture to tell him to stop the topic.

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